What is a Holistic Drug Treatment Program?

Woman doing Yoga in the Park

People talk about holistic health like everyone should understand what it means without ever explaining it. Holistic medicine focuses on treating the whole person, not just the individual disease. A holistic practitioner will not just focus on the person’s unique disorder or illness but on improving the individual’s overall well-being. This is incredibly important, and addiction treatment and recovery are now. 

Treating the condition is excellent, but treating the individual and teaching them how to address the concerns and other triggering factors provides an opportunity for growth and’s long-term recovery.

At Relevance Recovery, our New Jersey treatment programs practice a holistic approach to addiction treatment and behavioral health. Contact a treatment coordinator today to see how we can support your holistic health through recovery.

What is Holistic Drug Treatment Program?

A holistic drug treatment program is designed to minutes the needs of clients struggling with substance abuse disorders. This program addresses the client’s mental, behavioral, emotional, physical, and social needs. Holistic addiction treatment programs combine traditional, evidence-based addiction treatment and alternative methods. A holistic program is designed to help patients develop “a stronger sense of self-identity, self-esteem, and self-confidence.” 

Through this treatment process, there is a “focus on fixing the cause of the element, not just relieving the symptoms and treating a patient as a person, not the disease.” The thought process behind this idea is to promote better overall health in every aspect of a client’s life.

What are Holistic Treatment Practices Available?

Several holistic treatment practices are available for individuals going through drug rehab. Individuals will access physical, mental, emotional, and social treatment practices to facilitate rehabilitation. 

Physical holistic treatment practices that are helpful during rehabilitation are some of the most commonly known physical therapies. Things like dance and movement therapy, tai chi, hiking, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and yoga are all holistic health practices supportive to individuals undergoing substance-abuse treatment. Many traditional treatment centers may offer yoga or movie therapy, but a holistic treatment center will have more options, and a more significant focus will be placed on the client’s physical health and treatment. Holistic treatment practices will also focus on nutrition as a guiding factor in rehabilitative health.

Traditional treatment focuses on cognitive-behavioral and dialectical behavioral therapy as the basis for rehabilitative care. A holistic approach will use conventional and alternative therapies like meditation, mindfulness, and other psychiatric practices for specialized disorders. For example, individuals struggling with a dual diagnosis of depression and substance use disorder will receive therapy for the substance use disorder, and an additional mental health treatment will be in place for their depression. This also applies to several common mental illnesses like anxiety, mood disorders, personality disorders, trauma, and bipolar disorder. 

Clients’ emotional well-being is also a significant focus of a holistic treatment center. Individuals will be encouraged to develop and grow their spirituality and evaluate their emotional connections to people and things. 

Lastly, holistic treatment will encourage social growth as well. This can include vocational services, cultural awareness and appreciation, and other social learning practices encouraging individuals to be a part of their community.

How to Find Holistic Drug Treatment in New Jersey

Define holistic drug treatment in New Jersey; look no further than Relevance Recovery. Our Freehold treatment center encourages holistic, integrative, and multidisciplinary treatment for substance abuse and mental illness. Our clients have access to a combination of holistic therapies and medication-assisted treatment. 

Holistic therapies include bio sound therapy, equine psychotherapy, massage therapy, fitness and meditation, peer support, and life skills. We believe that through these holistic practices, our clients can enhance their self-care progress spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

At Relevance Recovery, clients have access to a high-quality addiction treatment designed to address the root cause of addiction. We believe each individual has a unique experience, and each treatment program is tailored to meet those individual needs. Our leadership and staff understand the path to recovery, which is why we have created an “authentic multi-pathway philosophy attached to an award-winning substance-abuse relapse prevention program that ensures long-term, affordable care for all clients.”

Verify your insurance and speak with a representative today to see how we can guide you on your recovery journey.

Who Can Benefit From Holistic Drug Rehab?

In recent decades, the landscape of addiction treatment has changed. The old viewpoint that addiction and mental health were unrelated illnesses and, therefore, must be addressed independently has evolved into a clearer understanding of the complexities of addiction as a disease of the mind. Additionally, the diversity of the treatment environment continues to grow. Many rehab programs like Relevance Recovery now incorporate holistic treatments into comprehensive programs that address the medical and mental health needs of patients seeking sobriety. Including holistic or alternative therapies as part of our drug rehab program ensures you have the most significant access to the most well-rounded, individualized treatment possible. Even with an understanding of what holistic treatment is, it may be less clear who can benefit from holistic drug rehab.

What is Holistic Treatment?

In recent years, the idea of holistic or “whole person” medicine has grown in popularity. Although traditional interventions that focus on the science of healing remain highly effective, many people across the nation have started seeking a more well-rounded form of treatment to address their physical and emotional health needs. Holistic treatments, sometimes called complementary or alternative treatments, are therapeutic models that focus on healing the mind, body, and spirit as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Holistic addiction treatment programs incorporate holistic techniques into traditional programs that include evidence-based therapy models. Program participants benefit from these added interventions by focusing on healing from addiction and healing their emotional health and other areas of their lives. It is important to remember that holistic approaches are generally considered “complementary” and provide the most benefit when incorporated into a comprehensive treatment approach, including evidence-based therapy, medical support, nutritional support, and other peer and family support opportunities.

When is Holistic Treatment Used in Rehab?

Holistic treatment helps those seeking to overcome addiction (substance use disorders) achieve their sobriety goals in an environment that allows them to focus on their overall health and well-being. By incorporating holistic treatments like massage, yoga, meditation, and nutritional therapies into a program, treatment centers like Relevance Recovery encourage our patients to heal their mind, body, and spirit in the way they feel most comfortable.

The disease of addiction does not “look” the same from person to person. Therefore, incorporating holistic treatments into our programs ensures everyone has access to the treatment models that speak to them. Holistic therapies are used in rehab to complement or “add to” the benefits of traditional approaches. Including holistic options in this way can increase treatment success rates, help reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms, enhance spiritual healing, and improve stress reduction skills.

Who Can Benefit From Holistic Drug Rehab?

Data from a National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health study indicates that 40% of US adults use some type of alternative and complementary medicine. One of the best parts about holistic approaches is that they can benefit anyone and are generally safe for everyone. Unlike pharmacological approaches to symptom management, holistic options do not typically involve interventions that could adversely impact one’s mental or physical health through invasive treatments or medication-based interventions. This allows more people to benefit from holistic drug rehab as concerns related to underlying medical and mental health conditions adversely interacting with a particular treatment are vastly reduced.

Also, holistic options frequently open the door to treatment for those who may be unwilling or uninterested in traditional drug rehab. Although conventional treatments, including detox, individual therapy, and group therapies, remain vital to achieving lasting sobriety, some who could benefit from treatment may not seek the help they need if traditional approaches are the only available option. This is also true if they have tried a conventional approach in the past and experienced a relapse. Including options for holistic treatment may increase curiosity or make them more willing to try (again) traditional treatments as part of a more extensive, all-encompassing program. The skills learned as part of holistic addiction treatment are beneficial long-term as well. Many holistic therapies focus on stress reduction and centering, two vital skills for relapse prevention and maintaining lasting sobriety.

How to Find Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs

Ongoing struggles with addiction impact you at all levels. Continued use of substances will inevitably have a harmful impact on your mind, body, and spirit. This makes it difficult to heal from within as your mind and body have trouble moving forward on the same path toward wellness. It is crucial to strengthen the mind-body connection to achieve lasting recovery. This is where holistic treatment comes into play. The theory behind alternative or holistic drug rehab is to provide a whole-person, comprehensive treatment approach that addresses all areas of healing.To learn more about how holistic addiction treatment programs can help you on your journey to recovery, contact a member of our admissions team at Relevance Recovery today. We are here to help you learn more about how holistic treatment can enhance and improve overall treatment outcomes as you begin your journey towards freedom from substance use. For a comprehensive addiction rehab in New Jersey, reach out to us today.

What are the Signs of Heroin Use?


The potential dangers of heroin addiction are well known. However, thousands of people try heroin for the first time every year. For some, initial heroin use results from experimentation, and for others, initial heroin use evolves out of a struggle with prescription opioids. Some data indicates that as many as 6% of those who abuse prescription opioids switch to heroin when prescription drugs are no longer available. Seeking help at an addiction treatment center specializing in dual diagnosis like Relevance Recovery can help you or a loved one begin your journey to overcoming addiction.

What is Heroin?

Most people think of heroin and picture a fine white powder. While this is indeed the primary appearance of heroin, it may also be a brown powder or a black tar-like substance referred to as black tar heroin. The composition of the drug varies depending on how it is manufactured. The way it is ingested into the body will also depend on the form of heroin used. Powdered heroin can be liquefied and injected (the most common method of use) or snorted through the nose. Heroin can also be smoked in a form called crack cocaine.

Heroin is a powerful opioid drug. It is manufactured from the seed pod of the opium poppy. These plants grow naturally in several regions of Asia, Mexico, and South America. Many drugs derived from natural ingredients are considered natural opioids, but this is not the case for heroin due to how the opium pods are handled after harvesting.

How Does Heroin Impact the Body?

Drugs affect each person in differing ways. How heroin affects one user’s body may be different from its impacts on someone else. Several factors, including the severity of use, length of use, underlying medical conditions, and whether other drugs or alcohol are also used, will affect how heroin impacts the body. It is vital to mention that heroin use, even short-term, will have health impacts.

The most common effects of heroin use include euphoria, flushing of the skin, itching, heaviness in the arms and legs, runny nose, watery eyes, slowed heart rate, slowed breathing, pinpoint pupils, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, and changes to appetite. Many of these effects are short-lived and subside within hours of last use.

In addition to the short-term impacts on the body, ongoing heroin use can lead to significant illness. Chronic heroin use increases the risk of developing medical issues and life-long disease processes. Common examples include liver disease, lung infections, blood-borne illness (due to IV needle use), skin conditions, alterations to the structure and function of the brain, heart valve infections, kidney disease, and arthritis.

 In addition to disease processes, long-term impacts to physical and mental health include increased risk of collapsed veins, chronic digesting issues and problems with constipation, and new or worsening mental health symptoms, including depression and anxiety. Without detox and treatment at a program designed to help you overcome heroin addiction, the long-term effects of heroin abuse can lead to life-long and potentially fatal illnesses.

What are the Signs of Heroin Use?

The typical signs and symptoms of heroin use mimic the side effects of its use. Data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many of the short-term impacts on the body of heroin use, are also indicators of heroin addiction. Signs and symptoms including euphoria, flushed skin, itching, nausea, vomiting, heavy feeling in the arms and legs, cloudy thinking, slowed heart rate and severe drowsiness are all short-term bodily impacts of heroin use but visible signs and symptoms of its use as well.

Some people may experience symptoms of heroin abuse that are uncommon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that these occur in few instances and are often the result of consuming adulterated (heroin with other chemicals mixed in) heroin. Also known as a “bad batch,” using adulterated heroin can cause anxiety, difficulty breathing, headache, tremors, chest pains, and heart palpitations.

In addition to physical symptoms, someone who struggles with heroin addiction may exhibit mood and behavioral changes, new legal and financial problems, secretive behavior, presence of drug paraphernalia, and the presence of visible “track marks” on various areas of the body.

How to Find Treatment for Heroin Addiction

The path to overcoming heroin addiction is not always smooth and should not be walked alone. When you begin to detox from heroin, you will experience withdrawal effects. In some cases, they can be severe and challenging to manage without help and support from medical and mental health professionals. Detoxing and participating in therapeutic programs to help address the root causes of opioid addiction are vital to achieving sobriety and maintaining lasting recovery.If you or a loved one are ready to put struggles with heroin addiction in the past, choosing rehab is the best first step. Contact us today to learn more about Relevance Recovery and how our opioid detox and heroin addiction treatment programs can help you achieve lasting recovery.

Can You Get Addicted to Adderall?

man showing adderall holding in a pinch

Many people are familiar with Adderall and its benefits when used to help alleviate the symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Adderall has also shown positive effects in helping people manage symptoms of narcolepsy. Available by prescription only, Adderall is a combination drug containing amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Adderall is classified as a stimulant and is frequently misused for the effects the individual components of the drug produces. When abused, Adderall can have effects similar to those produced by methamphetamine, an illegally manufactured stimulant drug.

What is Adderall? 

Adderall is a prescription medication commonly prescribed by mental health professionals to alleviate the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults and teens. Although the drug is highly effective when used as prescribed, it remains a controlled substance as it is frequently misused or obtained illegally and resold to individuals without prescriptions. Adderall helps manage ADHD symptoms by encouraging the brain to produce higher amounts of dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine, a naturally occurring chemical in the brain, is responsible for essential functions throughout the body, including regulating feelings of happiness and pleasure. Norepinephrine, another naturally occurring chemical in the central nervous system, is responsible for the rate at which the brain responds to stimuli from outside the body.

How Does Adderall Addiction Develop?

Adderall addiction can happen gradually without you even realizing it. At first, you may think you have your usage under control and that you can stop at any time. But soon, you find yourself needing Adderall just to feel normal and function during the day. How did this happen?

Adderall works by increasing dopamine levels in the brain, which makes you feel good and enhances your focus and motivation. Over time, your brain adapts to the extra dopamine and reduces its dopamine production. This means you need more and more Adderall to feel its effects. If you stop taking it, dopamine levels crash and withdrawal symptoms emerge.

Some signs that Adderall addiction may be developing include:

  • Needing to take higher or more frequent doses to feel its effects
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms like fatigue, depression, or irritability when not taking it 
  • Strong cravings or urges to take Adderall
  • Continuing to use despite physical or psychological problems
  • Giving up or reducing social, occupational, or recreational activities because of Adderall use

The truth is, that anyone who takes Adderall regularly can become addicted, especially if misusing the medication by taking higher doses or more often than prescribed. The risk is even higher for those with a history of drug addiction or mental health issues.

Adderall addiction is a serious problem, but there is hope. Speaking to your doctor about adjusting or stopping the medication, behavioral therapies, and support groups can help overcome addiction and learn to manage ADHD symptoms in healthier ways. The path to recovery may not be easy, but with commitment and the right resources, you can break free from Adderall addiction.

What Causes Adderall Addiction?

A substance use disorder (SUD) is a condition in which a person becomes addicted to a substance. SUD can develop quickly and visibly, or it can develop slowly and invisibly. There are many factors that contribute to the development of SUD, and two people using Adderall in the same way can have very different SUD experiences. If you are prescribed Adderall, it will reduce your risk of developing SUD. Anytime you abuse Adderall, you are more likely to develop SUD. Nobody should attempt to self-administer Adderall.

Symptoms of Adderall Addiction

Instead of screening for Adderall addict symptoms, many drug and alcohol counselors screen for stimulant addict symptoms. Stimulant use disorder is a diagnostic mental health condition that includes symptoms of addiction, dependency and tolerance. While there are many diagnostic factors for stimulant use disorders, a person only has to present with two to be diagnosed.

Symptoms of an Adderall addiction include:

  • Taking the drug more often or in larger doses than intended
  • A desire to or unsuccessful attempts to stop the use
  • Spending a lot of time getting, using, and recovering from Adderall use
  • Strong urges to use Adderall
  • Struggling to complete responsibilities at home, work, or school
  • Still using despite a negative impact on physical, mental, or social health
  • Shifting priorities, interests, and relationships
  • Needing more Adderall to produce the previous effect
  • Feeling ill or uncomfortable when no Adderall is available

Signs of Adderall Overdose

Signs of Adderall Overdose

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

The last thing mentioned above is “Adderall withdrawal.” This is a sign that you’re addicted to Adderall. When the drug leaves your body, your body’s balance system is out of whack, so you’ll experience many of the same withdrawal symptoms that you’d experience if you were addicted to stimulants. When you take Adderall, you won’t feel the high energy and “rush” that comes with it. Instead, you’ll feel like you’ve hit a wall.

Symptoms of Adderall withdrawal may include:

  • Agitation
  • Aggression
  • Irritability
  • Low mood
  • Low energy
  • Little interest in usual activities
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Increased need for sleep
  • Higher appetite
  • Aches and pains
  • Inability to feel pleasure
  • Strong cravings for Adderall
  • Desire to restart substance use

Some symptoms may only last for a few days, while some depressive effects can last for several weeks after the last use.

Can You Get Addicted to Adderall? 

As with any other drugs that impact dopamine production, dependency on the feelings produced by Adderall can develop quickly. Even when used as directed, Adderall impacts how you react to external stimuli. Normal day-to-day events that used to produce feelings of joy and pleasure become insufficient to produce the same level of reaction achieved with Adderall. In time, tolerance to the effects of the drug develops and, shortly thereafter, addiction. When you are addicted to Adderall, you crave the effects of the drug and believe that you must use it to feel content and alert. 

Additionally, because Adderall impacts the rate at which the brain produces norepinephrine, users who have developed a tolerance to Adderall believe they must take larger and more frequent doses to feel the same level of alertness and productivity they used to feel without Adderall or with smaller doses. When you try to reduce the amount you take or quit using Adderall entirely, users report brain fog or feelings of lethargy and confusion because their brain is not producing norepinephrine at the levels it was when they were taking Adderall.

It is important to note that Adderall addiction, like many other stimulant drugs, can produce a range of symptoms, especially when you try to stop using. These include anxiety, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, appetite changes, headaches, new or worsening mental health symptoms, hallucinations, heart problems, and various other potentially dangerous effects. Because of these, it is important to withdraw from Adderall under the support and care of trained professionals at an addiction rehab like Relevance Recovery.

How to Get Help with Adderall Addiction

Detoxing from Adderall can be dangerous. This is especially true if your addiction is severe and you struggle with intense, potentially life-threatening symptoms as you try to cleanse your system of the effects of the drug. For many, although they are ready to begin their journey toward sobriety, the process of getting and staying sober from Adderall addiction is not easy. If you or a loved one are prepared to put Adderall addiction in the past, it is important to choose a setting where skilled therapy providers can provide the support and guidance you need through the earliest and most difficult stages of detox and withdrawal. 
At Relevance Recovery, our treatment team is here to guide you through each stage of detox, therapy, and comprehensive aftercare planning to ensure the most well-rounded, holistic recovery experience possible. To learn more about our programs and how we can help you overcome Adderall addiction, contact our admissions team today.

Is There a Connection Between Social Media and Drug Use?

Is There a Connection Between Social Media and Drug Use?

News, information, and entertainment travel quickly today. In decades past, one had to wait to turn on the nightly news or for the local paper to publish their weekend edition to learn about the goings-on both locally and worldwide. The internet and social media have changed that. Today, things are available to view, download and forward at the touch of a button. Unfortunately, this also means positive and negative information and insight travel with equal swiftness and can significantly impact everyone they touch. 

What Are the Popular Forms of Social Media? 

Before considering the connection between social media and drug use, it is important to understand what social media is. Social media is often loosely defined as a series of smartphone apps that can easily communicate with friends and family. Further simplified, social media consists of various social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Social media is an internet-based technology that helps to facilitate the sharing and exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information across virtual networks and communities. Social media platforms provide users with an instant means of communication with those close by or those on the other side of the world. 

Today, more than three billion people worldwide use common forms of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, among others. Data from the Pew Research Center indicates as many as ninety percent of people between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine use at least one type of social media. 

Is There a Connection Between Social Media and Drug Use? 

Drug and alcohol misuse and abuse are not new problems in the United States.  Each year, over twenty-one million people meet the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorder. Struggles with drug use have been a problem long before the advent of social media. However, social media outlets provide a new and concerning opportunity for people to be exposed to drugs in ways they may not have found before. Although people of all ages are vulnerable to the effects of what they see on social media, teens and adolescents are likely more susceptible due to the strength of peer pressure and peer influence. Common social media sites, including Facebook and Snapchat, offer an easy-to-access environment where people are exposed to people engaging in behaviors involving drugs and alcohol or discussing the use of drugs and alcohol.

Unfortunately, consistent exposure to celebrities, friends, or family engaging in substance use inevitably influences those who view the content. The constant presence of drug and alcohol use on social media may normalize or glamorize the behavior making people who wouldn’t usually turn to drugs believe that it’s OK to experiment with illicit or prescription drugs, for example.

Information from a survey conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University showed that teenagers who regularly viewed popular social media sites were more likely to use drugs than adolescents who did not use social media. The same survey showed that this group of individuals was two times more likely to use marijuana than those who did not frequently utilize social media outlets.

For impressionable people on social media, seeking others on social media, partying, and engaging in risky behaviors can lead them to turn to drugs or alcohol to “fit in.” Some studies indicate as many as 75% of young adults who see photos of others on social media sites smoking weed or using other substances encourage them to experiment in similar ways. Unfortunately, the same social media posts do not tend to encourage those struggling with addiction to seek addiction treatment to overcome drug addiction

Reach Out to Us Today at Relevance Recovery 

Social media outlets provide increased opportunities for people of all ages to be exposed to substance use. Either through photographs, chats, or open discussion, information about drug use and abuse is far more widely available today than ever before, leading to new or worsening struggles with addiction for many. If you would like to learn more about how Relevance Recovery can help you overcome an addiction to drugs, contact us today

What Is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?

What Is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?

Therapy is an essential element of addiction treatment. Some may even say it is the cornerstone of addiction treatment programs regardless of the type of addiction for which you might be seeking treatment. The most common form of addiction treatment therapy is called cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT. The premise behind cognitive behavioral therapy is helping people to change negative thoughts and irrational beliefs by thinking about the roots of their emotions and learning to build positive belief systems. Rational motive behavioral therapy or REBT is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. But what is REBT, and what are its goals? Again, this therapy type focuses on helping those in addiction treatment learn to change irrational beliefs around addiction. REBT (and other types of cognitive-behavioral therapy are often referred to as “action-oriented” approaches to psychotherapy that are designed to help you or your loved ones in treatment manage emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a positive, healthy way.

What Is REBT Therapy?

Albert Ellis, the creator of REBT, believed that people were not disturbed by things, but rather by how they viewed those things. The fundamental idea behind REBT is that the way people feel is significantly influenced by how they think. When people hold irrational views of themselves (or others around them), problems can arise. The goal of REBT is to help you alter the illogical beliefs and negative thinking patterns that have led to addictive behavior.

REBT is best understood by looking at the steps of the therapeutic process. The first step asks you to identify the irrational thought patterns and beliefs that have led to addictive behaviors. In many cases, these are reflected as absolutes, such as “I can’t” or “I must.” Continuing to hold onto such beliefs makes it nearly impossible to respond to triggering situations positively and healthily. The next step is working towards changing irrational beliefs. Once they have been identified, your therapist, skilled in REBT techniques, will help you dispute these beliefs through various methods. The final step involves gaining insight and changing behaviors. 

The REBT process can indeed be challenging as it asks you to face difficult thoughts and emotions that have been perceived as fact for some time, and accepting these thoughts as unhealthy is not easy for anyone. REBT strives to help you learn from mistakes and respond in a healthy way to triggering situations. 

Core Principles of REBT

REBT therapy follows a key concept based on ABC model. It illustrates that while we keep blaming outside events for our unhappiness, our perception of these events is what truly causes psychological distress.

REBT is based on the principle that people generally aim to do well and achieve their goals.
Though, irrational thoughts and feelings can affect these goals. These beliefs influence how we perceive events and circumstances.

Here’s how the ABC model works:

A – Activating Event: Something happens in the environment that triggers a negative reaction.
B – Belief: These are the thoughts about the event, often irrational.
C – Consequence: The emotional response to the belief, usually resulting in distress.

How Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Is Used in Addiction Treatment

REBT has proven to be a highly effective therapy model if you are struggling with a substance abuse disorder. The core essence of REBT is to change the way you think about your addiction and the situations that contribute to your addiction. Participation in REBT sessions, either individually or in a group format, can help you learn how to have more positive reactions to triggers, which, in turn, will help you resist turning to substances to cope with emotional situations. If you are struggling with an addiction, REBT can help you reduce the powerful impact of your emotions. The ability to minimize the effects of emotions leads to fewer self-defeating behaviors, such as using.

There are two primary ways REBT can help you defeat your addiction. First, it helps you learn how to react to situations in more realistic ways instead of irrational thoughts. It also allows you to realize there are things in life you cannot control, but you can control how you react to the specific situation.  REBT is often combined with other treatment methods, such as medical treatments, alternative therapies (or holistic therapies), and other forms of psychotherapy.


Que: Is REBT good for anxiety?

Ans: Yes, REBT is effective for anxiety as it helps individuals identify and challenge irrational beliefs, leading to reduced anxiety and more rational thinking patterns.

Que: What are drawbacks of REBT?

Ans: REBT can be hard for some people because it needs you to change your thoughts, which takes practice and time. Also, it might feel too direct or harsh for some folks.

Que: How does REBT treat depression?

Ans: REBT helps people understand that feeling sad is okay, but thinking we must always be happy can make us feel worse. It teaches us to change our thoughts and find ways to feel better by accepting ourselves and thinking more positively.

Que: What is the most common cognitive method of REBT?

Ans: In REBT, the most common method is changing how you think about things to feel better. It’s like using your brain to find better ways to understand and handle your feelings.


REBT is a highly effective form of therapy that has helped many people meet and defeat their addiction since it was first introduced over seventy years ago. REBT is an evidence-based, validated treatment model that can help you change your negative thoughts and responses to lead a happier, sober life. If you are ready to seek addiction treatment or have questions about how REBT or other treatments may be able to help, contact the caring, compassionate team at Relevance Recovery today. You are relevant.

Seeking Addiction Treatment: What Is Outpatient Rehab?

what is outpatient rehab

What is outpatient treatment? When people think about addiction rehab, they often envision inpatient treatment centers where those seeking help with their addiction spend time away from home while healing. This type of treatment setting is not for everyone, and many seek alternate treatment program options that do not involve a residential component. There are situations where outpatient treatment programs can provide a successful treatment and recovery option for those struggling with a variety of addictions. 

Defining Outpatient Rehab

Unlike an inpatient program, which requires people to move into a facility for a specific period (typically 30 to 90 days), an outpatient program allows people to stay home and, in their communities, while they work on their addiction challenges. Some outpatient programs have a set schedule, in which people who enroll are expected to appear in groups with other members of the program. These times cannot be varied or changed, which promotes accountability by participants. Other programs may have appointment-based systems that could accommodate issues such as work or childcare. 

Outpatient programs are often considered a less intense form of addiction care. There is no around-the-clock supervision involved with these programs, and often no clinicians are available when a crisis hits off hours. As a result, these programs are usually recommended for new addiction cases and those in good mental health.

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

  • Flexibility – Outpatient treatment allows individuals to continue their daily activities while receiving care. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals and those with family obligations.
  • Privacy – Since outpatient treatment doesn’t require an overnight stay, it can be more discreet, allowing individuals to maintain their privacy.
  • Support system – Outpatient treatment enables individuals to stay connected with their loved ones, which can be a significant source of support during recovery.
  • Individualized care: – At Relevance Recovery, we understand that each person’s journey to recovery is unique. Our outpatient programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient.
  • Dual diagnosis treatment – Our center emphasizes dual diagnosis treatment, addressing addiction and any co-existing mental health disorders. This comprehensive approach increases the chance of long-term recovery.

Whether you’re a board-certified professional with a primary diagnosis of substance use disorder (SUD) or an individual struggling with co-occurring mental health conditions, we’re here to help. Our outpatient programs include a range of therapies, detox services, and specialized treatment options like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy. We also offer 12-step and holistic therapy programs to cater to various needs and preferences.

Outpatient Rehab vs. Inpatient: What’s the Difference?

Addiction treatment programs typically fall into two categories: inpatient and outpatient treatment. But how are they different? While each has its benefits, the decision about which treatment is needed should be based on the patient’s individual needs at that time. 

Outpatient Rehab vs. Inpatient:

Inpatient Rehab

For most people struggling with addiction, detox at an inpatient rehab provides an excellent start to achieving sobriety and recovery. Inpatient rehab, also called residential treatment or residential rehab, requires the person to remain on-site at the treatment facility for the duration of their program. This arrangement gives a person complete focus on their treatment. It also provides the opportunity for medically assisted withdrawal from drugs and alcohol if needed. 

At an inpatient rehab program, clients are provided with a structured environment designed to keep everyone focused on recovery. Immersive, evidence-based care concentrates on individual, group, and family therapies; all focused on promoting healing.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient is an excellent choice for people with substance abuse challenges that are milder, where they have not become physically dependent on substances, but realize they have a growing problem. Outpatient treatment is also an effective means for continuing treatment progress when transitioning from an inpatient facility. Most notably, outpatient treatment offers convenience and flexibility not available in inpatient settings.

Outpatient programs include a wide variety of options, including detox, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and opportunities for alternative and holistic treatment options.

Sobriety Is Possible at Relevance Recovery

If you are ready to seek addiction treatment but aren’t sure which type of program is right for you, contact Relevance Recovery to learn more about how our outpatient treatment programs can help you achieve sobriety and lasting recovery! 

Finding A Drug Rehab Center In New Jersey

Drug and alcohol addiction impacts millions of lives across the United States each day. Unfortunately, only one out of every ten people who struggle with a substance abuse disorder or addiction will ever seek or successfully enter an addiction treatment program. Some individuals will forego or avoid rehab due to the stigma that still surrounds addiction and addiction treatment. Others do not believe or do not realize they have a substance abuse problem.  

Establishing If You Need Rehab

Determining if you need rehab is a multi-step process. First, it should include an honest self-assessment of your substance use. It can be challenging to be objective and admit that you have an addiction. However, if ongoing substance abuse is causing negative impacts in your life, it is time to take a closer look and consider that you might have an addiction for which treatment is necessary. Once you have made this decision, you have already taken the first and most crucial step on the path to recovery. Next, you must decide where and how you will achieve sobriety.

Determining if you need rehab depends on the severity and symptoms of addiction which you exhibit. One of the early signs that you may have an addiction – and not a physical dependence on substances- is the presence of new or ongoing destructive behaviors. These behaviors are often in response to uncontrollable cravings related to changes in the brain that arise from chronic substance abuse. 

For those that struggle with a substance use disorder, there are certain signs and symptoms to look for, which indicate treatment is essential to ongoing health and well-being. Symptoms of addiction can and do vary from person to person, yet they generally have physical, mental, and social impacts. If your life and relationships are being adversely affected by substance use, you likely have an addiction. The severity of your addiction may range from mild to severe, depending on a list of symptoms indicative of addiction. There are eleven in total, including lack of control, inability to quit (despite the desire to), cravings, tolerance, withdrawal, and several others. Even if you have a mild diagnosis, you should still seek help to get sober. 

Benefits of Going to A Drug Treatment Center in New Jersey

Several factors go into deciding where to seek treatment. Whether New Jersey is home or you have chosen to travel for rehab, it is essential to select a rehab facility that provides individual, evidence-based, holistic care. Addiction symptoms present differently for everyone, and therefore no one treatment will work for everyone struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. The best drug and alcohol rehab centers provide a full continuum of care from admission to comprehensive after-care with programs explicitly designed to meet each client’s needs.

Why You Should Choose Relevance Behavioral Health

Achieving sobriety and recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is a challenging road. At Relevance Behavioral Health, our treatment team understands these challenges better than many, as we have lived them firsthand. Our intensive outpatient program was created to solve addiction’s underlying causes, teach new coping skills, and heal all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit. The professionals at Relevance Behavioral Health strive to ensure that all clients leave treatment feeling healthy, motivated, and ready to begin a new life free from the struggles of addiction. Our outstanding team will custom tailor a drug and alcohol abuse treatment plan to help you or your loved one recover from addiction. Our state of the art, individualized treatment plans are designed to meet all types of treatment needs both during and after treatment as we remain by your side throughout the first years of your recovery. If you or a loved one are ready for a different kind of addiction program where everyone is relevant, contact Relevance Behavioral Health today to learn more.  


How much can we blame our genes for addictive behavior?

The Oscar-nominated actor Robert Downey Jr., star of countless films including Chaplin, the Iron Man series, Tropic Thunder and Zodiac, started making movies when he was just five years old. He’s also famous for his descent into drug addiction, which he says started even earlier than age five.

Downey has told a number of interviewers that he believes he has an addictive personality, and that he may have passed that personality on to his son, Indio, who recently pled guilty to felony cocaine possession and entered a rehabilitation program. Meanwhile, Downey (the elder) has talked about how his own father introduced him to drugs.

Downey’s stories beg critical questions about how humans handle drugs and addiction:

  • Is addiction inherited, and genetic?

  • Is addiction more a cultural and environmental phenomenon?

  • Is there such a thing as an addictive personality?

Drug rehabilitation, medical and psychological treatments and even the criminal justice system depend heavily on the right answers to those questions.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (one of the National Institutes of Health), illegal drug abuse costs the United States more than $181 billion each year “in health care, productivity loss, crime, incarceration and drug enforcement.” And these costs are based on an assumption that drug addiction, as NIDA puts it, “is a chronic, relapsing brain disease.”

But that doesn’t necessarily make it genetic. Nor does a pattern of heritability for, say, alcoholism, make that disorder entirely genetic. Researchers are looking at addiction as a complex interaction of genes, metabolism, environment and behavior. This has come a long way from the early 20th century, when addiction was seen more as a morality problem, or even since the 1980s, when we witnessed the primitive eggs-on-a-frying pan “this is your brain on drugs” advertisements. Researchers have largely abandoned the search for an overarching addictive personality, in which a person shows an archetypal vulnerability for any addiction, be it cigarettes, alcohol, heroin, or gambling.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, contact us today by calling 732-702-2242.

Case for genes

Of all the people who try alcohol or illegal drugs, only 10 to 20 percent get addicted. No single gene has ever been isolated for people who get hooked on alcohol, drugs or other substances. But a number of studies show that genetics does play some significant role:

  • Identical twin studies have shown a fairly strong concordance (sharing a behavior and genetic trait), but even these show some variability. For example, a Medical College of Virginia twin study on cocaine use showed a 54 concordance rate for identical twins versus 42 percent for fraternal twins, but for cocaine abuse showed a 47 percent concordance for identical twins and only eight percent for fraternal twins.

  • Other studies showed some differences depending on type of substance. A Washington University, St. Louis, review showed that 33 to 71 percent of the variation in nicotine addiction was inherited, while 48 to 66 percent of variation in alcohol addiction was inherited, and 49 percent of variation in gambling addiction was inherited.

  • A search for genes has uncovered a number of genetic clusters that affect behavior and mood, and could be connected with addiction. Genes on no fewer than eight chromosomes have been tagged for some role in chemical dependence.

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Case for the environment

Also taking a step away from the early focus on moral fiber, behavioral scientists have been examining external factors that could lead to addiction:

  • Twin studies, this time looking at identical twins who did not have the exact same upbringing, showed that the twin who had experienced childhood sexual abuse did show a strong tendency toward substance abuse, while the twin who did not have these experiences did not share this addiction.

  • Some researchers have pointed to social structures as a key factor in addiction. Monkey studies have shown that those who were dominated by other monkeys are more likely to take cocaine than more socially powerful monkeys. Others have looked at poverty, and living on the fringes of society as something that prods addiction.

  • Certain behavioral disorders, like anxiety or impulsive behavior, have been suspected of driving addiction. Feeling anxious can fuel the need to consume drugs that alleviate these feelings and other social fears, while teenagers may become addicted because they can’t yet control their emotions effectively.


Case for nature and nurture

  • Many alcohol abuse studies have focused on the gene ALDH2, which controls the conversion of acetaldehyde, a rather toxic metabolite of alcohol. Some variants of ALDH2 don’t convert acetaldehyde into acetate very well, particularly in Asian populations. While some studies show that people with this version of ALDH2 were far less likely to get addicted to alcohol, the heavy-drinking business culture that developed in Japan and other Asian nations in the 1980s and 1990s forced businessmen (mostly men) to drink anyway.

  • While addicts may behave as if they have a disease state (compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences), and addiction does change how certain neurotransmitters like dopamine are metabolized, they also can completely recover on their own, at rates up to 80 percent.

  • Epigenetic changes, as we’ve written about in the Genetic Literacy Project, have been shown to also affect who becomes an addict and why. Excessive cocaine and alcohol use can determine how genes that protect against addiction are regulated, while increases in dopamine receptor numbers (and activity) can help prevent addiction.

Was Robert Downey Jr. right?

Recently, a NIDA director estimated that the genetic risk of addiction averages about 50 percent. So, Downey may have passed on a tendency for substance abuse to his son, but it may have just as much been the same way he was influenced by his father as it was through his own DNA.

  1. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/01/18/how-much-can-we-blame-our-genes-for-addictive-behavior/

Is your loved one headed for relapse?

Getting sober and committing to a life free of drugs, alcohol and all other mood altering substances comes with many different challenges.  Relapse is a harsh reality that many people going through recovery will face. The best way that you could help your loved one is to be mindful of the different warning signs that may arise when your loved once is nearing a relapse or has recently gone through a relapse. Being aware of the signs is key to ensuring that your loved one can receive assistance during this difficult time. Some of the signs that someone is heading towards a relapse are subtle, while some of the signs can easily be missed.

Typically, a relapse happens mentally before the person actually gets to the point of picking up their substance of choice. The mental relapse can happen when a person begins to think about and glorify some of their past habits or goes back to spending time with some of their old friends, ultimately thinking about the positives from their time spent doing drugs and forgetting the pain and turmoil that their substance use had caused. Following the internal struggle of a mental relapse comes the physical relapse.

The physical relapse is what we think of most when we hear the term “relapse”. A physical relapse is when the person consumes a substance, ultimately breaking their sobriety. Once the relapse happens a person can quickly fall back into old, dangerous habits and put their own lives at risk.

There are behaviors to watch out for that may be an indicator that your loved one is heading towards or has reached a relapse:

  • Changes in the persons behavior

    • Depressed mood, impulsive behavior, easily agitated, forgetfulness, becoming defiant, sudden mood swings

  • Changes in appearance

    • When abusing a substance, a persons physical appearance as well as their living environment becomes a secondary priority.

  • Asking to borrow money or taking items that do not belong to them

    • Financial problems or irresponsible financial planning can be a sign of relapse because people often prioritize purchasing their substance over purchasing what is necessary for their daily living.

  • Missing treatment days, therapy appointments and/or support meetings

    • Distancing yourself from your support system and those who are holding you accountable is a common behavior that helps the person avoid conversations surrounding their substance use.

  • Reconnecting with old friends or contacts

  • Participating in old habits

    • This could range from lying, to not attending work and/or school, coming home at late hours or not coming home at all, staying awake or sleeping for long periods of time.

These key behaviors are important to watch out for when you are questioning if your loved one is heading towards or has reached a substance relapse. As much as it is important to be aware of these relapse signs, it is also important to know that help is here and recovery is possible.