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Heroin Rehab Center in New Jersey

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Heroin Rehab Center in New Jersey

Compared to the U.S. population, New Jersey residents have unusually high exposure to opioid problems. That includes problems with one of the country’s most high-profile street drugs: heroin. In fact, over 40% of all state residents who seek substance treatment do so for heroin-related reasons. Are you or your loved one affected by untreated heroin addiction? You can recover with help from professional detox and rehab services. Timely access to these services can also help you avoid the many other harms associated with long-term heroin use. 

Looking for a heroin rehab center in New Jersey? Relevance Recovery is your source for modern services that meet the highest standards for quality care. And we provide these services in a setting that emphasizes dignity and respect for your uniqueness as an individual. Our goal is to help you make both short- and long-term strides toward a reliable, heroin-free lifestyle.

Relevance Recovery offers drug addiction and mental health treatment in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about our multiple pathways approach.

The Basics of Heroin and Heroin Addiction

Like its parent drug, morphine, heroin comes from chemicals found in seed pods of the opium poppy. In its pure form, the drug is a white powder similar in appearance to cocaine.

When you take heroin, molecules of the drug latch onto opioid receptors found in both your body and brain. It then activates these receptors and triggers effects that include:

  • A slowdown of your central nervous system’s normal operating speed
  • Subsequent slowing of your heart and breathing rates
  • Feelings of extreme pleasure, also known as euphoria

Heroin Addiction

Your brain can get accustomed to the presence of heroin. If this happens, you’ve developed a form of physical drug dependence. Most people who become dependent start out by using heroin repeatedly so they can re-experience its euphoric effects. If you keep using the drug at this stage, you may soon find yourself affected by clinical addiction. Experts view two things as the defining hallmarks of all forms of addiction:

  • Compulsively, i.e., involuntarily, seeking more of a given substance
  • Using that substance without any real regard for how it may harm you or other people

Once it occurs, addiction is chronic and alters your brain in lasting ways. Among other things, this means that there is always a chance that you will relapse back into heroin use.

To learn more about heroin and heroin addiction, consult the experts at Relevance Recovery today.

Woman resting her head on her friend and shedding tears.
Heroin In A Syringe And Heroin Powder On A Black

Additional Possible Consequences of Ongoing Heroin Use

The dangers of heroin go far beyond addiction itself. When you use the drug over and over, you can gradually alter your brain’s basic function, as well as its structure. Some of the most important changes occur in the white matter that supports the brain’s primary nerve cells. Damage to your white matter can potentially interfere with your ability to:

  • Control your behavior
  • Respond to stress in healthy ways
  • Make reasonable or logical decisions

Long-term heroin use can also lead to a slew of other significant health problems. Examples of these problems include:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Insomnia
  • Increased risks for tuberculosis and pneumonia

You may also experience serious problems related to the way in which you get heroin into your system. Moreover, anyone who uses the drug runs the inescapable risk of a heroin overdose. 

Want more information on the additional dangers of using heroin? Talk to the knowledgeable staff at Relevance.

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Entering Detox at a Heroin Rehab Center in New Jersey

If you hope to achieve heroin sobriety, you must find a way to stop using the drug. But if you’re addicted, quitting has an important consequence. Namely, it can trigger withdrawal symptoms capable of sapping your will to break the cycle of addiction. Common symptoms of heroin withdrawal include:

  • Cramping muscles
  • Bouts of nausea and vomiting
  • Feelings of anxiousness
  • Loose bowels
  • Alternating hot and cold sensations in your body
  • Sleeplessness 

Fortunately, there are ways to weaken the impact of withdrawal and increase your chances of reaching a heroin-free state. The help you need is available in a supervised drug detox program. The support you receive in detox will help you:

  • Feel more comfortable and stable
  • Recover from any effects of dehydration
  • Correct any nutritional deficiencies affecting you

Medication is also a common element of heroin detox, in particular. The medication you receive may help you transition gradually from uncontrolled drug use to an initial state of sobriety. It may also help ease specific symptoms of heroin withdrawal. As an added bonus, your detox team can help you get ready to start active rehab once you’re heroin-free.

Want further details on what happens in heroin detox at a New Jersey rehab center? Get the facts you need at Relevance.

photo of canopy from bottom view where the sulight is coming from

Options for Active Heroin Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

Once you’re sober, it’s time to continue your progress toward a durable, drug-free lifestyle. You undertake this task in a treatment program that actively supports your recovery needs. For people addicted to heroin or any other opioid, the modern standard for effective care is medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

In MAT, you receive the benefit of both medication and psychotherapy. A MAT medication can help you do such things as:

  • Restore some of your normal brain function
  • Ease your heroin cravings
  • Stop heroin or other opioids from producing euphoria

Modern psychotherapy options for heroin recovery have a behavioral focus. This means that they aim to help you make changes that positively affect how you act in everyday life. Specific options that can help you recover from heroin-related problems include contingency management and community reinforcement. They also include family therapy and 12-step facilitation therapy. 

Talk to the specialists at Relevance today for more information on MAT for heroin addiction. 

“The treatment experience at Relevance has been extremely helpful in terms of addressing the root causes of my addiction and teaching me different tools in recovery. All of the counselors provide interactive groups and individual meetings to help make recovery exciting. Treatment here has also helped me identify my goals and breaking them down into manageable pieces.”

– B.S.

Dual Diagnosis and N.J. Heroin Addiction Treatment

Many people enrolled in a heroin rehab center in New Jersey also have an independently diagnosable mental illness. When such an illness affects you at the same time as addiction, you have what’s called a dual diagnosis. Effective care for dual diagnosis depends on a treatment plan that combines addiction recovery with mental illness recovery. Contact Relevance today to find out more about how this kind of plan works. 

Photot of a canopy from a top view
Man sitting on a sofa after doing drugs

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Seek Help From Relevance Recovery’s Heroin Rehab Center in New Jersey

Relevance Recovery features comprehensive services for anyone affected by heroin addiction. Use our onsite detox program to end your habitual intake and establish initial sobriety. Then move on to our MAT-based heroin rehab program. Completion of this program helps you set the basic conditions for a durable, drug-free daily routine. 

At Relevance, we understand that people who enter heroin treatment come from diverse backgrounds. As a result, they have diverse recovery needs. To maximize your chances for success, we offer a range of specialized services for various population groups. That includes adults, teenagers, first responders and members of the LGBTQ community. We also make treatment available in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Just choose the options that best fit your unique situation. Contact us today to learn more about our full range of offerings.

Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.