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Like many companies throughout the United States, we have taken comprehensive initiatives to keep operations running smoothly while ensuring the highest level of safety for our staff and clients. Protocols have been enacted for some staff to work remotely and all inter-office and ancillary services have been halted to encourage social distancing. According to the State of N.J., we fall under “Essential Services” so our doors will remain open to our patients while we continue to monitor and closely follow the newest CDC guidelines. We want to keep you up to date and share with anyone seeking substance abuse for themselves or a loved one, the following measures which have been put into place.

Safety Measures

1. All potential patients are being carefully screened by our medical and operations teams. Our intake and screening professionals are surveying potential patients by asking if they have traveled out of the country, through an airport, if they have or had a cough, shortness of breath, or fever. We are also asking if potential patient has been in contact with anyone who is, or may be, COVID-19 positive. Anyone deemed a possible risk, will not be admitted to our facility for the protection of our staff and patients.

2. Everyone entering the Relevance agency will have their temperature taken, prior to entering any of our facilities. Anyone answering “yes” to any of our survey questions or presenting with a fever over 100.4 will not be granted access into any of our facilities.

3. Tele-med services have been implemented for APN’s and clinical staff.

4. Disinfectant wipes, gloves, and masks are readily available to all staff and patients. We are directing staff to wipe down surfaces, wear gloves when having contact with patients, and wash hands vigorously with soap and water frequently and not touch their face.

5. We are requiring all staff and patients to cover their cough and sneezes with a tissue and dispose of the tissue immediately, followed by rigorous handwashing.

6. We are not permitting handshaking, hugs or kisses and are demanding that individuals keep their distance.

7. We are taking great caution of assessing incoming admissions for not only questions related to COVID-19, but also any medical or psychiatric compromise that would suggest they could need a higher level of care at any time while in our care with the understanding that ER’s and paramedics may not be available.

8. We have suspended ALL outside visitations at this time.

9. Facilities are being sanitized throughout the day. We have ordered hand sanitizer, additional PPE and cleaning supplies for all locations. OTC Cleaning is using disease control disinfectant, facility is also being misted for bacterial control.

10. Relevance has begun offering Telehealth for any individual in need. The following telehealth services are currently available and will be utilized as required. Initial Psychiatric Evaluation. Psychiatric follow up. Initial and follow up visits with DNP/APN. Partial Care Individual and Group Therapy. Intensive Outpatient Individual and Group Therapy. Outpatient Individual and Group Therapy.

11. Any individual with a temperature over 100.4 and symptoms including dry, non-productive cough, shortness of breath, inability to complete a sentence, body aches, fatigue, will be given a mask & gloves, separated from general population and sent to the hospital. Clients who reside at PHP Housing who present with a temperature over 100.4 and flu like symptoms, will remain at housing and triage through their primary physician and/or APN or Doctor will determine plan of care. Client may be required to contact their primary care doctor. Client may be quarantined at residence. Client may be sent to hospital. Client may be sent home and offered telehealth. Staff who present with flu like symptoms and temperature over 100.4 will be asked to return to their homes and follow up with their primary care physician. This individual must contact their primary care physician or urgent care and follow the direction of physician. Staff must be without a fever for at least 3 days and will need to provide documentation from a physician and clearance from Human Resources to return to work.

12. In the event of a positive COVID-19 for staff. Staff member will be asked to contact their primary care physician. Staff member will call the CDC at 1-800-CDC-INFO and NJ DOH at 1-800- 962-1253. Staff member will follow all CDC an NJ DOH guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19 or possible case of COVID-19. This staff member will not be permitted to return to work without medical clearance from a physician and clearance from Human Resources.

13. In the event of a positive COVID-19 for a client. If client is residing at PHP Housing: Client may be quarantined at a designated location and offered telehealth through Relevance. Client may be sent home and offered telehealth through Relevance. Client will follow all CDC an NJ DOH guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19 or possible case of COVID-19. Client will not be permitted to return to in person clinical services until medically cleared by their primary care doctor. Client will be instructed to call the CDC at 1-800-CDC-INFO and NJ DOH at 1-800- 962-1253. Other clients and staff will be monitored for signs and symptoms and as long as client has no symptoms, client may stay in treatment. If client or staff starts to show symptoms, triage with our Clinical Team and/or APN. Any client not residing in PHP Housing: Client will be encouraged to self-quarantine at home. This client will be offered telehealth services and will follow all CDC an NJ DOH guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19 or possible case of COVID-19. Client will not be permitted to return to in person clinical services until medically cleared by their primary care doctor. Client will be instructed to call the CDC at 1-800-CDC-INFO and NJ DOH at 1-800-962-1253. This is a very difficult and fast-changing situation that Relevance Behavioral Health is taking very seriously. We will continue to follow CDC and NJ DOH guidelines. We are doing our best to ensure the safety of all patients and staff. We will continue to update as we receive new information.