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VA Insurance Mental Health & Substance Abuse Center

Mental health issues and substance abuse are a part of every aspect of American life, including our devoted military servicemen, women, and their families. These issues are not unique to any one group of people, including our loved ones. We recognize the bravery and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans and the importance of supporting them when they need it most.

At Relevance Recovery we are dedicated to helping veterans and their loved ones recover from substance abuse as well as mental health issues. We understand that the recovery process can be expensive, but there is a way to pay for it – VA insurance.

VA insurance isn’t just about coverage, it’s about our veterans’ health. VA insurance links military assets to civilian health care providers, providing a variety of services, including substance use and mental health support.

Looking for a rehab center that not only accepts VA insurance but also prioritizes your mental well-being? Look no further! Our rehab center is dedicated to providing compassionate care to veterans like you. Our specialized recovery program is tailored to meet the unique needs of veterans, and we are committed to helping you utilize your VA insurance to access the vital rehab and mental health services you deserve.

The Basics Of VA Insurance

Uncover the fundamentals of VA Insurance, a program tailored exclusively for active-duty servicewomen and servicemen, along with other military-related groups. 

If you enlisted after September 7, 1980, or entered active duty after October 16, 1981

You must have served continuously for 24 months or the full period for which you were called to active duty, unless certain exceptions apply. 

This minimum duty requirement may not apply if any of these are true:

  • You were discharged for a disability that was caused—or made worse—by your active-duty service, or
  • You were discharged for a hardship or “early out,” or
  • You served prior to September 7, 1980

If you’re currently serving or have served in the Reserves or National Guard

You must have been called to active duty by a federal order and completed the full period for which you were called or ordered to active duty. It’s important to note that if you had or have active-duty status solely for training purposes, you won’t be eligible for VA health care. 

Moreover, if you served in specific locations and time periods during the Vietnam War era

you are entitled to VA health care. To delve deeper into eligibility for VA health care, look no further than here.

We Work with Most Major Insurance Carriers

VA Insurance: Veterans Substance Abuse Recovery At Relevance

Serving our nation is no easy feat, and it often brings along its own set of hurdles. Unfortunately, some veterans, who have bravely devoted themselves to our country, may find themselves grappling with substance abuse. At Relevance Recovery, we recognize the unique challenges that veterans encounter, and we are committed to offering the assistance and compassion required to conquer substance abuse.

We take great care in crafting programs that cater specifically to veterans, taking into account their unique experiences and requirements from their time in the military. Our approach towards tackling substance abuse problems is both comprehensive and empathetic, ensuring a clear and effective journey towards recovery.

At Relevance, we hold the belief that your service deserves utmost reverence, and we are here to aid you in your journey towards healing and reclaiming control over your life. Our team of experts is wholeheartedly devoted to guiding you through the various challenges that may arise, whether they pertain to substance abuse, mental health issues, or a combination of the two.

You don’t need to confront this battle on your own. Allow us to stand by your side as your allies in this fight. Together, we can assist you in discovering hope, resilience, and a more promising future. At Relevance Recovery, we are dedicated to aiding veterans in overcoming substance abuse and mental health obstacles. Rest assured, we are here to guide you through the initial stages towards a healthier and happier life

drug and alcohol treatment centers new jersey
drug and alcohol treatment centers new jersey

For Veterans with VA Insurance we offer a variety of treatment such as:

Detox: Detoxification is a purification process that aids the body in eliminating the toxins that have been stored up during the period of drug consumption.

Medically Managed Detoxification: Break free from the chains of substance abuse and find lasting stability through our reliable and effective methods.

Drug Substitution Therapies: Suboxone, an innovative medication, is commonly prescribed to help decrease cravings, especially for those struggling with opiate addiction.

Inpatient Therapy: The main objectives of inpatient drug treatment are to equip clients with the necessary tools to effectively reduce or prevent relapse, regain confidence and self-esteem, and acquire the resources and skills to combat substance cravings.

Outpatient Therapy: Relevance Recovery’s outpatient drug rehab programs and coaches utilize a variety of proven techniques to enhance and optimize the quality of life for individuals seeking treatment.

Counseling and Therapy: We offer various therapeutic approaches, such as:
  • Short-term outpatient counseling
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Marriage and family counseling
  • Self-help groups
  • Residential (live-in) care
  • Continuing care and relapse prevention to safeguard against returning to substance use problems.

Specialized Veteran Programs: Specialized programs are available to support specific groups, such as women Veterans, combat Veterans returning from service, and homeless Veterans.

Treatment and Support for Co-Occurring Conditions:  In addition, we cater to individuals with health conditions that are related to substance abuse, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression.

Sober Living: Suboxone is an innovative medication that helps reduce cravings, especially for opiate addiction

At Relevance Recovery, we are dedicated to supporting your unique recovery journey by offering a variety of effective treatment options. Our goal is to help you attain a life that is healthier, happier, and free from substance use.

What To Expect From Our Mental Health Therapy

Seeking treatment for mental health issues is crucial in taking back control of your life. Our professional staff is here to help you create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your values and goals. If you’re also struggling with substance use disorder, our facility is a great option to consider.

Different mental health treatment programs have varying approaches and intensity levels, depending on the treatment you opt for. There are many options to consider, such as inpatient and outpatient therapies, holistic approaches, and different types of psychotherapeutic and talk therapies.

Relevance Recovery offers various treatment modalities focused on individual recovery and life. They provide a wide range of programs, such as inpatient and outpatient options, as well as holistic and adventure-based programs. Inpatient therapy is a more intensive treatment where clients stay at the facility 24/7 and receive detox treatment. Outpatient therapy offers the same level of intensive therapies but allows clients to live at home and fulfill their responsibilities. Holistic therapies incorporate activities like yoga and meditation to address physical and spiritual well-being. Relevance Recovery aims to heal the whole person, including their mind, body, and spirit, for the best possible treatment.

If you’re looking to regain control and balance in your life, Relevance Recovery, a mental health center, can provide you with the support you need.

Relevance Recovery Provides Veterans Treatment

Relevance Recovery offers a range of treatment options for veterans with VA Insurance. Our dedicated staff is committed to helping our clients heal their mind, body, and spirit in a warm, inviting, and secure facility. Contact us at 8662451497 or visit our admissions page to learn how Relevance Recovery can assist you in achieving wellness today.

New Jersey- addiction treatment
addiction treatment in New Jersey

We believe in Holistic Therapies.

holistic addiction treatment

Biosound Therapy

Biosound Therapy is the integration of Biofeedback, Therapeutic Music, sound healing massage, and guided imagery. The guided imagery selections on the Biofeedback Bed are designed to address the guilt, fear, shame and trauma associated as underlying issues for most dealing with addiction. These moving meditations begin with a journey to a completely relaxed state of mind. Then, utilizing a unique echo effect, powerful and positive affirmations are delivered. This combination helps the client overcome those deep rooted, negative patterns of thought and behavior.


Equine Psychotherapy

Equine-Assisted Therapy is used to treat patients challenged with everything from drug and alcohol abuse dependency and post-traumatic stress syndrome. The therapy takes advantage of the mental and physical exercise that working with a horse can provide. Equine therapy:

*This is an optional, additional therapeutic therapy available after clinical treatment hours.


Massage Therapy

Clients at Relevance receive weekly massage therapy from our Licensed Therapists. Some additional benefits include:

Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.