Join the Fight: Overdose Awareness Day – Together We Can Make a Difference!

Logo of International Overdose Awareness Day

What is Overdose Awareness Day?

Overdose Awareness Day is an annual event that takes place on August 31st. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about the harmful effects of overdose. Additionally, it serves as a way to honor those who have lost their lives because of drug overdoses.

It is a day of solidarity and support for individuals and communities affected by substance abuse. Overdose Awareness Day wants to decrease the shame around drug addiction, encourage prevention methods, and support better treatment and help services.

Detailed History of Overdose Awareness Day

Overdose Awareness Day is a worldwide event on August 31st every year. It aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of drug overdoses and honor those who have died from this problem. Sally J. Finn, a mother who lost her son to a drug overdose, first established the day in 2001. Since then, it has grown into a worldwide movement, bringing communities together to educate, support, and advocate for change.

Overdose Awareness Day remembers those we lost and emphasizes preventing, educating, and supporting people with addiction. It serves as a platform to promote understanding and compassion, reduce stigma, and encourage policy changes that can save lives.

The main goal of this day is to increase awareness about the signs and symptoms of overdose. It also aims to educate people on how to prevent deaths by taking life-saving actions. This involves teaching about signs of overdose like slow breathing, blue lips or fingertips, not responding, and tiny pupils. By equipping the community with this knowledge, we can empower them to act and potentially save lives.

The Importance of Raising Awareness about Overdose

Raising awareness about overdose is important to remove stigma and misunderstandings that stop people from getting help. Many people still hold misconceptions about drug addiction and view it as a moral failing rather than a complex health issue. Teaching people about overdose and its impact on individuals and communities can create empathy and understanding. This, in turn, will help us prevent and intervene more effectively.

Overdose Awareness Day provides an opportunity to share stories of hope and recovery. It also highlights the importance of harm reduction and emphasizes the need for support for individuals struggling with substance abuse problems. By shining a light on this issue, we can encourage open dialogue, reduce discrimination, and inspire meaningful action.

Understanding the Impact of Overdose on Individuals and Communities

The impact of overdose extends far beyond the individual experiencing it. The loss and devastation caused by overdose deeply affect families, friends, and communities. The grief and trauma experienced by loved ones can be overwhelming, and the social and economic ripple effects are significant.

No specific demographic or socio-economic group limits overdose. It affects people from all walks of life, regardless of age, race, or gender. Understanding the serious effects of overdose helps us recognize the importance of addressing this health crisis. It also helps us find accessible and effective solutions for prevention and treatment.

Overdose Prevention Strategies and Resources

To prevent overdose, we need to educate, reduce harm, provide treatment, and support services based on evidence. One of the most effective prevention strategies is naloxone distribution, a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose. Naloxone should be readily available to individuals at risk of overdose, as well as their loved ones and first responders.

Synthetic opioids are the fastest-growing drug causing overdose deaths. Many of these deaths involve other drugs as well. Let’s look at some stats that show the historical trend of opioid overdose deaths per 100,000 residents.

Historical Trend of Opioid Overdose deaths per 100000 residents statistics

There are other ways to prevent substance abuse. Some of these include promoting safe prescribing.

Another way is to improve access to addiction treatment. Implementing harm reduction programs like needle exchanges is also effective. Additionally, addressing the root causes such as mental health and social factors can help prevent substance abuse.

Supporting Those Affected by Overdose

Supporting individuals affected by overdose is essential for their recovery and well-being. It is important to foster a non-judgmental and supportive environment where individuals feel safe to seek help. Accessible and affordable treatment options, including detoxification programs, residential rehabilitation, and outpatient services, should be available to anyone seeking recovery.

Additionally, providing emotional support and resources for families and friends affected by overdose is crucial. Support groups, counseling, and education can help loved ones support someone in recovery. They can also help them deal with the aftermath of an overdose. Together, we can create a network of support that promotes healing and resilience.

Events and Activities on Overdose Awareness Day

People around the world mark Overdose Awareness Day with various events and activities. People hold candlelight vigils to honor those who have lost their lives to overdose, providing an opportunity for reflection and remembrance. We also organize community gatherings, educational workshops, and panel discussions to raise awareness, share information, and promote dialogue.

These events aim to create a sense of unity and solidarity among individuals and communities affected by substance abuse. They provide a platform for people to share their experiences, express their grief, and advocate for change. By participating in these activities, we can demonstrate our commitment to ending the overdose crisis and supporting those in need.

Ways to Get Involved and Make a Difference

There are many ways to get involved on Overdose Awareness Day and make a difference in the fight against overdose. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Attend local events: Check if there are any events happening in your community and join them. Show your support and solidarity with those affected by overdose.
  2. Volunteer: Many organizations working in the field of substance abuse and mental health are in need of volunteers. Offer your time and skills to help raise awareness, provide support, or advocate for policy changes.
  3. Learn about overdose signs, substance risks, and treatment options to educate yourself and stay informed. The more informed you are, the better equipped you will be to help others.
  4. Spread the word: Use your voice and social media platforms to spread messages of awareness and support. Share educational resources, personal stories, and information about available resources.
  5. Support local initiatives: Donate to organizations that provide addiction treatment services, harm reduction programs, or support for families affected by overdose. Your financial contribution can make a significant impact.
  6. To support change, you can contact your local representatives, participate in community discussions, and join advocacy groups. These groups are working towards policy changes and increased funding for addiction treatment and prevention programs.

Spreading the Message on Social Media

To engage a wider audience, we can utilize hashtags, share stories, and distribute educational resources. This will help us reach and involve individuals who may not have firsthand experience with overdose.

When posting on social media, it’s important to use language that is compassionate, non-judgmental, and free from stigmatizing attitudes. Share stories of hope and recovery, emphasize the importance of destigmatizing addiction, and provide information about available resources and support services. Remember, a single post has the potential to reach someone who desperately needs help or to inspire others to take action.

Overdose Awareness Day Campaigns and Initiatives

Overdose Awareness Day has inspired numerous campaigns and initiatives worldwide. These campaigns aim to raise awareness, promote prevention strategies, and advocate for policy changes that prioritize public health and well-being. Some notable campaigns include:

  1. The campaign for International Overdose Awareness Day encourages people and groups to plan events and activities. These events aim to raise awareness about overdose and promote harm reduction methods.
  2. The End Overdose NY campaign in New York State supports overdose prevention. It does this by providing naloxone access, harm reduction programs, and more funding for addiction treatment services.
  3. The Not One More campaign shares personal stories of loss. It is to raise awareness about overdose and advocate for better support and treatment options.

People and groups who value their communities and want to create positive change are leading these campaigns and initiatives.

Conclusion: Coming Together for a World Free from Overdose

Overdose Awareness Day is a call to action for individuals, communities, and policymakers to join forces in the fight against overdose. We can prevent drug-related overdose deaths by raising awareness, promoting prevention, supporting those affected, and advocating for change.

Let us stand together, united in our commitment to ending the overdose crisis. Together, we can help those with substance abuse get the care and support they need and deserve. Join us on Overdose Awareness Day and speak up to make your voice heard. Together, we can build a future free from overdose.

At Relevance Recovery, we know there is no quick fix for substance abuse and mental health problems. That’s why we opened our addiction and mental health rehab center in New Jersey.

If you or someone you know is in need of support, please reach out to us. We are here to help you on your journey towards recovery and well-being. Together, we can make a difference.

Overcoming The Loneliness of Addiction

women sitting on and talking to another person

Addiction is a pervasive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. One of addiction’s most significant effects is its isolating impact on people.

Addiction’s suffocating hold creates a bubble around its victims, separating them from their social networks and leading to feelings of loneliness, depression, and hopelessness.

Keep reading to explore the loneliness of addiction and ways to overcome the cycle of loneliness during addiction recovery!

Relevance Behavioral Health is a drug addiction and mental health rehab in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about our top-rated rehab in Monmouth County.

How Is Loneliness Linked to Substance Abuse and Addiction?

Lonely people can use drugs and alcohol for self-medication.

When someone feels disconnected from the world, they may turn to substances to fill the void and make them feel better.

This increases their dependence on substances, leading to more frequent use and, eventually, addiction.

Things To Do If You’re Feeling Lonely
Things To Do If You’re Feeling Lonely

Why Do Addicts Isolate Themselves?

Addiction can be so powerful that it consumes a person’s life and drives away all the people they love.

Addicts often fear being judged or shamed by their loved ones, leading to isolation.

They also may worry about letting down others if they relapse or feel embarrassed about their addiction and don’t want anyone to know.

In addition, the lifestyle of an addict can lead to social isolation.

They may stay up late drinking or using drugs, sleep during the day, and distance themselves from those around them.

This behavior reinforces feelings of loneliness and isolation.

How Can Addiction Isolation Be Overcome?

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and the resulting loneliness and isolation, know that you are not alone.

Here are some tips that can help you overcome these challenges.

1. Acknowledge Your Loneliness and Isolation

It’s never easy to admit that we suffer from loneliness and isolation.

But the first and most crucial step in overcoming these challenges is acknowledging their existence.

Openly admitting to how substance abuse has affected your relationships and social life takes courage, but acceptance is the key to healing.

2. ‘Me’ time

Taking time for yourself is crucial in addiction recovery. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your thoughts, and your feelings.

Being alone and enjoying your company opens doors to rediscovering your passions, hobbies, and interests.

Self-care, whether through exercise, meditation, or art, can help you prioritize your emotional and mental health.

3. Join Alcohol or Drug Addiction Support Groups

Joining a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous can be life-changing.

It’s a safe space to discuss your struggles and gain encouragement and motivation from others in similar situations.

Social support will provide you with a plethora of guidance, therapy, and advice on how to cope with loneliness and isolation.

4. Build Meaningful Connections

Loneliness and isolation occur when there is a lack of meaningful connections with others.

Addiction often creates a gap between an individual and their loved ones.

Building new connections and repairing existing ones can be difficult, but overcoming addiction-induced loneliness and isolation is necessary.

Start by participating in group activities or volunteer programs.

Being a part of something bigger than yourself can help you feel less isolated and build self-confidence.

5. Reconnect with Nature

Nature is known for its therapeutic and healing properties. It’s a space to disconnect from the chaos of life, relax, and rejuvenate.

Reconnecting with nature can help you find new meaning and perspective in life.

From gardening to birdwatching, nature can be critical to finding happiness and fulfillment.

6. Forgive Yourself

Addiction and loneliness can cause intense feelings of guilt and shame.

It’s essential to remember that you’re not alone in these feelings, but more importantly, to forgive yourself.

Self-forgiveness is a process that takes patience and time, but it’s a crucial step in healing.

Remember, you are not your addiction; growth and healing are always possible.

7. Seek Professional Help

Overcoming addiction-induced loneliness and isolation seems impossible.

If you’re struggling to cope with these challenges or feeling overwhelmed, seeking professional help is okay.

Professional treatment programs can help you navigate this tiresome journey and provide the emotional support you need.

Remember, no one is alone in this journey, and seeking professional help is a powerful way to take control of your life.

Relevance Behavioral Health is Here to Help Overcome the Loneliness of Addiction

We understand that overcoming addiction-induced loneliness and isolation can be a challenging journey.

At Relevance Behavioral Health, we strive to create a supportive environment where individuals can learn how to manage their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

We believe that with the proper support, anyone can overcome loneliness and isolation because of addiction.

Our facility offers a variety of programs, including a teen and adolescent group, family therapy, recovery coaching, and more.

Contact us today to learn more about Relevance addiction services and how we can help you or your loved one on the road to recovery.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine In Plastic Bag On White Background Top View

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant that often creates devastating effects on the life of anyone who is using it.

Recognizing the signs of cocaine abuse in yourself or someone else can be essential to seeking help and treatment.

Read to explore common signs of cocaine abuse, how to best recognize them, and addiction treatment options!

Relevance is a top-rated rehab in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Learn more about how we can help you overcome addiction.

How Common is Cocaine Abuse?

Cocaine is a powerful narcotic linked to many physical and psychological issues, including addiction and death.

Unfortunately, in 2020, cocaine remains a significant public health concern in the United States, with about 1.5 million people struggling with substance use disorder.

What Are the Risk Factors for Developing a Cocaine Addiction?

Various factors can increase the risk of developing an addiction to cocaine, such as:

  • Genetic predisposition to addiction or co-occurring disorders
  • Environmental exposure during development
  • Socioeconomic status with limited access to education and prevention programs
  • Living in an area with high levels of drug use or crime rates
  • A history of trauma or mental health issues

What Are the Warning Signs of Cocaine Addiction?

Physical cocaine addiction symptoms often characterize compulsive drug abuse, such as:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Repeated nosebleeds

If you observe any of the following behavioral cocaine abuse signs, it may also show that someone has a problem:

  • Paranoia
  • Excessive talking or restlessness
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Sleep disturbances

Common signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction can manifest in various ways, and it’s important to recognize the common signs that may indicate a problem. While these signs may not always be obvious, paying attention to changes in behavior and physical appearance can help identify potential addiction issues.

One common sign of cocaine addiction is frequent mood swings. Individuals struggling with addiction may experience extreme highs and lows, often accompanied by irritability, restlessness, and agitation. These mood swings can be unpredictable and may cause strain on personal relationships and daily functioning.

Another sign to look out for is sudden weight loss. Cocaine is a stimulant that suppresses appetite, leading to significant weight loss in individuals using the drug regularly. If you notice a dramatic change in someone’s weight without any apparent reason, it may be a cause for concern.

Additionally, increased secrecy and isolation can be indicative of cocaine addiction. Individuals may become withdrawn, avoiding social activities and spending more time alone. They may also exhibit secretive behavior, such as hiding drug paraphernalia or being evasive about their whereabouts.

Physical signs of cocaine addiction

In addition to the common signs, there are physical indicators that may point towards cocaine addiction. These signs may not be immediately noticeable, but careful observation can help identify potential issues.

One physical sign of cocaine addiction is dilated pupils. Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system, causing the pupils to become enlarged. If you notice someone’s pupils appearing unusually large, even in well-lit environments, it could be a sign of cocaine use.

Another physical manifestation of cocaine addiction is frequent nosebleeds. Cocaine is commonly snorted, and the drug’s effect on the nasal passages can cause irritation and damage, leading to nosebleeds. If someone experiences frequent nosebleeds without any apparent cause, it may be worth investigating further.

In some cases, individuals struggling with cocaine addiction may also have track marks or scars on their arms, legs, or other parts of the body where they inject the drug. These marks can indicate long-term drug use and potential addiction issues.

Behavioral signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction can have a significant impact on an individual’s behavior. Recognizing the behavioral signs of addiction is crucial in identifying and addressing the problem.

One behavioral sign to watch for is a sudden change in social circles. Individuals addicted to cocaine may distance themselves from old friends and gravitate toward new acquaintances who also use the drug. This change in social circles is often an attempt to find an environment that enables their addiction.

Another behavioral indicator is financial instability. Cocaine addiction can be an expensive habit, and individuals may resort to borrowing money, selling possessions, or engaging in illegal activities to fund their drug use. If someone experiences sudden financial difficulties or exhibits unexplained spending patterns, it may be a red flag for addiction.

Furthermore, neglecting responsibilities and obligations is a common behavioral sign of cocaine addiction. This may include failing to meet work or school deadlines, neglecting personal hygiene, or neglecting relationships. The drug becomes the individual’s primary focus, often at the expense of other important aspects of life.

Emotional signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction not only affects a person’s physical and behavioral well-being but also takes a toll on their emotional state. Understanding the emotional signs of addiction can help provide support and intervention.

One emotional sign to be aware of is intense mood swings. Individuals struggling with cocaine addiction may experience drastic shifts in their emotions, going from extreme euphoria to deep depression within a short period. These mood swings can be overwhelming and may contribute to relationship conflicts and emotional instability.

Another emotional indicator is increased anxiety and paranoia. Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system, leading to heightened feelings of anxiety and paranoia. If you notice someone becoming excessively worried, suspicious, or fearful without any apparent reason, it may be linked to their cocaine use.

Additionally, individuals addicted to cocaine may also exhibit signs of depression. The drug’s effect on the brain’s reward system can lead to feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed. If someone you know displays persistent signs of depression, it’s important to consider the possibility of cocaine addiction.

Social signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction can have a significant impact on an individual’s social life. Recognizing the social signs of addiction can help identify those who may be silently struggling and offer support.

One social sign to watch for is a decline in personal relationships. Individuals addicted to cocaine may withdraw from friends and family, prioritizing their drug use over maintaining healthy connections. They may also exhibit erratic behavior or become unreliable, causing strain in their relationships.

Another social indicator is a change in social activities. Individuals addicted to cocaine may lose interest in hobbies, sports, or other activities they used to enjoy. Instead, they may spend an increasing amount of time in environments where cocaine use is prevalent, such as clubs or parties.

Furthermore, legal issues can arise as a result of cocaine addiction. Individuals struggling with addiction may engage in illegal activities, such as drug possession or theft, to obtain the drug or the funds to support their habit. If someone you know is facing legal consequences or has a history of legal issues related to drug use, it may be a sign of cocaine addiction.

Professional signs of cocaine addiction

Cocaine addiction can also impact an individual’s professional life. Recognizing the professional signs of addiction can help identify those who may need support and intervention.

One professional sign to be aware of is a decline in work performance. Individuals addicted to cocaine may struggle to meet deadlines, exhibit a lack of focus, or have frequent absences. Their addiction can impair their ability to perform at their usual level and may jeopardize their employment.

Another professional indicator is a change in work relationships. Individuals struggling with cocaine addiction may become increasingly isolated from colleagues, avoiding social interactions or participating in office events. They may also exhibit changes in behavior, such as mood swings or irritability, which can negatively impact work dynamics.

Additionally, individuals addicted to cocaine may experience financial difficulties due to their habit. They may struggle to maintain a stable job or have a history of job hopping. Chronic unemployment or a pattern of financial instability can be an indication of cocaine addiction.

What are the Effects of Cocaine Abuse?

Besides these risk factors, it’s essential to be aware of the potential short-term and long-term risks associated with the regular use of cocaine on the body.

Short-Term Effects of Substance Abuse

Short-term effects can include:

  • Increased alertness followed by exhaustion
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Nausea, vomiting, and tremors
  • Nosebleeds
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Hallucinations

Long-Term Effects of Substance Abuse

Long-term effects can lead to severe damage to the cardiovascular system (heart and lungs), including:

  • Premature aging of the heart muscle
  • Decreased brain activity
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks
  • Ulcers on the digestive system
  • Increased risk of stroke, seizure, and coma

What Health Issues Are Caused by Cocaine Withdrawals?

Understandably withdrawals from dependence on this substance may also cause serious problems such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Severe depression
  • Confusion
  • Intense headaches
  • Extreme fatigue

It’s important to note that cocaine overdose can be fatal, and the effects of a cocaine overdose may include seizures, coma, heart attack, or stroke.

The number of cocaine overdoses reported in the United States is higher than ever, with about 19,000 deaths related to cocaine overdose in 2019 alone.

Emergency rooms and law enforcement agencies are increasingly called to respond to cocaine overdoses.

As you can see from these cocaine addiction statistics, this is a concerning trend.

Anyone struggling with cocaine abuse must seek help immediately to reduce the risk of potential physical and psychological harm caused by long-term use and prevent overdose deaths.

Treatment options for cocaine addiction

There are various treatment options available to individuals struggling with cocaine addiction. The most effective approach depends on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

One common treatment option is outpatient therapy. This involves regular counseling sessions with addiction specialists or therapists. Outpatient therapy allows individuals to receive support while continuing to live at home and maintain their daily responsibilities.

In more severe cases, residential or inpatient treatment may be recommended. This involves staying at a treatment facility for a specified period, and receiving intensive therapy and support in a structured environment.

Another treatment option is medication-assisted treatment (MAT). This involves the use of medications, such as methadone or buprenorphine, to help manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. MAT is often combined with counseling and behavioral therapy for comprehensive treatment.

Support groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), can also be a valuable resource for individuals in recovery. These groups provide a supportive community and a platform for sharing experiences and coping strategies.

Relevance Recovery Treats Signs of Cocaine Abuse in New Jersey

Cocaine use affects millions yearly, but through proper treatment, individuals break free from its grasp and live healthier lives.

Relevance Recovery is here to help you through the addiction treatment process and beyond. 

We offer a multifaceted approach to addiction rehab, including behavioral therapies, family and group therapy, and aftercare support services. 

If you see a sign someone is suffering from cocaine dependence, please contact our care staff today to learn more about our facility and programs to see if we are the right fit for you! Relevance Recovery offers drug addiction and mental health treatment in New Jersey. Learn more about how we can help you overcome substance abuse with our cocaine rehab center in New Jersey.

What is Gray Area Drinking?

gray area drinking

Alcohol consumption is an everyday social activity that many people indulge in. 

While moderate drinking is not necessarily harmful, excessive drinking can severely affect an individual’s physical and mental health. 

However, there is a middle ground between moderate and heavy drinking known as “gray area drinking.”

Keep reading to explore more on drinking problems, the risk factors for developing it, the symptoms to look out for, and when to seek treatment!

What is Gray Area Drinking?

gray area drinking
gray area drinking

This form of drinking refers to alcohol consumption that falls between moderate and heavy drinking. 

It’s often described as “drinking too much but not enough to be considered an alcoholic.” 

It’s a form of problem drinking that can have negative consequences if left unchecked. 

The term “gray area” implies that there is no clear line between what constitutes healthy or unhealthy alcohol consumption.

What are the Risk Factors for Developing This Drinking Problem?

There are several risk factors associated with developing gray area problems with drinking:

  • Family history of alcoholism
  • High levels of stress or anxiety
  • Social pressure to drink
  • Easy access to alcohol
  • Mental health disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder
  • Trauma or past experiences of abuse

It’s important to note that anyone can develop a drinking problem regardless of background or lifestyle.

The impact of gray area drinking on physical and mental health

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a gray area drinking is crucial in order to address the issue and find balance. Some common indicators include:

1. Increased tolerance: Need more drinks to feel the desired effects.

2. Preoccupation with alcohol: Constantly thinking about or planning the next drink.

3. Drinking alone or in secret: Feeling the need to hide or justify one’s drinking habits.

4. Neglecting responsibilities: Prioritizing alcohol over work, relationships, or personal well-being.

5. Failed attempts to cut back: Wanting to reduce consumption but finding it challenging or impossible.

6. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms: Feeling physically or mentally unwell when not consuming alcohol.

If you identify with any of these signs, it may be time to explore your relationship with alcohol and consider strategies for finding balance.

What are Common Signs of Gray Area Drinking?

The symptoms of gray area drinking can vary from person to person. Some common signs include:

  • Frequently consuming more than intended
  • Binge drinking
  • Feeling guilty or ashamed about your drinking habits
  • Lying about how much you drink
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home due to alcohol use
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut back on alcohol

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms regularly, it may be time to seek help.

Tips for setting boundaries and managing triggers

Finding balance in gray area drinking requires self-reflection, honesty, and a willingness to make changes. Here are some approaches to consider:

1. Mindful drinking: Practicing mindfulness while consuming alcohol can help us become more aware of our motivations, emotions, and limits. Paying attention to how alcohol makes us feel physically and emotionally can guide us toward better decision-making.

2. Setting limits: Establishing clear boundaries around alcohol consumption can help prevent excessive drinking. This may involve setting a maximum number of drinks per week or abstaining from alcohol on certain days.

3. Exploring alternative coping mechanisms: Identifying healthier ways to manage stress and relax can reduce the reliance on alcohol as a coping mechanism. Engaging in activities such as exercise, meditation, or creative hobbies can provide alternative outlets.

4. Seeking professional help: If you’re struggling to find balance on your own, reaching out to a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction can provide valuable support and guidance.

Remember, finding balance is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. Be patient with yourself as you navigate this process.

Gray area drinking and relationships

Navigating gray area drinking can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone. Seeking support is a crucial step in finding balance and maintaining a healthy relationship with alcohol. Here are some resources you can turn to:

1. Support groups: Joining a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Moderation Management (MM) can provide a safe space to share experiences, gain insights, and receive support from others who are on a similar journey.

2. Therapy or counseling: Working with a therapist or counselor who specializes in addiction can provide personalized guidance and strategies to help you find balance and address underlying issues.

3. Online communities: There are numerous online communities and forums where individuals can connect, share their experiences, and find support from others who understand the challenges of gray area drinking.

Remember, seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. It’s a brave step toward a healthier and more balanced life.

Gray area drinking and professional life

The impact of gray area drinking extends beyond the individual and can affect relationships with loved ones. Excessive drinking can lead to strained relationships, lack of trust, and emotional distance. It’s important to communicate openly with your loved ones about your concerns and work together to find a balance that respects everyone’s needs.

Additionally, if you’re in a relationship where both partners are struggling with gray area drinking, seeking couples therapy or attending support groups together can foster understanding, empathy, and shared goals for a healthier future.

When Should Gray Area Drinkers Seek Treatment?

Seeking treatment for moderate drinking is essential before it leads to more severe problems such as alcohol use disorder (AUD)

If you’re unsure whether your drinking habits fall into the gray area category, seeking a professional assessment from a healthcare provider can provide clarity.

How Can You Find Treatment?

Reaching out to a healthcare provider is the first step in seeking treatment for problem drinking. 

They can provide information on different treatment options and connect you with resources in your area. 

Numerous online resources, such as podcasts and forums dedicated explicitly to gray-area drinking, offer further support.

What are Treatment Options?

Treatment can be tailored to an individual’s needs and typically includes some combination of the following:

  • Individual therapy – This type of therapy focuses on identifying triggers and helping to develop healthier coping skills.
  • Group therapy – Sharing experiences with others in a supportive environment can be beneficial for those struggling with alcohol use.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy-  CBT aims to replace negative thought patterns with more positive ones in order to help individuals identify and modify unhealthy behaviors.
  • Medication – Certain medications can be used to reduce cravings or prevent relapse.
  • Lifestyle Changes – Modifying one’s lifestyle can be a significant step toward tackling alcohol abuse. This includes avoiding situations that trigger drinking, establishing healthier relationships, and engaging in regular physical activity.

Are There Support Groups for Gray Area Drinkers?

Yes. Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Moderation Management (MM) offer guidance, support, and encouragement to those trying to cut back on their drinking or abstain from alcohol altogether.

How Can You Support a Gray Area Drinker?

If you know someone struggling with a drinking problem, try to be supportive and understanding. 

Let them know that you are there for them and offer your help if needed. 

It’s important to remember that it can take time for someone to address their serious drinking problem, so be patient and offer encouragement.

Tips for Providing Support

  • Offer practical help, such as providing rides or picking up groceries.
  • Encourage them to seek professional treatment and provide resources if needed.
  • Invite them out for activities that don’t involve drinking.
  • Let them know you’re there to listen without judgment.
  • Be understanding of the process. Finding a plan that works can take time.

Drinking issues can be challenging to address, but it’s essential for those affected to know that help is available. 

With the support of loved ones and professional treatment, individuals can learn healthier ways to cope with stress and make positive changes in their lives.

Relevance Recovery Offers Rehab for Gray Area Drinking in New Jersey

At Relevance Recovery, we understand the challenges of addressing drinking problems. 

We offer multiple treatment pathways, recovery coaching, and support groups tailored to meet each individual’s needs and help them find a path toward lasting recovery. Our team of professionals is here to provide support and guidance every step of the way. To learn more about our offerings, please contact us today! 908-415-4837

What Are the Signs Someone is Abusing Drugs?

Depressed Woman Sitting Alone On The Bed With Hands On

Drug abuse is a serious problem in the United States. It affects people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Many people who struggle with drug addiction don’t realize they have a problem. They often try to hide their drug problem from friends and family members. 

If you are worried that someone you know is abusing drugs, there are some signs that you can look for. 

Relevance is a drug addiction and mental health treatment center in New Jersey. Keep reading to discuss frequently seen signs someone is abusing drugs and addiction treatment options in New Jersey!

Drug Addiction in 2021 Statistics

According to addiction statistics, about 20.6 million people aged 12 or older in the United States had a substance use disorder in 2019. Of that number, 15.8 million had an alcohol use disorder, and 8.9 million had an illicit drug use disorder. 

In addition, NIDA estimates that 10.9 million people misused prescription drugs in 2019.

What Are Common Risk Factors for Someone to Abuse Drugs?

There are many reasons why someone may start using drugs. These include:

  • Stress: People may use drugs to cope with stress, anxiety, or depression.
  • Peer Pressure: Drugs can be seen as a way to fit in with social circles and impress peers.
  • Curiosity: Experimenting with drugs can be an exciting way to explore one’s own limits.
  • Escape: People may use drugs as a way to escape from their reality.

What Are the Common Signs and Symptoms of Using Drugs?

If you have suspicions that someone is misusing drugs, there are a few tell-tale drug use symptoms to be aware of:

Common Signs of Using Drugs

Physical Symptoms of Drug Abuse

One of the first signs someone is abusing drugs is changes in their physical health. 

People abusing drugs may lose or gain weight rapidly, have unkempt appearances, and look significantly different than before. 

They may also develop pale complexions, rapid eye movements, and increased body temperature.

Behavioral Signs of Drug Abuse

In addition to physical changes in appearance, people who are abusing drugs may also display specific behavioral changes. 

These include: 

  • Regularly skipping work or school
  • Having a sudden lack of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed
  • Frequent mood swings
  • A rapid change in friendships
  • Being uncharacteristically secretive

Financial Signs of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is an expensive habit to maintain. People struggling with addiction may start asking friends or family members for money or take on second jobs to fund their habit. 

They may also make frequent trips to the pharmacy and accumulate a large supply of medications they don’t need.

If you have noticed any drug signs, it is essential to remember that drug abuse is a serious problem and should not be taken lightly. Talking about the addiction and finding an appropriate treatment plan can help them to get the help they need.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug abuse, please contact a healthcare professional to discuss treatment options. Remember, no one has to face addiction alone. There is hope, and there are resources available for people who are struggling with substance use disorders.

How to Get Someone into Rehab?

When you notice signs a person is using drugs, your first thought may be how to get them into rehab. If you are trying to get someone into a drug rehab program, there are a few steps that you can take to ensure their successful entry. 

First, contact the facility where they will be receiving treatment and inquire about the admissions process

Many centers have an intake process that involves a medical evaluation and financial assessment. It is also essential to research and understands different types of treatment programs, such as inpatient, outpatient, and day programs.

Second, it is crucial to be supportive throughout the entire process. At times an intervention may be necessary. 

Addiction can be a challenging experience, and your loved one may need someone to lean on during this process. Offer emotional support and help them make lifestyle changes that will promote their recovery. 

Additionally, be sure to educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of addiction so that you can offer your support accordingly.

Finally, it is essential to remember that recovery isn’t easy and will take time and patience. Participate in therapy sessions with your loved one when possible and encourage them to stay focused on their goals. 

Finding Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in New Jersey

If you or someone you know is looking for quality substance abuse treatment options in New Jersey, there are many programs available. 

Many centers provide evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and group therapies to help those with addiction recognize their triggers and learn the skills necessary for lasting sobriety.

Often your search will begin with speaking to your primary care physician. In this case, they can refer you to a clinic offering substance abuse treatment.

In addition to traditional treatment centers, many support groups like Narcotics Anonymous are available in the state of New Jersey. 

These self-help programs use peer-to-peer therapy and are often free or low-cost. If you are looking for one, you can search online for a support group in your area.

Relevance Behavioral Health Provides Addiction Treatment in New Jersey

Drug abuse is a serious problem in our society and affects people from all walks of life. 

Ultimately, if you or someone you know is showing signs and symptoms of using drugs, it is essential to remember that help is available.

Relevance Behavioral Health is an addiction treatment center in New Jersey that offers comprehensive care for those struggling with substance abuse.

In addition to these services, Relevance Behavioral Health also provides individualized treatment plans and aftercare services to ensure a successful recovery.

Contact our staff for a free insurance check or to get started on your journey to lasting recovery. 

We are here for you and are committed to providing the support and guidance you need. Together, we can help make a difference!

What Are the Signs of Valium Addiction?

Pill And Tube Adderall Lsd Oxycontin Valium Arranged Black

Valium is a commonly abused prescription drug. If you are worried about your own or someone else’s Valium use, it is essential to know the signs of addiction. 

Keep reading to learn how to recognize the signs of Valium addiction and how to get help if you or someone you know needs it.

Relevance Recovery is a drug addiction and mental health treatment center in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about how our treatment programs can help.

What is Valium?

Valium is a benzodiazepine that is typically safe when taken as prescribed by a doctor. 

Valium works on the brain by decreasing the activity of specific nerve pathways to produce a calming effect.

How is Valium Used?

Many doctors prescribe Valium to treat mental health issues like anxiety and panic disorders

In some cases, it can also be used to induce sleep, control seizures, and relax muscles. Before surgery or other medical procedures, it can also be used as a sedative. 

Is Valium Addictive?

Valium, also known by its generic name diazepam, is a medication prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, muscle spasms, and seizures. It belongs to a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, which work by enhancing the effects of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. While Valium can be effective when used as prescribed, it also carries a high risk of abuse and addiction.

Valium addiction occurs when a person becomes physically and psychologically dependent on the drug. Physical dependence means the body has adapted to the presence of Valium and requires it to function normally. Psychological dependence, on the other hand, refers to the intense cravings and emotional reliance on the drug. Both aspects of addiction can have a profound impact on an individual’s life.

Valium can be addictive and abused if taken in high doses or for long periods.

Valium Abuse Statistics

According to research, 8 million Americans misuse benzodiazepines, including Valium.

Women, in particular, are more likely to abuse benzodiazepines, with the rate of misuse for women being twice that of men.

Dangers of Valium Abuse

Abusing Valium can harm your health and lead to severe long-term effects. Some of the potential risks of abusing Valium include the following:

  • Memory loss
  • Lethargy
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired coordination
  • Confusion

Now that we know the dangers of abusing Valium, let’s take a look at valium addiction signs. 

What Are the Signs of Valium Addiction?

The warning signs of valium addiction will depend on the person’s use habits, but there are a few common valium addiction symptoms that could suggest an issue:

  • Taking more than the prescribed
  • Taking larger doses than prescribed
  • Becoming tolerant to the effects of Valium
  • Feeling unable to stop taking it
  • Spending excessive amounts of money on Valium
signs of valium addiction
signs of valium addiction

Causes and contributing factors of Valium addiction

Valium addiction can stem from a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Some individuals may be more predisposed to addiction due to genetic variations that affect their brain chemistry and response to drugs. Environmental factors, such as exposure to substance abuse, trauma, or chronic stress, can also increase the likelihood of developing an addiction.

Furthermore, individuals with underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may misuse Valium as a form of self-medication. The temporary relief provided by the drug can create a cycle of dependence and reinforce maladaptive coping mechanisms. It’s important to address these underlying factors in the treatment of Valium addiction to achieve lasting recovery.

Risks and dangers of Valium addiction

Valium addiction poses several risks and dangers to both the individual and their loved ones. Prolonged use of Valium can lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effects. This can increase the risk of overdose, which can be life-threatening. Mixing Valium with other substances, such as alcohol or opioids, further amplifies this risk.

Long-term use of Valium can also have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. It can lead to respiratory problems, liver damage, memory impairment, cognitive decline, and an increased susceptibility to infections. Additionally, Valium addiction can strain relationships, cause financial hardships, and impair overall quality of life. Recognizing these risks is essential in seeking timely help and support.

Detoxification and withdrawal process

The detoxification process for Valium addiction can be challenging, as withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. Abruptly stopping Valium can lead to seizures, hallucinations, tremors, and rebound anxiety. To ensure safety and minimize discomfort, medical professionals may taper the dosage of Valium gradually while closely monitoring the individual’s progress.

During the withdrawal process, individuals may experience a range of physical and psychological symptoms. These can include insomnia, restlessness, increased anxiety, muscle pain, nausea, and irritability. While withdrawal can be difficult, it is a necessary step towards recovery. Medical supervision and support can greatly alleviate the discomfort and increase the chances of successful detoxification.

How is Valium Addiction Treated at A Drug Addiction Center?

If you or someone you know is abusing Valium, the Relevance Recovery Center can help. 

Our team of experienced clinicians will create a personalized addiction treatment plan that meets your individual needs.

Treatment center options include:

1. Medical Detox

Going through valium withdrawal on your own can be dangerous. 

Our medical detox program will help you safely withdraw from Valium in a comfortable and secure environment.

During valium detox, we will monitor your vital signs and provide medications to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

2. Partial Hospitalization Program

Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) will provide intensive therapy, counseling, and support services to help you address the underlying issues of your addiction.

3. Outpatient Treatment

Our outpatient treatment program is designed to give you the flexibility to continue with your daily activities while receiving addiction treatment.

4. Intensive Outpatient Program

Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provides comprehensive support and counseling to help you on your recovery journey.

5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This behavioral health therapy can help identify triggers, develop coping skills, and learn how to manage cravings.

6. Teen and Adolescent Program

After school, we offer a teen and adolescent program (ages 13-18) to help young people struggling with mental health issues.

This program is uniquely designed to address issues specific to this age group.

7. Individual Therapy

Our individual therapy sessions can help you understand the root causes of your addiction, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and learn how to live a life without Valium.

8. Family Group Therapy

We offer family group therapy to help families learn how to support each other during addiction recovery.

9. Interventions

We offer intervention services if you are unsure how to approach a struggling loved one. 

Interventions are a great way to get someone struggling with addiction the help they need.

Research has shown that individuals are more likely to seek treatment following an intervention.

Preventing Valium addiction and relapse

Prevention is key when it comes to Valium addiction and relapse. Educating oneself and loved ones about the risks and dangers of Valium, as well as the signs of addiction, can help identify potential issues early on. Practicing healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise, mindfulness, and engaging in hobbies, can also reduce the risk of turning to substances as a means of escape or relief.

For individuals in recovery, ongoing support is crucial in maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse. This may involve regular therapy sessions, participation in support groups, and developing a strong network of sober friends and family. Creating a stable and supportive environment, free from triggers and enabling behaviors can significantly increase the chances of long-term recovery.

Relevance Offers Comprehensive Treatment for Valium Addiction

Valium is a commonly abused prescription drug that can be addictive. If you or someone you love is struggling with Valium addiction, the Relevance Recovery Center can help. 

We specialize in treating a wide range of addictions and use evidence-based therapies to get the best results. Contact us today to learn more about how Relevance Recovery can help you on your recovery journey!

Why is Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise

Why is Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise

Prescription drug abuse is currently on the rise in America and is a severe problem. So why is this happening? And what can be done about it? 

In this blog post, we will explore why prescription drug abuse is on the rise and becoming a big problem in our country. We will also discuss some potential solutions to this epidemic.

Why is Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more people die from prescription drug overdoses yearly than from heroin and cocaine combined. There are several reasons why prescription drug abuse is on the rise in America.

Increased Availability

First, the availability of these drugs has increased. In the past, people who wanted to abuse prescription drugs had to get them from friends or family members who had legitimate prescriptions. 

However, it is effortless to buy these drugs online or from dealers. The internet has allowed people to buy pills without even leaving their homes.

Higher Tolerance Levels

Another reason abuse of prescription drugs is becoming more common is that people are becoming more tolerant of taking these drugs. Taking prescription drugs was seen as a last resort, which should only be done if necessary. 

However, now many people see taking these drugs as simply a way to relieve pain or anxiety. This change in attitude has led to more people taking these drugs and also led to more people abusing them.

Changes in Prescription Practices

Another factor contributing to the rise in prescription drug abuse is the changes that have been made to how these drugs are prescribed. 

In the past, doctors were much more likely to prescribe opioids for pain relief. However, now there are new guidelines that recommend against prescribing opioids to most patients

This change has made it more difficult for people who need these drugs to get them. On the other hand, it has also made it easier for people who want to abuse these drugs to get their hands on them.

The Opioid Crisis

One of the biggest reasons why prescription drug use is currently rising is the opioid crisis. The opioid crisis is a term used to describe the increase in the use and abuse of opioids. 

Opioids are a type of pain medication that is very potent and can be very addictive. In recent years, opioid use has skyrocketed, leading to a corresponding increase in cases of opioid abuse.

What Can Be Done About Prescription Drug Abuse?

Several things can be done to address the abuse of prescription drugs and encourage substance abuse prevention.

Increase Education and Awareness

One of the most essential things that can be done is to increase education and awareness about prescription drug abuse. 

Many people do not realize how serious this problem is, and they do not know how to spot the signs of drug misuse

Increasing education and awareness can help make people more aware of the risks of abusing these drugs.

Improve Prescription Practices

Another thing that can be done to address prescription drug abuse is to improve prescription practices. 

As we mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why this problem is on the rise is because of the changes that have been made to the way that these drugs are prescribed. 

If we can change methods for prescription drug use, we can make it more difficult for people to abuse them.

Increase Access to Treatment

Another critical step that can be taken to address prescription drug abuse is to increase access to treatment. 

Many people who want to abuse these drugs do not have access to the treatment that they need. 

By increasing access to treatment, we can help get these people the help they need and prevent them from abusing these drugs.

There are many reasons why prescription drug abuse cases are rising in America. By increasing education and awareness, improving prescription practices, and increasing access to treatment, we can help to address this problem.

How to Treat Prescription Drug Abuse

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to prescription drugs, there is help available. Many treatment options can be effective in treating this problem. 

If you are unsure where to turn, you can start by talking to your doctor or mental health professional. 

They will help you find the resources and support you need to recover from substance abuse.

Some standard treatment options for substance abuse are:

  • Behavioral therapy: This type of therapy provides help changing how you think about and use drugs.
  • Support groups: Support groups can provide social support and help you stay motivated in your recovery.
  • Medication: Many different types of medication can be used to treat prescription drug abuse. These medications can help to reduce cravings, manage withdrawal symptoms, and prevent relapse.

If you or someone you know is struggling with prescription drug abuse, don’t hesitate to seek help. 

Relevance Offers Treatment for Abuse of Prescription Drugs in New Jersey

If you or someone you know is struggling with prescription drug abuse and addiction, Relevance Treatment Centers can help. 

We offer a variety of recovery pathways, such as natural recovery, medication-assisted recovery, and family recovery, that are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. We also offer a wide range of support services, such as teen programs and family support groups, to help you on your road to recovery. To learn more about our outpatient drug rehab in New Jersey, contact us today.

What Are the Signs of Benzo Abuse?

An Opened Bottle Of Green Tablets Of Chlordiazepoxide And Clindinium which causes Benzo Abuse

While benzodiazepines often have low abuse potential, they can become dangerous when individuals use them to get high, alter the high of other drugs, and use them illegally and unmonitored by a doctor. If a loved one is on benzodiazepines, it is important to recognize the signs of benzo abuse.

At Relevance Recovery, our expert staff and medical professionals are familiar with and ready to support your recovery goals through multiple treatment styles. Our drug addiction and mental health rehab center in New Jersey support clients and families through some of life’s most difficult challenges. Contact an admissions team today to learn more about our comprehensive treatment facility. 

What are Benzos?

Benzodiazepines are controlled substances that help to regulate mood and can even be used to prevent seizures. Often these prescriptions are given to clients struggling with insomnia or anxiety to help produce sedation. Common benzodiazepines are Valium, Xanax, Restoril, Ativan, and Klonopin

Benzos are distributed as pills, syrups, or by injection. Benzodiazepines have low abuse potential in most populations. However, individuals with a history of substance use disorders may be more susceptible to addiction to benzos.

Are Benzos Dangerous?

Benzos can be extremely dangerous if not monitored correctly—individuals who misuse their hands are at a greater risk of developing dependence and drug addiction.

Benzos misuse can occur in a number of ways. For starters, individuals with a prescription who misuse the medication by taking more than prescribed or taking it more frequently than recommended can develop a tolerance and dependency on the medication. Additionally, combining benzodiazepines with other substances like alcohol, opioids, or stimulants can create a volatile situation within the body. This form of misuse is especially dangerous because the outcomes of combining drugs can be fatal. Research shows that approximately one and five individuals who abuse alcohol also abuse benzodiazepines.

Another way that individuals misuse benzodiazepines is by using them to get high. This form of abuse can occur by individuals who have been prescribed the drug and those who obtain the drugs illegally. Benzodiazepines often create a calming euphoria during use. However, individuals can also experience varying adverse side effects from use.

What Are the Signs of Benzo Abuse?

There are many signs that could indicate benzodiazepine misuse or abuse.

As a prescription medication, benzodiazepines can be abused. While they have a low likelihood of addiction, benzo misuse can cause damage to the body. Misuse occurs when an individual takes too much of a drug, takes it too frequently, alters the form it should be taken in, or takes the drug with other contraindicated substances. For example, mixing benzodiazepines with other sedative drugs can increase the likelihood of death because of how they both impact the body’s functions. In addition, individuals who mix benzos with hallucinogens can experience paranoia, night terrors, sleepwalking, and amnesia. 

When illegally abused, individuals will often be sleepy, forgetful in their conversations, and may be unable to wake up. In these instances, these downers act to sedate an individual and can slow down the heart, lungs, and digestive system, causing internal problems.

Individuals who abuse benzos may experience changes in work or school attendance due to use, avoidance of favorite activities, and changes in sleep patterns.

How to Find a Benzo Treatment Center in New Jersey

If you believe that you or a loved one’s benzodiazepine use is unhealthy, problematic, or may lead to addiction, it is essential to get medical help. Benzodiazepines are drugs that require an individual to be weaned off to avoid dangerous side effects. Therefore, choosing a drug rehab or treatment center that offers detoxification and medical monitoring through treatment is necessary.

At Relevance Recovery, a New Jersey outpatient drug rehab, individuals who require substance use and behavioral treatment have many options. With multiple therapeutic pathways and a combination of traditional and alternative therapies, clients can work through unique individualized treatment plans that are specific to their needs. 

Our intensive outpatient program in New Jersey offers a number of treatment programs to support clients through every step of the process. For example, we can support clients in the early stages of detox through intensive inpatient treatment and multiple levels of outpatient treatment.

Speak with a counselor at Relevance Recovery today to learn more about the signs of benzo abuse and available treatment options.

Is My Spouse an Alcoholic?

Is My Spouse an Alcoholic?

It can be challenging to wonder what the signs of alcoholism are in a spouse. You may have noticed some changes, experienced some negativity, and developed your own personal feelings about your loved ones drinking habits that color how you feel and address their substance use. If you are questioning if your spouse has a drinking problem, it is best to learn the signs and speak with a trained clinician about how to address this with them in a safe, supportive, and calm manner. 

At Relevance Recovery, our top-rated rehab in Monmouth County, offers several supportive measures for individuals attempting to support their loved ones through the early stages of addiction. In addition, intervention support and other specialized programs are available to help find their unique pathway to successful recovery and long-term sobriety. 

Learn more about the signs of alcoholism in your spouse by speaking with a treatment coordinator today.

What Are the Signs of Alcoholism?

There are many signs individuals may be experiencing an addiction. However, only some of those signs are relevant to addressing the diagnosis of Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder. The AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, developed by the World Health Organization, helps individuals and clinicians evaluate alcohol consumption, drinking behaviors, and alcohol-related problems in their 10-item screening. 

Regarding alcoholism, how often you drink, how much you drink, and your drinking behaviors all impact the evaluation process. With the potential to score a 40 on the 10-item audit, any score above an eight is deemed “hazardous or harmful alcohol use.” In addition, the guide explicitly addresses blacking out, injuries, interventions, and avoiding routine activities like work or family obligations. These are all warning signs that drinking has transitioned from problematic to addiction.

Is My Spouse an Alcoholic?

Identifying these signs of alcohol abuse in a spouse or loved one can be challenging to separate the person from the problems their actions have caused. Addiction is a disease, and it can cause massive physical, personality, and behavioral changes. Intimate relationships between individuals, when one of which is an alcoholic, can cause increased incidences of physical and verbal abuse and resentment and isolate the individual from their family. 

Determining if your spouse is an alcoholic is a challenging personal decision and should be addressed with the utmost concern. Addiction often comes with physical, behavioral, and psychological warning signs that loved ones should be aware of. Changes in personal appearance and weight are often some of the more obvious physical changes. Behaviorally, you may notice that your loved one has started to isolate themselves to avoid questions about their drinking or even to drink alone. They may also begin to abandon their favorite activities and even experience legal trouble related to alcohol abuse. Finally, alcoholics can experience many psychological changes in motivation, responsibility, and mood. Addiction can increase secrecy, lying, irritability, and instability.

How to Get a Loved One Help

Many times, it seems like your individualized attempts to get someone help may be unsuccessful. Sometimes it can be difficult for family members and close loved ones to see their struggles. Figuring out how to support them and finding treatment that caters to their needs can seem like an overwhelming task. To get your loved ones the help they need, it may be a good idea to involve a rehab company in an intervention.

One specific when it comes to interventions is to maintain “I” statements about how you feel and perceive the situations. This puts the ownness on you and can help that individual to reflect on what actions are causing this behavior. However, when starting the statements with “you,” they can sound accusatory and put the individual on the defensive, shutting down the potential for collaborative discussion.

Intervention is a valuable part of the process that many people can make uncomfortable and turn people off the idea of getting help for addiction if it’s not done correctly. Get help from a licensed practitioner or treatment facility. They will give tips to keep the intervention positive and supportive versus the potential to get accusatory and negative. Some treatment centers can provide a medical professional to support the planning and implementation of the intervention.

Relevance Recovery is an Alcohol Treatment Center in New Jersey

Relevance Recovery can help your loved ones get the alcohol treatment they need. For example, suppose you believe that your spouse has a drinking problem. In that case, we offer specific resources for interventions and specific addiction programming for teens and young adults, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and dedicated First Responder treatment programs that address the particular concerns surrounding the use of individuals in those communities. Relevance Recovery is a drug addiction and mental health rehab center in New Jersey. We believe that you are relevant and that your experiences were part of your journey, but they don’t have to dictate your future. So explore, grow, and recover with us at Relevance Recovery.

Why Do Police Officers Face Addiction & Mental Health Disorders?

How Police Officers are Prone to Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Police officers have been identified as an at-risk population for developing substance abuse and mental health disorders. Limited research and low numbers of self-reported disorders make quality data on the prevalence hard to find. Still, anecdotal evidence and clinician experience suggest the numbers to be significant. 

Though data is limited, it is not hard to imagine why police officers would experience higher than average rates of substance abuse and mental health disorders. The nature of their work is exceptionally high-stress and involves exposure to death, threats of personal injury, criminal activity, and domestic disputes involving children. Police officers must stay calm, take positions of responsibility and authority, and instill safety in situations that most consider traumatic. This link between police officers and addiction stems from this internalized and consistent stress.

At Relevance Recovery, we specialize in providing treatment for first responders. Our individualized programs in New Jersey will help you or your loved one fight the disease that is impacting your life. You can even verify your insurance benefits before completing the entire admissions process. Contact us today to get started. 

The Relationship Between Police Officers, Addiction, Stress, and Trauma

Trauma can occur in any form of a “critical incident,” which is an experience when an individual has such a strong emotional response that they cannot cope at the scene or later (Civilotti et al. 2021). For police officers, critical incidents occur in the field when responding to emergencies like those described above, by proxy in cases where an empathetic response to a civilian’s suffering affects their ability to cope, and at home when family members of police officers are engaged in the effects of trauma on their home life. Police officers will perceive some experiences as critical incidents that surpass their coping threshold while others do not. That variability makes trauma related to critical incidents so difficult to recognize and treat.3

But stress and trauma come from more than their exposure to critical incidents. Police culture and organizational demand add additional pressure. Police culture refers to the commonality among police cohorts of complicated promotion structures, involuntary work commitments, limited funding, scarce resources, and bullying in the workplace.2

We cannot allow society to make individuals responsible for their struggles when entire systems are accountable for the gap in mental health among first responders—recognizing that social structures contribute to incidences of substance abuse and mental health crises is the first step in reducing stigma and improving outcomes.

How Stress and Trauma Lead to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders

Police officers internalize trauma differently depending on personal background, level of support, and childhood experiences. A domestic dispute may be particularly triggering for an officer who experienced childhood abuse, whereas a deadly car crash involving a child may be triggering for a father of four.  

By understanding that police officers experience stress and trauma to varying degrees, we can assume there is an equal variance among their coping strategies. One study suggests that the best outcomes for police officers can be found in rehab and treatment programs that address the individual officer’s attachment style. 

According to Civilotti et. al (2021),  

“…attachment is considered an interpersonal motivational system that leads people to seek closeness and protection in situations of vulnerability.”

A person’s relational attachment to others can be subcategorized as him being securely attached or insecurely attached and then further into subcategories like anxious attachment. Each type of attachment comes with its own set of challenges. Insecurely attached individuals are at greater risk for substance abuse and mental health disorders as they lack the necessary coping strategies in the face of trauma.

When existing coping strategies fail, either once or often, our bodies explore new ways to normalize feelings and achieve homeostasis. Exposure to drugs and alcohol can activate pleasure centers in the brain, making it feel like coping is effective. The use of those substances, however, leaves some individuals prone to addiction and mental health disorders. Some people are more prone to experiencing addiction and mental health disorders. Much scientific research is being done to explain better why some individuals experience addiction and mental health disorders more quickly or with greater intensity. While we do not know the specific neural pathways that lead to the disease after exposure to stressors, we know that the disorders can affect any person of any race, gender, or age. 

How Can Relevance Recovery Help?

As an observer, you can help by reducing the stigma associated with people suffering from substance abuse and mental health disorders. Acknowledging the problem and seeking help is essential in recovery, but many avoid it because of anticipated judgments. 

Some ways to reduce stigma include openly discussing your trauma and therapy experiences, discussing with someone you believe might be suffering, and speaking up if you hear someone make insensitive comments. 

Mental health screenings occur in many first responder work environments, but self-reported numbers are low. 1 If you are working as a first responder, dare to answer screening questions truthfully without fear of retribution. Revealing the prevalence of people who struggle with mental health disorders and substance abuse will dispel stigmas and drive more research and funding into treatment options. 

Relevance Recovery’s Addiction Treatment Program for Police Officers

Relevance Recovery offers a solution for you or your loved one. We are a full-service center in Freehold, NJ, providing treatment for substance abuse and mental health disorders. Our facilities and clinicians offer inpatient therapy, outpatient therapy, group therapy, adolescent/teen therapy, detox programs, intervention assistance, and aftercare, all with a holistic and practical approach.

If you are suffering from a mental health disorder or substance abuse and are a police officer or first responder, know that we have a program tailored to your specific needs, like the Relevance Recovery’s First Responders program or the PTSD/Trauma program.

No matter where you are in your journey, we have a program to meet your needs, including inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare programs. 


  1. Marshall, R. E., Milligan-Saville, J., Petrie, K., Bryant, R. A., Mitchell, P. B., & Harvey, S. B. (2021). Mental health screening amongst police officers: factors associated with under-reporting of symptoms. BMC psychiatry21(1), 135.

  1. Milliard B. (2020). Utilization and Impact of Peer-Support Programs on Police Officers’ Mental Health. Frontiers in Psychology11, 1686.

  1. Civilotti, C., Di Fini, G., & Maran, D. A. (2021). Trauma and Coping Strategies in Police Officers: A Quantitative-Qualitative Pilot Study. International journal of environmental research and public health18(3), 982.