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Who Can Benefit From Holistic Drug Rehab?

In recent decades, the landscape of addiction treatment has changed. The old viewpoint that addiction and mental health were unrelated illnesses and, therefore, must be addressed independently has evolved into a clearer understanding of the complexities of addiction as a disease of the mind. Additionally, the diversity of the treatment environment continues to grow. Many rehab programs like Relevance Recovery now incorporate holistic treatments into comprehensive programs that address the medical and mental health needs of patients seeking sobriety. Including holistic or alternative therapies as part of our drug rehab program ensures you have the most significant access to the most well-rounded, individualized treatment possible. Even with an understanding of what holistic treatment is, it may be less clear who can benefit from holistic drug rehab.

What is Holistic Treatment?

In recent years, the idea of holistic or “whole person” medicine has grown in popularity. Although traditional interventions that focus on the science of healing remain highly effective, many people across the nation have started seeking a more well-rounded form of treatment to address their physical and emotional health needs. Holistic treatments, sometimes called complementary or alternative treatments, are therapeutic models that focus on healing the mind, body, and spirit as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Holistic addiction treatment programs incorporate holistic techniques into traditional programs that include evidence-based therapy models. Program participants benefit from these added interventions by focusing on healing from addiction and healing their emotional health and other areas of their lives. It is important to remember that holistic approaches are generally considered “complementary” and provide the most benefit when incorporated into a comprehensive treatment approach, including evidence-based therapy, medical support, nutritional support, and other peer and family support opportunities.

When is Holistic Treatment Used in Rehab?

Holistic treatment helps those seeking to overcome addiction (substance use disorders) achieve their sobriety goals in an environment that allows them to focus on their overall health and well-being. By incorporating holistic treatments like massage, yoga, meditation, and nutritional therapies into a program, treatment centers like Relevance Recovery encourage our patients to heal their mind, body, and spirit in the way they feel most comfortable.

The disease of addiction does not “look” the same from person to person. Therefore, incorporating holistic treatments into our programs ensures everyone has access to the treatment models that speak to them. Holistic therapies are used in rehab to complement or “add to” the benefits of traditional approaches. Including holistic options in this way can increase treatment success rates, help reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms, enhance spiritual healing, and improve stress reduction skills.

Who Can Benefit From Holistic Drug Rehab?

Data from a National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health study indicates that 40% of US adults use some type of alternative and complementary medicine. One of the best parts about holistic approaches is that they can benefit anyone and are generally safe for everyone. Unlike pharmacological approaches to symptom management, holistic options do not typically involve interventions that could adversely impact one’s mental or physical health through invasive treatments or medication-based interventions. This allows more people to benefit from holistic drug rehab as concerns related to underlying medical and mental health conditions adversely interacting with a particular treatment are vastly reduced.

Also, holistic options frequently open the door to treatment for those who may be unwilling or uninterested in traditional drug rehab. Although conventional treatments, including detox, individual therapy, and group therapies, remain vital to achieving lasting sobriety, some who could benefit from treatment may not seek the help they need if traditional approaches are the only available option. This is also true if they have tried a conventional approach in the past and experienced a relapse. Including options for holistic treatment may increase curiosity or make them more willing to try (again) traditional treatments as part of a more extensive, all-encompassing program. The skills learned as part of holistic addiction treatment are beneficial long-term as well. Many holistic therapies focus on stress reduction and centering, two vital skills for relapse prevention and maintaining lasting sobriety.

How to Find Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs

Ongoing struggles with addiction impact you at all levels. Continued use of substances will inevitably have a harmful impact on your mind, body, and spirit. This makes it difficult to heal from within as your mind and body have trouble moving forward on the same path toward wellness. It is crucial to strengthen the mind-body connection to achieve lasting recovery. This is where holistic treatment comes into play. The theory behind alternative or holistic drug rehab is to provide a whole-person, comprehensive treatment approach that addresses all areas of healing.To learn more about how holistic addiction treatment programs can help you on your journey to recovery, contact a member of our admissions team at Relevance Recovery today. We are here to help you learn more about how holistic treatment can enhance and improve overall treatment outcomes as you begin your journey towards freedom from substance use. For a comprehensive addiction rehab in New Jersey, reach out to us today.

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