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NYSHIP (New York State Health Insurance Plan)

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NYSHIP Rehab Coverage

Are you or someone you care about struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? The road to recovery can feel overwhelming, but there is hope. With NYSHIP-Covered Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction, you have a lifeline to regain control of your life.

NYSHIP (New York State Health Insurance Program) offers comprehensive coverage for addiction treatment, ensuring that you receive the care you need without breaking the bank. One of the standout features is the maximum out-of-pocket benefits, which provide financial relief in your journey to sobriety.

At Relevance Recovery, we will help you to navigate the world of addiction treatment, but with NYSHIP, you have a partner by your side. From detoxification and inpatient rehab to outpatient programs and ongoing support, there are a range of options available to meet your individual needs.


NYSHIP is the New York State Health Insurance Program – a comprehensive health insurance program for New York State public employees comprising The Empire Plan and NYSHIP-approved Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

There are two options for health insurance plans that you can choose from under NYSHIP: The Empire Plan and NYSHIP-approved Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs).

  • NYSHIP HMOs are offered in different parts of New York State. Depending on your residence or workplace, you will have access to one or more HMO plans.
  • On the other hand, the Empire Plan is available to all State of New York employees and Employers, regardless of where they are located.

We Work with Most Major Insurance Carriers

NYSHIP-Covered Treatment For Addiction

NYSHIP offers a lifeline to individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction by providing comprehensive coverage for addiction treatment. As a participant in NYSHIP, you have access to a network of providers who specialize in addiction treatment and are committed to helping you overcome your addiction.

The NYSHIP-covered treatment for addiction includes a wide range of services, such as detoxification, inpatient rehabilitation, outpatient programs, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and ongoing support. This comprehensive approach ensures that you receive the necessary care and support at every step of your recovery journey.

One of the key advantages of NYSHIP-covered treatment is the flexibility it offers. You have the freedom to choose the type of treatment that best suits your needs, whether it’s inpatient rehabilitation for more intensive care or outpatient programs for greater flexibility. NYSHIP also covers the cost of medications prescribed for addiction treatment, ensuring that you have access to the necessary medications without any financial burden.

drug and alcohol treatment centers new jersey
drug and alcohol treatment centers new jersey

Benefits Of NYSHIP-Covered Treatment

NYSHIP-covered treatment for addiction comes with a range of benefits that can make a significant difference in your recovery journey. 

  • One of the most notable benefits is the maximum out-of-pocket benefits provided by NYSHIP. This means that there is a limit to the amount you have to pay out of your own pocket for addiction treatment.
  • Knowing that there is a cap on your expenses can alleviate some of the stress associated with seeking treatment and allow you to focus on your recovery without worrying about the financial burden.
  • In addition to the maximum out-of-pocket benefits, NYSHIP-covered treatment also ensures that you have access to a wide network of providers who specialize in addiction treatment.

Maximum Out-Of-Pocket Benefits For Addiction Treatment

The maximum out-of-pocket benefits for addiction treatment under NYSHIP provide a safety net and financial relief for individuals seeking treatment. These benefits place a cap on the amount you have to pay out of your own pocket, ensuring that the cost of addiction treatment does not become a barrier to your recovery.

It’s important to note that the specific maximum out-of-pocket amount may vary depending on your specific NYSHIP plan and coverage. It’s essential to review your plan documents or contact your NYSHIP representative to determine the exact amount of maximum out-of-pocket benefits available to you.

This allows you to focus on your recovery and receive the care and support you need to overcome addiction.

How To Verify Coverage For Addiction Treatment Under NYSHIP

Before seeking addiction treatment, it’s crucial to verify your coverage under NYSHIP. 
  • To verify your coverage for addiction treatment, start by reviewing your NYSHIP plan documents. 
  • Pay close attention to the maximum out-of-pocket benefits, as well as any limitations or requirements for accessing treatment.
  • If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out to your NYSHIP representative. 
  • They can provide you with the information you need and guide you through the process of verifying your coverage for addiction treatment.
New Jersey- addiction treatment
addiction treatment in New Jersey

We believe in Holistic Therapies.

holistic addiction treatment

Biosound Therapy

Biosound Therapy is the integration of Biofeedback, Therapeutic Music, sound healing massage, and guided imagery. The guided imagery selections on the Biofeedback Bed are designed to address the guilt, fear, shame and trauma associated as underlying issues for most dealing with addiction. These moving meditations begin with a journey to a completely relaxed state of mind. Then, utilizing a unique echo effect, powerful and positive affirmations are delivered. This combination helps the client overcome those deep rooted, negative patterns of thought and behavior.


Equine Psychotherapy

Equine-Assisted Therapy is used to treat patients challenged with everything from drug and alcohol abuse dependency and post-traumatic stress syndrome. The therapy takes advantage of the mental and physical exercise that working with a horse can provide. Equine therapy:

*This is an optional, additional therapeutic therapy available after clinical treatment hours.


Massage Therapy

Clients at Relevance receive weekly massage therapy from our Licensed Therapists. Some additional benefits include:

Finding NYSHIP-Approved Treatment Providers

Once you’ve verified your coverage under NYSHIP, the next step is to find NYSHIP-approved treatment providers. NYSHIP has a network of providers who specialize in addiction treatment and are committed to helping individuals overcome addiction.

Start by contacting your NYSHIP representative or visiting the NYSHIP website to get a list of approved treatment providers in your area. It’s important to choose a provider who has experience and expertise in addiction treatment, as they will be able to provide you with the highest level of care and support.

When selecting a treatment provider, consider factors such as their accreditation, reputation, treatment approach, and the services they offer. It’s also a good idea to schedule a consultation or visit the facility to get a sense of their environment and the level of support they provide.


Steps To Take For Utilizing NYSHIP For Addiction Treatment

Utilizing NYSHIP benefits for addiction treatment involves a few essential steps. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and successful treatment journey:
  1. Verify your coverage: Review your NYSHIP plan documents and contact your NYSHIP representative to verify your coverage for addiction treatment. Understand the maximum out-of-pocket benefits and any limitations or requirements for accessing treatment.
  2. Find an approved treatment provider: Contact your NYSHIP representative or visit the NYSHIP website to get a list of approved treatment providers in your area. Choose a provider who specializes in addiction treatment.
  3. Schedule an assessment: Once you’ve selected a treatment provider, schedule an assessment to determine the appropriate level of care for your needs.
  4. Begin treatment: Once your treatment plan has been developed, you can begin your addiction treatment journey.
  5. Follow through with aftercare: After completing your initial treatment, it’s important to follow through with aftercare to maintain your sobriety and prevent relapse.

Way to Recovery Through NYSHIP-Covered Treatment

NYSHIP offers a lifeline to individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction by providing comprehensive coverage for addiction treatment.

With NYSHIP-covered treatment, you have access to a network of providers who specialize in addiction treatment and are committed to helping you overcome your addiction. The maximum out-of-pocket benefits offered by NYSHIP provide financial relief and peace of mind, ensuring that the cost of addiction treatment does not become a barrier to your recovery.

At Relevance Recovery, our compassionate team is here to support you on your journey to recovery and help you reclaim your life from addiction. 

Take advantage of the NYSHIP-Covered Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction and begin your journey towards recovery today. 

Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.