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Magna Care Drug Rehab Coverage

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There are many reasons people are reluctant to get help for addiction. They may not feel their problem is that bad. They may be dealing with stigmas. They may just not want to get help.

While all these issues can be easily argued, there is one big reason that keeps people from getting the assistance they need and that’s money. Rehab can cost thousands of dollars making it unaffordable for many people.

Fortunately, there are ways to relieve the financial burden of overcoming addiction. There are several insurance companies that provide coverage for users looking to get help. One of these companies is MagnaCare.

MagnaCare is an insurance company that was founded in 1992. They launched to help labor union workers afford radiology and laboratory medical services. They have since expanded to provide coverage for other medical issues including addiction and its underlying causes.

Their network covers more than 225 hospitals and over 130,000 doctors. They offer a variety of health care plans including HDHP/CDHP, PPO, POS and EPO plans.

Read on to find out how MagnaCare rehab can help you overcome your addiction issues.

Does MagnaCare Pay for Drug Rehab?

MagnaCare treatment covers drug rehab and provides treatment for many types of addiction. Their rehab facilities can help you overcome addiction to:

  • Marijuana
  • Stimulants
  • Alcohol
  • Opioids
  • Hallucinogens
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines

What Does MagnaCare Cover for Addiction?

MagnaCare behavioral health coverage covers various treatments that are essential in the recovery process. These include the following:


Detox is typically the first step of recovery. It involves patients allowing their bodies to process out toxic chemicals. During this phase, individuals often experience withdrawal symptoms that make them want to go back to using.

Rehab facilities provide assisted detox. A member of the medical staff oversees the patient to ensure they remain as comfortable as possible. They are provided with medications to relieve symptoms and they are supervised to ensure relapse does not occur.

Inpatient Treatments

Inpatient treatment involves the patient being checked into a rehab facility. They are assessed to find the underlying cause of addiction. Therapists use the information they find to work out a treatment plan they feel will be most effective.

Treatment plans may vary and may incorporate a combination of traditional and alternative therapies. Most have the underlying goal of treating addiction at its root and coming up with healthy coping mechanisms that replace the urge to use drugs and alcohol.

Outpatient Treatments

Outpatient treatment may be used as a primary treatment, or it may be recommended as a follow up to inpatient treatment. It involves the patient going for therapy while living in society and carrying out some of the tasks of everyday life.

There are three types of outpatient treatments, and these vary according to how much therapy the patient needs. They are broken down as follows.

Partial Hospitalization: Partial hospitalization involves patients staying in the facility during the day and going home to their families at night.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment: Individuals in an outpatient program will participate in several therapy sessions a week but they will not need to attend on a full-time basis.

Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient treatment involves a couple, or maybe even just one, therapy session a week.

Outpatient treatments are generally recommended to patients that have a healthy home life where no one is abusive or uses drugs. They help the individual adjust to daily life while getting the support they need to maintain sobriety.


Medication is often incorporated in the recovery process. It can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some examples:

Reducing Withdrawal Symptoms: Medications are often used to reduce withdrawal symptoms that manifest during the detox process. Antidepressants relieve depression, benzodiazepines decrease feelings of anxiety and irritability. Clonidine minimizes physical symptoms like cramps, sweating, aches and seizures.

Alcohol Addiction: Medication can also be used to make using less pleasurable breaking the cycle of addiction. Naltrexone is a drug that blocks receptors in the brain to make drinking less enjoyable. Acamprosate reduces feelings of anxiety that may cause a person to drink. Disulfiram produces side effects like nausea and vomiting when alcohol is consumed.

Heroin and Opiate Addiction: Medicines that reduce heroin and opiate addiction work in a similar way to those that treat alcohol addiction. In fact, naltrexone can be used to treat both alcoholics and opioid users. Methadone activates receptors in the brain that are affected by opioid use without getting the patient high, reducing addictive tendencies. Buprenorphine is similar to methadone, but it is not as addictive.

Naloxone is used to reverse the effects of an overdose. It has been effective in saving many lives in the past.

Anti-anxiety and antidepressants may also be prescribed in the treatment process. They treat the underlying causes of addiction making addicts less likely to use.

Co-Occurring Disorders

It is common for people with mental disorders to use drugs and alcohol. They may not want to reach out for help because they are ashamed to admit they have a problem, or they may not think their dependency issues are that bad. Instead of getting the aid they need, they turn to drugs and alcohol instead.

While drugs and alcohol may temporarily mask their symptoms, ultimately, it takes them on a downward spiral making addiction worse. It can produce highs that lead to devastating lows and increase feelings of anxiety and depression. It can cause financial difficulty, troubled relationships and legal issues.

MagnaCare behavioral coverage treats addiction at its root. It provides financial assistance for the treatment of co-occurring disorders, so patients no longer need to turn to drugs and alcohol to reduce their symptoms. They are provided with healthy coping mechanisms that replace the need to drink or use drugs.

We Work with Most Major Insurance Carriers

How Long Does MagnaCare Pay for Rehab?

MagnaCare pays for rehab as long as it’s needed. 

If a medical professional determines an individual requires inpatient treatment, MagnaCare will cover it whether it’s a 30-, 60- or 90-day plan. 

If the person needs ongoing outpatient care, the company may cover treatment for a specific amount of time.  After that time is up, the patient will be reevaluated and medical professionals will determine if they are still eligible for treatment. 

Man consoling other man with holding hands

Relevance Rehab Takes MagnaCare

There are many treatment programs that accept MagnaCare, but Relevance Recovery is one of the best.

We start treatment by assessing each patient’s individual situation. We run exams to determine their physical and mental health and underlying causes for using drugs. Then we work out a customized treatment plan that is best suited to their needs.

Patients may be enrolled in our partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient or outpatient programs. We assess the extent of their addiction to determine the most effective plan. In some cases, patients may start out in a partial hospitalization program and work their way down to outpatient treatment.

We pride ourselves in taking an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach that we feel sets us apart. We use a combination of traditional therapies, such as psychotherapy, along with ancillary therapies like massage, music therapy and biofeedback. We strive to create a mind-body balance that is effective in helping patients overcome addiction.

After patients graduate from our program, they move on to a sober living facility where they are taught skills that will help them be productive in their professional lives. They are encouraged to participate in our nonprofit substance abuse prevention program, CFC. At this stage, they are given the support they need as they adjust to sober living.

Fighting addiction isn’t easy. Don’t let money be another obstacle. MagnaCare rehab gives you the financial support you need.

Call Relevance Recovery today to find out exactly what you can be covered for. We will tell you what to expect. We will give you the guidance you require to move on with this next phase of your life and find the happiness you deserve.

Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.