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Anxiety Treatment & Rehab Center in New Jersey

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Introduction to Anxiety

Anxiety is something that everyone deals with at some point in their lives. But for some people, it is more than just a temporary emotional state. It’s a long-lasting condition that puts a dark shadow over everything they do.

Some people suffer with anxiety so badly that they are unable to get out of bed in the morning. They may have trouble completing even the simplest of tasks. Their anxiety may get in the way of their professional and personal relationships.

The good news is there are ways to treat anxiety, including inpatient and outpatient anxiety treatment. Read on to find out what you can do to treat the mental conditions that may be getting in the way of your ability to enjoy life.

Overview of Anxiety

Most of us have experienced anxiety in our lifetimes, but occasional feelings of anxiety are quite different from a disorder.

If you have anxiety, you may have feelings of fear, dread and uneasiness. You may sweat and experience a rapid heart rate that makes it difficult to concentrate.

But imagine having these feelings on an ongoing basis. In most instances, you may not even be able to figure out what’s causing these symptoms. That’s what it’s like to have an anxiety disorder.

Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are various types of anxiety disorders. Here are some of the most common:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): GAD is characterized by ongoing feelings of excessive worrying that occur every day for at least six months.
  • Panic Disorder: People with a panic disorder will have panic attacks on a regular basis. These are episodes of intense fear even though there’s no present danger. Attacks come on suddenly and can last several minutes or more.
  • Phobias: Phobias are fears caused by a specific thing or circumstance that does not necessarily pose a substantial danger. These include crowded spaces, flying, spiders, social situations, and more.

What Are the Risk Factors for Anxiety Disorders?

The following factors can put you at high risk for anxiety:

  • Genetics: If someone in your family has an anxiety disorder, you are more likely to be diagnosed with one as well.
  • Brain Biology and Chemistry: Anxiety can be due to a chemical imbalance in the body or brain.
  • Environment: People that have been exposed to unpleasant environmental conditions such as abuse, or neglect are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder.
  • Personality Traits: People who tend to be shy or nervous are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder.
  • Health Problems: Health conditions such as thyroid issues and arrhythmia can cause an anxiety disorder to develop.
People sitting in round circle and exchanging conversations with each other happily
woman hiding her face in public while roaming around.

People with an anxiety disorder may experience any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Anxious thoughts or beliefs that may be illogical and are hard to control
  • Restlessness and tension that can get in the way of daily function
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Unexplained aches and pains
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Avoiding everyday activities
  • Difficulty finding pleasure in the things you once enjoyed doing

Anxiety can be treated in a variety of ways. It usually takes a combination of medication and therapy. 

There are several anti-anxiety medications available on the market. Antidepressants can be effective as well. 

While various types of therapy can be used to treat anxiety, talk therapy or psychotherapy is commonly used. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is often integrated to promote changes in the way you think and behave. 

We Work with Most Major Insurance Carriers

Individualized New Jersey Treatment for Mental Health

A minimum 2-3 hours a week of individual sessions with specialized, licensed outpatient counselors including the following:

In addition, we provide virtual telemedicine options due to COVID-19. Contact us to learn more.

New Jersey- addiction treatment
addiction treatment in New Jersey

When to Get Help for Anxiety

In most cases, anxiety is a temporary condition that may go away in a matter of hours. But if the anxiety is ongoing, it may be time to get help. Here are some signs that will let you know you are dealing with an anxiety disorder. 

Anxiety is Irrational: It’s normal to feel anxiety when you are taking a test or faced with a dangerous situation. But if your anxiety doesn’t seem to be tied to a cause or if it’s due to a situation that would otherwise not be considered dangerous or stress-inducing, it may be time to get help. 

Anxiety is Ongoing: In normal situations, anxiety should dissipate when the source of a stressful situation is gone. If your anxiety is longer-lasting, taking up weeks and months of your life, you should talk to someone about your problems. 

It’s Causing an Inability to Function: Some people suffer from anxiety so badly that they are unable to perform the simplest of tasks. They may not be able to get out of bed or go to work. If this is happening to you, it’s time for a change. 

It’s Causing You to Turn to Drugs and Alcohol: It’s not easy for people to reach out about their mental health conditions. Many people use drugs and alcohol to self-medicate instead. This ends up making problems worse instead of causing an improvement. 

It’s Getting in the Way of Relationships: If you are stressed out all the time, it can get in the way of your ability to socialize and enjoy the company of others. 

It Causes Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can cause sleeplessness, increased heart rate, a loss of appetite and other physical symptoms that can negatively affect health. 

It Keeps You from Enjoying the Things You Love: If you find that anxiety-related thoughts are keeping you from enjoying the things you used to love doing, research to find an ‘outpatient and anxiety program near me.’ 

Anxiety can ruin lives. Fortunately, treatment is available. One solution is to find an intensive outpatient anxiety program near me. Here’s what you can expect when you enroll in the program.

Facilities typically provide the option of inpatient and outpatient care. Inpatient care is recommended for people who develop an addiction due to self-medicating to treat their anxiety disorder.  

Inpatient treatment typically involves assisted detox where the patient goes through a process of eliminating toxins from their body (if this person has been abusing substances). 

This is followed up by a customized therapy plan that aims to target the underlying cause of addiction, which often includes anxiety. It treats the problem at its root and suggests coping mechanisms to replace dependency issues. 

After treatment is complete, the patient will go on to experience outpatient anxiety treatment. They will continue going to therapy while adjusting to sober living. The ongoing support will help prevent a relapse. 

If a patient is not dealing with addiction and/or the mental disorder is not severe, they may just google ‘outpatient anxiety program near me’ to find an outpatient clinic that will help them overcome their disorder. They will have regular therapy sessions at an anxiety center NJ while continuing to work and move on with normal activities. 

Relevance Recovery’s Outpatient Anxiety Treatment Can Help

There are many facilities that offer inpatient and outpatient anxiety treatment, but at Relevance Recovery, we take an approach that sets us apart.

Relevance takes a holistic, integrative multidisciplinary approach to treating addiction and its underlying causes. We believe that mental and dependency issues can be overcome by creating the right balance of a healthy diet, exercise and counseling. We work out a customized plan that may include music therapy, massage, yoga, biofeedback, meditation and more.

At Relevance, we realize every patient is different. We start by having therapists sit down with our clients to find out their physical and mental histories and determine the best strategies for moving forward. We monitor them throughout treatment to make sure they are responding positively and make adjustments as needed.

After inpatient residents dealing with addiction check out of our program, we transfer them to an abuse relapse prevention nonprofit program, CFC. They provide outpatient anxiety treatment that is useful in helping patients live a healthy lifestyle and maintain sobriety.

Anxiety can get in the way of your ability to enjoy the things and people you love. It can cause you to lose your job and it can even lead to addiction.

Don’t throw away another day of your life dealing with stress and worry. Contact Relevance Recovery stress and anxiety center of NJ. We will give you the tools you need to put your mental disorder behind you.

Take the first step towards mental well-being – complete the anxiety quiz and embark on a journey to understanding and support.

“The treatment experience at Relevance has been extremely helpful in terms of addressing the root causes of my addiction and teaching me different tools in recovery. All of the counselors provide interactive groups and individual meetings to help make recovery exciting. Treatment here has also helped me identify my goals and breaking them down into manageable pieces.”

– B.S.

Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.