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Psychosis Treatment & Rehab Center in New Jersey

Learn how Relevance Recovery’s comprehensive psychosis treatment can guide you toward enduring recovery.

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Psychotic disorders are among the most frightening and isolating mental illnesses, affecting both those who experience them and their loved ones. The hallmark of psychosis is a loss of contact with reality, which can manifest as disordered thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, often accompanied by mood irregularities. For those seeking help, finding psychosis treatment centers near you can be a crucial step in getting the support needed. These centers often provide specialized care tailored to individual needs, whether it’s addressing meth-induced psychosis or exploring the intersection of autism and psychosis. Having a psychosis therapist nearby can also make a significant difference in receiving timely and personalized treatment.

At Relevance Recovery, we understand the complexities of psychosis and the profound impact it has on individuals and their families. Our dedicated team of mental health professionals is committed to offering comprehensive and compassionate care to support you on your journey toward recovery and well-being.

Ultimately, whether psychosis is a temporary episode or a more chronic condition, having access to quality treatment and support can greatly improve outcomes and quality of life.

What Does Psychosis Treatment in New Jersey Entail?

Understanding psychosis treatment is crucial for individuals seeking help. Psychosis can significantly disrupt life, and knowing the available treatment options in New Jersey is vital for recovery.

Treatment options vary based on severity. Inpatient care is intensive and suitable for severe cases, requiring individuals to stay at a facility. Outpatient treatment is for milder symptoms, allowing patients to live at home while attending therapy sessions.

By understanding these care levels, individuals and families can make informed decisions for recovery. New Jersey provides compassionate and effective treatment options for those facing the challenges of psychosis.

Couple sitting with their daughter and their therapist
Therapist talking to lady who is wearing blue and gray jeans

Helping a Loved One Seek Psychosis Treatment

When a loved one is experiencing psychosis, it can be difficult to know how to support them effectively. Here are some steps you can take to help them receive the treatment they need:

  1. Safety Plan: Create a safety plan in case of emergencies, such as calling 911 if your loved one is at risk.
  2. Educate Yourself: Learn about psychosis symptoms and signs to better understand and support your loved one.
  3. Research Treatment: Look for mental health programs specializing in psychosis and find local resources.
  4. Conversation: Discuss treatment importance with honesty and compassion during stable moments.
  5. Seek Immediate Help: Contact treatment centers for urgent care if severe symptoms occur.

After your loved one starts a treatment program, consider the following:

  • Stay Involved: Attend therapy sessions and stay informed about progress.
  • Maintain Communication: Regularly communicate to show support and encouragement.
  • Encourage Adherence: Remind your loved one to take medication and practice therapy skills.
  • Support Aftercare: Assist with transitioning smoothly post-treatment.

By following these steps, you can help your loved one navigate the challenges of psychosis and support their journey toward recovery.

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Psychosis Treatment Program in New Jersey

At Relevance in New Jersey, our partial hospitalization program is designed to meet your specific needs. We understand that beginning any type of rehab program starts with detoxification. It’s essential to ensure all substances are cleared from your system before moving forward with treatment.

At Relevance, we are committed to helping you reclaim your life and achieve lasting recovery. Our comprehensive psychosis treatment program in New Jersey is here to support you every step of the way.

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Get the Help You Need, Now.

Start your journey to substance abuse recovery with us in New Jersey today.

Types of Psychosis Treatment at Relevance Recovery in New Jersey

At Relevance Recovery in New Jersey, we offer a range of psychosis treatment options tailored to meet your specific needs. Upon arrival, you will undergo a comprehensive assessment with our staff to help our psychiatrist understand your unique treatment requirements. This assessment is crucial in determining whether our services are the best fit for you.

  1. Medication Management: Our medical team monitors and adjusts medication regimens to manage underlying mental health disorders contributing to psychosis.
  2. Individual Therapy: Weekly sessions with therapists using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to understand thoughts and behaviors.
  3. Group Therapy: Daily sessions for support and skill-building in managing psychosis symptoms.
  4. Family Therapy: Sessions to educate and improve communication within your family about psychosis and its management.
  5. Experiential Therapies: Relevance Recovery also offers a variety of experiential therapies to support healing in both mind and body. These therapies may include:
  • Sports activities
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Games
  • Arts and crafts

At Relevance Recovery, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and personalized approach to psychosis treatment, helping you to achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Levels of Psychosis Treatment at Relevance Recovery

As you approach your discharge date from Relevance Recovery, our team will collaborate closely with you to craft a comprehensive discharge plan. This plan includes scheduling follow-up appointments to ensure continuity of care and support as you transition into aftercare services. Our goal is to facilitate a seamless transition into the next phase of your healing journey.

At Relevance Recovery, we offer a range of step-down treatment options as part of our comprehensive continuum of care. Many of our patients find structured follow-up services beneficial and opt for our adult partial hospitalization program (PHP) or adult intensive outpatient program (IOP). These programs allow you to participate in treatment during the day while spending evenings and weekends at home. They provide the same therapeutic services as our inpatient program but on a less frequent basis. Additionally, we offer a traditional outpatient program for those needing less structured treatment to maintain overall wellness.

For more details about our psychosis treatment options at Relevance Recovery or to initiate the admissions process, please contact or visit our center in New Jersey today.