What is DMT meditation? Exploring the benefits and risks

What is DMT meditation

It’s crucial to ask oneself, “What is DMT meditation?” to associate with its benefits and risks.   

As per the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health,1.4 million Americans aged 12 or older are current hallucinogen users, including DMT. This drug has low addictive properties. Findings suggest it aids some people who have treatment-resistant depression. The fusion of the ancient practice of meditation with DMT works like a magical potion for people seeking profound spiritual experiences. We are here to educate everyone about “what is DMT meditation?” and how it can transform one’s life. Read further to know more!

What is DMT meditation?

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Before understanding “what is DMT meditation?”, it is necessary to be familiar with DMT. DMT is a psychedelic substance usually found in plants and animals. Its high effect takes a person on a trip to self-reflection and spiritual experience. Research by Imperial College London highlights the benefit of DMT in increasing brain connectivity, resulting in improved communication between different areas and systems. DMT meditation infuses a similar effect without ingesting the substance. This practice harnesses the synergistic effect of meditation to pave a path of discovery and transformation. We implement it through meditative techniques such as breathwork, visualization, mantra recitation, and concentration exercises. These techniques create the DMT effect through heightened awareness and deep connection. Though this may not fully replicate the DMT experience, it’s still suitable for healing and self-improvement.

Process of DMT meditation 

There is no standard procedure or rules laid down for DMT meditation. It is generally accompanied by a series of steps, as explained below-


This stage involves developing an environment suitable for DMT meditation. It includes setting goals for the meditation session and surrounding oneself with a meditation guide or friend for support and company.


It involves practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or visualization techniques to enhance relaxation and focus.


For a more profound effect of DMT meditation, this stage asks us to reflect on our journey experience and integrate it into our lives. Journaling or sharing experiences with therapists or loved ones are some ways to integrate their learnings.

Techniques of DMT meditation


In DMT meditation, breathwork prepares the body and mind for the psychedelic experience. It involves rapid, rhythmic breathing patterns designed to induce altered states of consciousness or slow and controlled breathing for developing focus.


This technique involves mentally picturing images, scenes, or symbols to help people form vivid internal landscapes similar to those reported in DMT experiences. It helps enhance focus and attention and potentially induces altered states.

Mantra Recitation

This technique involves repeating similar words or sounds silently or aloud to improve the focus of the mind and cultivate inner peace.

Concentration Exercise

This technique asks a person to focus on a single point, such as a candle flame, breath, or sound. It helps calm the mind and prepare it for the altered state. 

Benefits of DMT meditation 

Benefits of DMT meditation

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The experience of DMT meditation is not the same for everyone; each of us will have a different understanding of its benefits. A study done by Griffiths et al. showed that a combination of psychedelics and meditation generates long-term improvements in psychological functioning as well as trait measures of prosocial attitudes and behaviors. Here are some of the other benefits of DMT mediation:

Enhances Creativity

DMT meditation enables people to access new perspectives, ideas, and solutions, which increases their creativity.

  • Self-discovery
    DMT meditation deepens a person’s connection with self, providing more significant insights into one’s emotions and motivations and setting growth potential.
  • Stress Reduction
    Like any other meditation, DMT meditation too works like a healer when it comes to managing stress and anxiety. It enables a person to create an environment of positivity that can keep them away from stress.

Spiritual Exploration

What is DMT meditation for the spiritual world? It acts as a bridge between one’s conscious and spiritual self. Research by the All Institute of Medical Science shows that addressing the patient’s spiritual needs may enhance recovery from illness. Thus, DMT meditation assists in exploring one’s spiritual self, further improving overall well-being. 

Risks and precautions of DMT meditation 

Practice DMT meditation while keeping in mind the following risks: 

  • Psychological distress: People with a history of medical conditions or those who are unassociated with meditation earlier are at higher risk. The experience of vivid hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, and emotional upheaval can trigger one’s fear and anxiety.

  • Risk of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder: DMT meditation may trigger flashbacks or persistent perceptual disturbances, which can lead to this disorder. It can result in visual disturbances that would not have a good effect on one’s mind.

  • Risky for people with pre-existing conditions: People with a history of mental health conditions like anxiety, psychosis, or schizophrenia should be extra cautious of its effects. DMT meditation, in this case, should be practiced if suggested by a medical professional.


  • Avoid the use of any medications or recreational substances during DMT meditation.
  • Seek advice from a medical expert if you have a pre-existing medical condition.
  • Before indulging in the consumption of DMT, study its addictive potential.
  • Be non-judgemental and positive throughout your experience.
  • Understand “what is DMT meditation?” and practice only in jurisdictions where its use is legal.  


1. What is DMT meditation?

DMT meditation is the practice of achieving an altered state of consciousness similar to that created by DMT. It involves using various meditative techniques to develop a DMT effect. 

2. What is DMT meditation benefit?

DMT meditation enhances creativity, increases self-awareness, and deepens connection with oneself.

3. What are DMT meditation risks?

For people unaware of meditative practices, deep meditative states can be intense, and some people may experience anxiety, fear, or even feelings of dissociation. It is also not scientifically proven to be as effective and may lead to disappointment in terms of results. 

4. What is a DMT meditation alternative?

Several other meditative practices are alternatives to DMT meditation. These involve breathwork, concentration exercises, and other meditations less severe than DMT meditation.

5. What is DMT meditation’s effect on individuals?

The effect of DMT meditation varies from individual to individual and depends on various factors. Its general effects include an altered state of consciousness, increased self-reflection, and enhanced creativity. 


The intersection of DMT and meditation can provide a path for personal growth and spiritual exploration. However, it is essential to conduct this practice under the supervision and guidance of a qualified medical professional. If its benefits are convincing enough, take it as a call to implement it and witness its effect firsthand. For a more profound impact, approach the practice with mindfulness and medical supervision. What is DMT meditation meant to bring to each of us? It is an entire journey of learning and experiences. We hope that this experience will shape each one of our lives in a better way.

What is DMT treatment?

DMT treatment

DMT treatment has opened a new door of possibility for those caught in the grip of anxiety, depression, or addiction. Research by PubMed states that natural therapeutic alternatives such as psychedelic drugs may provide a safe and efficient alternative to conventional medications used to treat mood and anxiety disorders. Unlike other substances, DMT, which belongs to this class of psychedelic drugs, is less prone to addiction and tolerance. It has thus become a subject of interest for medical experts worldwide to study it as a treatment alternative. In the article below, we have simplified everything about DMT treatment. We have also evaluated its various benefits and risks to help one get clarity about its usage.

Understanding DMT

DMT is a powerful hallucinogen that is commonly found in certain plants and animals, as well as in trace amounts in the human body. It has been used for centuries in rituals and indigenous ceremonies for its mind-altering effects and potential therapeutic properties.

The National Institute of Health research reveals that there has been a significant and historical record of the medicinal use of DMT occurring long before the advent of psychedelic therapy. Since DMT has a lower potential for overdose and addiction as compared to other substances, it has been a subject of study for researchers for its potential role in treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. Now, let’s dig deeper to understand what DMT therapy is.

What is DMT-assisted therapy?

DMT-assisted therapy is a practice of DMT application under a trained therapist’s guidance. It helps people quickly deal with mental health issues and accelerates personal growth. People who want therapeutic benefits or wish to experience their thoughts and emotions differently undergo it. There can be different goals for taking DMT treatment, which usually differs from person to person. Some common therapeutic goals include resolving trauma, processing difficult emotions, and self-reflection. Though it has some benefits, it is always advisable to do it with precaution. People with prior medical conditions or those under medications should be cautious about its usage. The below segment talks about the benefits of DMT treatment in detail.

Benefits of DMT-assisted therapy

Benefits of DMT-assisted therapy

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Reduces dependency on medications

DMT-assisted therapy helps one walk the path of self-recovery and healing. It helps reduce one’s reliance on medications for relief and improvement.

Enhances quality of life

DMT treatment enhances quality of life by improving one’s overall well-being. It acts as a catalyst for personal growth and helps one find meaning and purpose in life.

Helps in healing through emotional experiences

DMT treatment helps individuals process their past trauma and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. It allows them to rescue themselves from that stored emotional stigma that hurls their growth.

Helps in self-exploration

DMT helps individuals see their life problems and challenges from a new perspective. The profound insights provided by therapy help one clarify one’s thoughts and deepen one’s relationship with oneself.

Helpful in treating various medical conditions

Compared to traditional methods, DMT is more efficient in helping individuals cope with their medical conditions. It works towards reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, though research is still ongoing to determine its effectiveness.

DMT Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD

DMT Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD

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DMT therapy has garnered the attention of researchers and medical experts curious about its role in treating medical conditions. A study done by NCBI analyzed the effectiveness of DMT in treating depression. To measure the results, they took a sample of adults with signs of depressive symptoms. In conclusion, they found that DMT could be efficient and valuable in depression treatment. However, further studies and observations on more significant groups of patients are still required to assess safety.

Here are some of the other statements made amidst the research done on its effectiveness

  • DMT-assisted therapy is not a standalone treatment. For long-term results, it’s most effective when combined with traditional therapy approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • DMT interacts with various brain chemicals, particularly serotonin, which may promote neuroplasticity, which could help break the negative pattern associated with several medical conditions
  • DMT can induce profoundly spiritual or mystical experiences that foster one’s connection with self; this can help overcome fear and isolation that emerge as a result of depression. To learn about how DMT meditation plays a role in enhancing this spiritual experience, read this.

Alternatives to DMT treatment

Alternatives to DMT treatment

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The holistic approach

Holistic healing methods such as massage therapy, herbal medicine, and energy healing help restore the mind-body balance and accelerate healing.

Traditional therapies

Traditional forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy, can be another alternative to DMT therapy. Clinical studies have shown that a synergistic combination of psychopharmacology and psychotherapy may improve outcomes in depression, treatment-resistant depression, and addiction disorders.

Mindfulness and meditation

Alternatives to DMT therapy include mindfulness meditation, yoga, and breathwork. They also focus on deepening one’s connection with oneself and developing positivity for personal growth.


1. How does DMT treatment work?

DMT interacts with various neurotransmitters in the brain and promotes the brain’s ability to form connections. DMT treatment creates an environment that guides patients throughout their journey and integrates the learnings into their lives.

2. What is DMT treatment?

DMT treatment is a practice of infusing DMT effect with therapy to offer a promising avenue for personal growth and healing.

3. What are the benefits of DMT treatment?

DMT treatment helps one fight negative thoughts and build self-awareness, leading to a positive change. It is mainly considered beneficial in treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and addiction.

4. Can DMT treatment help with depression anxiety?

Research is still ongoing to determine the accurate efficiency of DMT treatment in treating anxiety and depression. But, by far, it has shown to be more effective in reducing its symptoms than traditional methods.

5. What are alternatives to DMT treatment?

The various alternatives to DMT treatment include traditional and complementary therapies. These include psychotherapy, mindfulness-based techniques, brain stimulation exercises, etc.


Evaluating any medical treatment’s potential risks and benefits is essential before undergoing it. This article has provided a clear understanding of both aspects, allowing us to take the next step towards recovery and lifestyle modifications. Therapy has emerged as the most effective form of DMT treatment. However, one can make the most of it by integrating the journey’s learnings into daily life.

Is DMT addictive? Effects, Facts & More

Is DMT addictive

It’s believed that every drug has some potential for addiction, which has led to debate concerning- “Is DMT addictive?”.The following article talks about the addictive potential of DMT and reveals the science behind DMT dependence.

In this health-conscious era, it’s crucial to be cautious of substances that promise relief and pleasure, as they can often be misleading and harmful to our long-term health. One such substance that we need to be aware of is DMT. As per research by the Oxford Treatment Center, young adults aged 19 to 30 make up the largest group of people in the United States to use hallucinogens such as DMT. This information highlights the need to understand the effects of this substance on an individual.

This blog aims to provide information regarding the proper usage of DMT and resolve the doubts about “Is DMT addictive?” Additionally, one can also gain insight into its harmful effects and learn to draw a safety line before the consumption turns into addiction.

All about DMT

All about DMT

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The Drug Enforcement Administration recognizes DMT as a hallucinogenic drug. It comes in white crystalline powder with a yellowish or pink color. It is known to be consumed in various forms by smoking, brewing in tea, or snorting. For centuries, certain groups have used this substance as a component in religious ceremonies, particularly in South America. However, later, due to its potential for misuse, potentially dangerous effects, and the possibility of the development of psychological dependence, federal law in the U.S. classified it as a “Schedule I” illegal drug. Taking DMT can cause a person to experience an altered reality, described as a life-changing event. Although it has some therapeutic benefits, excessive dependence on drugs can lead to harmful side effects. The effects of DMT on the body can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as usage and form. Now that we have learned about DMT, let’s focus on the critical question – “Is DMT addictive?”

Is DMT addictive?

Is DMT addictive?

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The National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that there is no substantial evidence that can claim DMT as an addictive substance. Unlike other drugs, it is less likely to cause addiction or any substance disorder. It also has a low potential for withdrawal symptoms or tolerance. However, excessive and repetitive usage of drugs can cause psychological dependence, which can be harmful to one’s health. While DMT itself is not yet considered physically addictive, some individuals may develop a psychological dependence on the substance due to its intense effects. Its potential for abuse has made it necessary for each individual to question oneself- “Is DMT addictive?”. However, its addictive powers are less severe than other drugs. It’s essential to be aware of its usage and avoid over-dependence on the drug to live an everyday life. Let’s now discuss some of the effects of DMT in daily life.

Effects of DMT

Effects of DMT

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Various factors influence the effects of DMT on an individual. We asked DMT users- “Is DMT addictive?” They shared their experience of having fewer side effects than other psychedelic drugs. DMT is known to mess with the chemical serotonin in the brain and disrupt its regular functions. This disruption, in turn, creates a range of short-term physical and psychological effects, as discussed below-

Physical effects

  • Increased heart rate
  • Fluctuations in body temperature
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Changes in sleep quality
  • Dizziness and seizures
  • Diarrhea, nausea or vomiting
  • Chest pain and tightness in the body
  • Increased sensitivity to body sensations
  • Dilations in pupil

Psychological effects 

  • Visuals and audio hallucinations
  • Altered sense of time and space 
  • Feeling of euphoria and intense emotions 
  • Depersonalization
  • Distorted body image 
  • Encounter with spiritual experiences
  • Frequent changes in mood

Apart from the above effects, a report by the Drug Enforcement Administration states the possibility of respiratory arrest and coma can be a consequence of using DMT in certain situations. To escape such harmful effects of DMT, one can opt for an alternative option, such as DMT meditation

Is DMT addictive? Exploring the treatment options

The appropriate treatment for DMT addiction involves a combination of therapy, medications, diagnosis, and other holistic approaches, as discussed below-


Standard therapies helpful for treating DMT addiction include cognitive therapy, contingency management, and motivational interviewing. Research by the National Institute of Health shows that there has been a growing body of evidence since the mid-20th century indicating the therapeutic effects of psychedelics in treating addiction. These therapies develop coping mechanisms that help manage cravings and triggers.


During recovery from DMT, doctors prescribe medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications to cope with their symptoms. However, taking medicines per a medical expert’s prescription is essential during this phase.

Support groups

Participation in support groups helps individuals recover faster by providing a nonjudgmental space to express themselves fully. Group members can heal from their addiction by learning from each other’s experiences.

Holistic approaches

Some lifestyle changes and alternative therapies, such as mindfulness meditation and yoga, help accelerate the treatment effects. These help individuals manage their psychological state and develop a positive attitude toward recovery.


1. Is DMT addictive like any other drug?

Unlike other drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, DMT doesn’t necessarily cause any physical dependence. However, there is an ongoing debate on the question- “Is DMT addictive?” It does have specific short-term effects, which can cause psychological dependence. 

2. Is DMT legal?

The legal status of DMT varies for different countries. However, in the United States, it is considered a Schedule 1 controlled substance with the potential for abuse. 

3. What are the effects of using DMT?

The effects of DMT vary from individual to individual and depend on usage, form, etc. The joint effects of DMT include visual hallucinations, euphoria, and physical sensations.

4. What are the long-term effects of using DMT on the brain?

The possible long-term effects of DMT are the persistence of perceptual changes or flashbacks, also known as hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. It involves recurring visual disturbances or other perceptual disturbances even after the acute effects of DMT have reduced. 

5. Can DMT cause physical dependence? 

It circles back to the question- “Is DMT addictive?”. While DMT doesn’t necessarily cause tolerance or withdrawal symptoms on the stoppage of drug use, it may have some psychological dependence in some instances of intense use. 


In conclusion, we can’t state that DMT causes any physical dependence or withdrawal effects, but excess of it can impact one’s behavior and psychology. Therefore, consuming DMT responsibly and being aware of the potential risks is essential. “Is DMT addictive, or is it safe to consume”?. While it is not known to be addictive, frequent and unregulated use of the drug can lead to various side effects. Hence, it is advisable to seek medical help if DMT use is disrupting one’s ordinary course of life.

Can you get addicted to mushrooms?

can you get addicted to mushrooms

Psilocybin mushrooms have been around for thousands of years, but can you get addicted to mushrooms? People used these substances during religious rituals because they used to believe that psilocybin or  ‘magic’ mushrooms brought them closer to God. There was a belief that psilocybin mushrooms could help a mortal become immortal and talk to God.

However, magic mushrooms or ‘shrooms’ are popular today because of their hallucinatory and euphoric effects. Contrary to popular belief, magic mushrooms are not safe.

Despite being a naturally occurring substance, using magic mushrooms can make an individual vulnerable to many physical and mental health-related risks. Magic mushrooms come in over 100 species and varieties. All these mushrooms contain psychoactive chemical compounds that can make an individual ‘high’ and experience euphoria and hallucinations.

In this blog, we will explore the answer to the question: ‘Can you get addicted to mushrooms?’ along with other questions like: ‘How can you get addicted to mushrooms?’˘, and the consequences of mushroom addiction in the long and the short run.

Can you get addicted to mushrooms?

Can you get addicted to mushrooms?

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There is a high potential for abusing psilocybin mushrooms. Just because mushrooms naturally occur in the environment does not mean they are fit for consumption. Now, one might wonder, despite misusing these substances, can you get addicted to mushrooms? The answer is yes.

About 9.68% of the total adult population of the United States have used psilocybin mushrooms in their lifetime. Magic mushrooms can manipulate the neurotransmitters of the brain, causing them to produce abnormal levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain. This abnormal production of these feel-good hormones can result in an individual getting ‘high.’ With regular use of mushrooms, an individual can become addicted to magic mushrooms as their brain will become dependent on magic mushrooms to produce these hormones.

Since addiction to mushrooms is quite common worldwide, an individual who is addicted to magic mushrooms will typically showcase the following symptoms:

  • They will invest an unusual amount of time and energy into locating this substance.
  • They will start using this substance as a means to cope with the daily stress of their lives.
  • They will continue to use and abuse this substance despite being fully aware of the harm it is causing to their personal and professional lives.
  • They will develop a tolerance to this substance. Developing mushroom tolerance means that low doses of magic mushrooms will not affect an individual, and they will be required to use high doses to feel the same effect.
  • They will develop a dependency on magic mushrooms, meaning that they will need to use this substance to function normally.

More often than not, substance abuse disorder can open doors to various other mental health disorders. As a result, an individual will have to undergo treatment in a rehabilitation facility to get rid of their mushroom addiction and other mental health disorders that stem from addictions. Moreover, if an individual is addicted to or dependent on mushrooms, they will undergo withdrawal symptoms when they cease the use of mushrooms.

In the next section of this blog, we will discuss how can you get addicted to mushrooms.

How can you get addicted to mushrooms?

How can you get addicted to mushrooms?

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It is no secret that psychoactive substances like psilocybin mushrooms can cause dependency. An individual who is dependent on psilocybin mushrooms will also be psychologically dependent on these substances. They will think that they cannot function without these substances in their system.

Even in cases of psychological dependence, an individual can experience nasty withdrawal symptoms. They may be tempted to use this drug just to ease their withdrawal symptoms. In most cases, this gives birth to an addiction to magic mushrooms. Mushroom addiction is one of the most common addictions. Over 32.2 million people are abusing magic mushrooms to get ‘high’ worldwide.

Lastly, individuals who have experienced a traumatic childhood, immense stress, and friction with their loved ones and colleagues may be tempted to use magic mushrooms to ease their anxiety throughout the day. Since mushrooms are easily accessible, many individuals are tempted to use these substances to feel relaxed.

Complications of using psilocybin mushrooms

Long-term Consequences

Like any other substance, mushroom addiction can lead to long-term effects on the physical and psychological health of an individual.

An individual who abuses psilocybin mushrooms for a prolonged period starts getting nauseous and hallucinating even without these substances in the system. Since magic mushrooms can hamper the brain’s ability to naturally produce essential hormones like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, their brain starts functioning abnormally.

The effects of magic mushrooms or shrooms can be much worse when these substances are combined with other intoxicants, such as alcohol. The following are the long-term effects of using psilocybin mushrooms:

  • Tolerance to psilocybin mushrooms: With prolonged use, an individual can develop a dependency on magic mushrooms as their brain will get habitual to functioning with mushrooms in the system. This is a dangerous condition, as an individual can experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when they cease the use of mushrooms.
  • Weak immune system: Magic mushrooms attack an individual’s immune system over time. As we all know, the brain is responsible for the healthy functioning of the entire body. Magic mushrooms hinder the brain’s ability to perform regular functions and can weaken the immune system over time.
  • Physical and health complications: Individuals who abuse psilocybin mushrooms tend to experience chronic headaches and nausea, along with the complications of the digestive system.

Therefore, the answer to the question: ‘Can you get addicted to mushrooms?’ is not only a confirmed yes, but mushroom addiction can cause immense harm to the overall health of an individual.

Short-term Consequences

Now that we have understood the answer to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’, it is crucial to understand the short-term consequences of this substance as well.

Short-term effects of psilocybin mushrooms can manifest immediately after using magic mushrooms. One might think that the short-term effects of magic mushrooms will not be as dangerous as the long-term effects of mushrooms. However, this is not the case. The short-term effects of magic mushrooms can be fatal as well.

An individual can showcase the following short-term effects after taking psilocybin mushrooms:

  • Dilated pupils: An individual who has taken psilocybin mushrooms can experience blurred vision due to dilated pupils.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are one of the most reported side effects of psilocybin mushrooms.
  • Poor motor coordination: Magic mushrooms can affect the coordination skills of an individual and can result in poor motor function ability
  • Increase in heart rate: Psilocybin mushrooms can almost immediately increase an individual’s heart rate and blood pressure. People who are already suffering from cardiovascular diseases are at risk of a heart stroke.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you get addicted to magic mushrooms?

Yes, an individual can quickly get addicted to mushrooms as these substances impact the brain’s ability to produce essential hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

2. What are the immediate effects of psilocybin mushrooms?

An individual can experience an increased heart rate, difficulty in breathing, nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils, and blurred vision almost immediately after taking psilocybin mushrooms.


The mushrooms hold immense potential as a natural treatment option for substance abuse and mental health patients. We at Relevance Recovery help our patients with mushroom therapy treatments to cure mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Psilocybin mushrooms prove that not everything from nature is a boon. Psilocybin or magic mushrooms are responsible for ruining the personal and professional lives of many healthy individuals. These substances can result in many substance abuse disorders. Moreover, people who abuse magic mushrooms can experience health complications such as poor digestive systems, poor coordination skills, and cardiovascular complications. Psilocybin mushrooms have no certified medical use, and it is best to stay away from this substance.

Are Psilocybin “Magic” Mushrooms Addictive?

Addiction to mushrooms

Addiction to mushrooms is a growing concern in the United States, Mexico, and Central America. Mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, or shrooms, are commonly grown in these areas. As per research conducted by the United States Department of Justice, about 9.2% of high school seniors abuse psilocybin, like magic mushrooms.

People get addicted to magic mushrooms because this substance contains Psilocybin, which is a chemical compound responsible for hallucinations. As a result, adults and young adults worldwide abuse magic mushrooms for their psychedelic effects. People refer to the psychedelic effects of mushrooms as a ‘trip.’

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) of the United States has classified magic mushrooms or psilocybin mushrooms under the category of Schedule I in the Controlled Substances Act. Hallucinogens like LSD and heroin also fall under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Substances that are classified under Schedule I have a high risk of abuse and serve no medical purpose.

However, addiction to mushrooms is not the end of the world. Once addicted, an individual can undergo therapy to get rid of their addictions. This blog will discuss symptoms, effects, dangers, and treatments to cure mushroom addiction.

Addiction to mushrooms

What are the symptoms of addiction to mushrooms?

As per research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the United States, around 7 million adults in the country use some type of hallucinogen every year.

People who are addicted to mushrooms show the following symptoms:

  • Cravings for magic mushrooms
  • Unable to function normally without using mushrooms
  • Episodes of depressive disorder or anxiety without the use of mushrooms
  • A feeling of extreme happiness when finding mushrooms
  • Feelings of agitation and aggression without taking mushrooms
  • Isolating themselves from friends and family to use mushrooms
  • Going extra mile to get this drug

Some people become so obsessed with psilocybin mushrooms that they cease to do any activity that does not involve using mushrooms. This isolates an individual and impacts their mental health. It is no secret that people who abuse mushrooms tend to become dependent on it. But can you get addicted to mushrooms after years of abusing and being dependent on this substance? The answer is yes.

People are also known to grow their magic mushrooms for the sole purpose of using them recreationally. Like any other type of hallucinogens, mushrooms can mimic the feeling of happiness by overstimulating the neurotransmitters of the brain. As a result, an individual starts depending on magic mushrooms to feel happy. This dependence can lead to addiction to mushrooms.

How does addiction to mushrooms impact the mind and the body of an individual?

How does addiction to mushrooms

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As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) of the United States, psychedelic substances tend to manipulate the neurotransmitters of the brain. This impacts the brain’s primary communication function with the rest of the body.

Psychedelics like magic mushrooms can severely impact the brain’s function of producing hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These hormones regulate mood, hunger, sleep, basal body temperature, sexual interests, sense organs, and an individual’s digestive system. As psychedelics create an imbalance in the hormones of an individual, they negatively impact bodily functions as well.

Additionally, psychedelics like psilocybin mushrooms can also affect the human body in the following ways:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of muscle coordination and muscle weakness
  • Increase in heart rate and breathlessness
  • Dilation of pupils
  • Headaches and severe migraines

Magic mushrooms also cause hallucinations. People who use magic mushrooms recreationally may see or hear things that are not present in reality. It is a dangerous situation because while hallucinating, people cannot tell the difference between reality and their fantasies. For example, an individual who is under the influence of mushrooms might fantasize about having superhuman powers and jump from a high-rise building.

Now that we have understood the answer to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’, it is crucial to note that since every individual is different, so is their response to magic mushrooms. Some individuals might notice hallucinations after taking psilocybin mushrooms, while other individuals might experience panic attacks. Nevertheless, addiction to mushrooms is a dangerous situation, and one should steer away from psilocybin or magic mushrooms.

What are the treatment options for addiction to mushrooms?

What are the treatment options for addiction to mushrooms?

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Just like every individual is different, so are the types of dependencies, addictions, and treatment options to get rid of addiction to mushrooms. People who abuse mushrooms for an extended period require a different treatment from those who have abused mushrooms once or twice in their lives.

Additionally, factors like mental health before mushroom addiction, environmental stress, and biological vitals are also important when considering the type of treatment for addiction to mushrooms. Typically, any kind of addiction treatment program starts with a detox to flush out the last traces of the substance from the body. The detox will initiate the withdrawal symptoms in an individual.

In an in-patient rehabilitation program, certified healthcare professionals will keep track of an individual’s vitals during recovery. They can even prescribe medicines to ease the withdrawal symptoms.

Lastly, many rehabilitation programs also provide therapies like group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), individual therapy, and counseling to help the patient in the long run and prevent relapse.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the symptoms of addiction to mushrooms?

Symptoms of addiction to mushrooms include craving for this substance, constantly seeking mushrooms, avoiding social gatherings in favor of consuming mushrooms, and not being able to function normally without mushrooms.

2. Why is the addiction to mushrooms dangerous?

Addiction to mushrooms is dangerous as one can suffer from permanent brain damage from consuming magic mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms work by stimulating the neurotransmitters of the brain, which can result in the overproduction of certain hormones in the brain. With prolonged use, an individual will not be able to function without consuming mushrooms.

3. Is addiction to mushrooms treatable?

Yes, mushroom addiction is treatable. An individual can seek therapy, medical assistance, and rehabilitation to get rid of their addiction to this substance.


The mushrooms hold immense potential as a natural treatment option for substance abuse and mental health patients. We at Relevance Recovery help our patients with mushroom therapy treatments to cure mental health issues like anxiety, depression and PTSD.

However, mushroom addiction is a serious concern worldwide. Addiction to mushrooms can ruin an individual’s life. This substance is dangerous for the brain and the vital organs. However, if an individual is addicted to or dependent on mushrooms, it is not the end of the world. With professional help, one can conquer any addiction. With the advancement of medical science, there are various options for treatment for mushroom addiction. Tools like timely intervention by friends and family, support groups, and therapies can help an individual conquer mushroom addiction.

Psilocybin Mushroom Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

Are mushrooms addictive

People have been using psilocybin mushrooms since ancient times, but one of the central questions they have in their mind is whether are mushrooms addictive. Also known as ‘magic mushrooms’ or ‘shrooms,’ people use these psilocybin mushrooms for religious rituals and recreational purposes. Several scientists have conducted research that shows the truth behind these magic mushrooms.

In this blog, we have compiled easy-to-understand information related to psilocybin mushrooms. We have tried to include information that educates you about the impact of magic mushrooms, especially on the younger population, and the effect of these substances, along with the answer to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’

Mushroom Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, & Treatment

What Are Psilocybin Mushrooms?

Before finding an answer to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’, we must first try to understand what psilocybin mushrooms are.

Psilocybin mushrooms are also called shrooms or magic mushrooms. Like any other type of mushroom, these substances are also fungi. The only difference between different varieties of edible harmless mushrooms and ‘magic’ mushrooms is that magic mushrooms contain psilocybin, which is a psychoactive compound.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen. Hallucinogens are chemical compounds that cause alterations in one’s mind, including changes in perception, thoughts, and mood. Scientists have detected psilocybin in a variety of fungi species.

Like any other drug and hallucinogen, psilocybin can also cause a variety of effects depending on the quantity and dosage of magic mushrooms. In ancient times, magic mushrooms were used in certain religious rituals by some cultures.

However, these substances pose a lot of dangers. Therefore, psilocybin mushrooms fall under the category of Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. In the next section of this blog, we will discuss an answer to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’

Are mushrooms addictive?

Are mushrooms addictive?

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The short answer to the question, ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’ is yes. Magic mushrooms are highly addictive substances because they possess mind-altering effects. People who consume magic mushrooms can feel mild to severe psychological effects, depending on the dosage of magic mushrooms.

People refer to the euphoric effects of magic mushrooms as a ‘trip.’ This word is also used for other hallucinogens. The most mind-boggling thing about magic mushrooms is that different people can experience different types of ‘trips.’ The differences in the euphoric effects of magic mushrooms are due to the various varieties of mushrooms ingested. Therefore, it is pretty tricky to predict the kind of euphoric effects an individual will have after consuming magic mushrooms.

For example, one person might start hallucinating after consuming magic mushrooms, while the other person might feel drowsy and end up sleeping for 16-18 hours straight. Similarly, one person might fall sick after consuming mushrooms and end up in the emergency room of a hospital due to nausea and vomiting. At the same time, the other might feel numbness all over their body.

Coming back to the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive?’ as mentioned previously, yes, magic mushrooms are addictive. But one might wonder why are mushrooms addictive. The answer lies in the euphoric effects of magic mushrooms. People experiencing stress daily may crave a ‘trip’ after a hectic day or week. This is potentially dangerous as one can never be sure about how long the effects of magic mushrooms will last. Also, the same variety of magic mushrooms can produce different results, and users might want to keep consuming mushrooms till they feel the same effect.

In the next section of this blog, we will address the question: ‘Are mushrooms addictive for the younger population?’

Are mushrooms addictive for the younger population?

As per the data from the National Institute of Health of the United States, there are over 30 million users of magic mushrooms in the United States alone. The number will be more alarming if one looks at the statistics from the entire world. Out of these, the younger population is widely experimenting with magic mushrooms.

Psilocybin mushrooms are readily available in the United States. Various sources teach the uninitiated how to grow their magic mushrooms. This has led to the younger population experimenting with growing and using magic mushrooms. Therefore, the younger population is more vulnerable to other substance abuse disorders.

However, parents and well-wishers can address and combat this problem by educating the younger population about psilocybin mushrooms. If someone is experiencing stress and is overwhelmed, it is better to intervene in the earlier stages and seek therapy to learn healthy ways to cope with stress.

What are the effects of using magic mushrooms?

What are the effects of using magic mushrooms?

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Magic mushrooms work by manipulating the neurotransmitters of the brain. This means that these substances can produce unnatural levels of hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain. The primary danger of using psilocybin mushrooms is that a person might get addicted to these substances because their brain will start craving the effects that magic mushrooms produce.

Several factors can impact the effects of magic mushrooms:

  • The potency of the substance, i.e., psilocybin mushrooms
  • User’s history of using or abusing magic mushrooms
  • The user’s personality and the state of mental health at the time of using mushrooms

As a result, the effects of magic mushrooms can vary, depending upon the factors mentioned above. Therefore, using magic mushrooms is quite dangerous because one can never predict the exact outcomes of this substance.

What are the dangers of using magic mushrooms?

Many people are under the misconception that magic mushrooms are safe because they are ‘natural’ substances. However, this is not true. It is crucial to understand that just because a substance grows from the earth and is not synthesized in a lab, it does not make it fit for consumption.

Some varieties of mushrooms can be dangerous as they might contain high toxicity levels. Therefore, it is challenging to differentiate between the mushrooms that will produce euphoric effects and those that might be poisonous.

Since the effects of magic mushrooms are different for everyone, some people might develop an allergic reaction after consuming mushrooms. It is no secret that some allergic reactions might prove to be fatal.

Additionally, some varieties of magic mushrooms can trigger aggression in some people. There have been various reports wherein people have attacked those around them under the influence of psilocybin mushrooms.

Lastly, magic mushrooms can have severe repercussions on an individual’s mental health. Prolonged use of magic mushrooms can lead to episodes of depressive disorder, panic disorder, and anxiety attacks. This can impact an individual’s health, professional performance, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are mushrooms addictive?

The one-word answer to this question is yes. Mushrooms are highly addictive because they can produce euphoric effects after consumption, and individuals might want to chase these effects.

2. Why are mushrooms addictive for the younger population?

Magic mushrooms are more addictive for the younger population because these are readily available throughout the United States. As the younger population is more open to experimenting with different types of edibles, they are more prone to growing their magic mushrooms and consuming them.

3. What are the side effects of using magic mushrooms?

The side effects of magic mushrooms include euphoria, hallucinations, dilated pupils, headaches, nausea, vomiting, etc.


The mushrooms hold immense potential as a natural treatment option for substance abuse and mental health patients. We at Relevance Recovery help our patients with mushroom therapy treatments to cure mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

However, psilocybin mushrooms are a dangerous substance, and one should spread awareness and educate the users about these substances. Everything that Mother Nature provides is not safe for consumption, and magic mushrooms are no exception. The parents and the loved ones of young adults must be aware of the dangers of psychedelic substances as the younger population is more prone to falling into the trap of these addictions. Once addicted, an individual can undergo therapies and interventions to combat their addictions.

How Long Does Percocet Stay In Your System?

How long does Percocet stay in your system

How long does Percocet stay in your system is a vital question for patients to whom the doctors prescribe this drug. Percocet is a prescription drug that comprises the opioids oxycodone and acetaminophen.

This drug treats symptoms of fever and chronic pains. However, Percocet is highly addictive. Due to its addictive nature, doctors favor this drug only for a short period. As per statistics, over 3.3 million individuals are developing and becoming dependent on Percocet every year.

After using Percocet, individuals might experience similar effects to that of the narcotic heroin. The chemical composition of Percocet causes these euphoric and hallucinatory effects. As a result, many individuals might feel the temptation to use Percocet for its euphoric effects. However, the danger of using Percocet is that an individual can become dependent or addicted to this drug.

Additionally, when an individual ceases the use of Percocet, they might experience nasty withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, to stay safe from the side effects of Percocet, avoid developing a dependency and addiction, and safely withdraw from this drug, it is crucial to understand how long Percocet stay in your system.

What is the Percocet drug test?

A Percocet drug test can determine the presence of Percocet and how long Percocet stays in your system. Since Percocet is highly addictive, many drug tests screen for its presence in the system.

Addiction treatment centers and some employers mandate this drug test. Standard drug tests can detect traces of Percocet in your system. However, the human body also produces metabolites after taking Percocet. Some advanced drug tests can detect the metabolites generated in the body once an individual takes this drug.

How long does Percocet stay in your system and urine?

How long does Percocet stay in your system and urine?

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Many addiction treatment centers and employers prefer a urine test to determine how long does Percocet stay in your system because urine tests are affordable. Therefore, it is the most sought-after drug test method for detecting Percocet in the system.

Additionally, urine tests can also detect other substances like cocaine and heroin. The health of the liver and the kidneys can determine whether or not a urine test will successfully detect substances. The dosage of the drug consumed is also a crucial factor in urine tests. If an individual has consumed light doses of a substance, it might go undetected in a urine test.

However, if one considers an average, Percocet can be successfully detected in urine within 48 hours of last usage and after 2 hours of first taking the dose.

How long does Percocet stay in your system and blood?

Percocet stays in the bloodstream for the least time. The detection window for Percocet in the blood is relatively low, as it is only detectable for 24 hours. However, advanced drug detection kits can detect the metabolites produced by the body after taking Percocet. This extends the detection window to determine how long does Percocet stay in your system.

How long does Percocet stay in your system and hair?

How long does Percocet stay in your system and hair?

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The detection window for determining how long Percocet stay in your system is the longest with the hair follicles, making it a long-term test. Percocet is detectable in the hair follicles for a more extended period, i.e., 30 days.

However, the Percocet drug test kits can detect Percocet only if an individual uses Percocet heavily for an extended period. More often than not, Percocet drug tests can be inaccurate in cases where an individual has used this drug for the short term.

What factors affect how long does Percocet stay in your system?

There are quite a few factors that can affect how long does Percocet stay in your system:

  • Age of an individual: Individuals who are advanced in age feel the effects of Percocet more severely. This is because they have a slower metabolism, and their system can take longer to flush out Percocet from their bodies.
  • Period of use or abuse of Percocet: If an individual has abused Percocet in high doses for an extended period, they will experience severe withdrawal symptoms, and Percocet will stay longer in their bodies. This phenomenon is because, just like any other drug, Percocet can also build up in an individual’s body, and with prolonged use, this drug will stay for a longer time in the system.
  • Health of the vital organs: An individual’s health of the critical organs also determines how long does Percocet stay in the system. Vital organs like the kidneys and the liver determine an individual’s metabolic rate. Percocet will metabolize slowly if an individual has weak kidneys or poor liver function.
  • Metabolism of an individual: An individual’s metabolism ensures the amount of time it will take to flush out toxins from the body. A slow metabolism will take longer to flush out Percocet from the system and vice versa.

Lastly, several additional factors like age, hydration, physical health, and history of other medications also affect how long does Percocet stay in the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does Percocet stay in your system, and how is Percocet detected?

Percocet can stay in your system depending on various factors, such as age, metabolism, kidney and liver health, and a history of use or abuse. It can be detected with a urine test, a blood test, or a hair follicle test. Percocet can last in the urine for 1 to 3 days, in the blood for 24 hours, and in the hair follicle for up to 30 days.

2. Does Percocet make you sleepy?

Percocet is helpful in alleviating the symptoms of fever and severe chronic pain that might be a result of an illness, surgery, or accident. However, this drug has various side effects. An individual might feel drowsy after taking Percocet, so it can make you sleepy. Doctors advise individuals to avoid driving or other dangers that require focus.

3. What are the symptoms of a Percocet overdose?

Symptoms like nausea, breathlessness, slurred speech, memory loss, and coma can detect a Percocet overdose.


With the advancement of medical science, there is a cure for almost every disease, ailment, and discomfort. There is no doubt that Percocet is quite helpful and a godsend in helping patients who are suffering from severe chronic pains.

However, just like the two sides to every coin, Percocet also comes with its fair share of dangers and side effects. This drug is highly addictive due to its chemical composition. Therefore, even if an individual takes Percocet with the advice of a doctor, they should be highly cautious while taking this drug.

What Is Percocet? Addiction, Withdrawal Symptoms & Treatment

is Percocet addictive

Percocet is a prescription medication that helps patients relieve symptoms of fever and severe pains. But is Percocet addictive? As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug overdose took the lives of 106,999 individuals in the year 2021 alone. This number is alarming, as drug overdose can unnecessarily cut short the lives of healthy individuals.

More often than not, drug overdose is a result of drug addiction. Various factors contribute to drug addiction. Some of them can be eliminated easily. In this blog, we will discuss aspects related to Percocet addiction, like its symptoms, withdrawal, and treatment. We will also explore the answer to the question: ‘Is Percocet addictive?’

Why is Percocet addictive?

To understand whether or not Percocet is addictive, we need to understand what Percocet is.

Percocet is a prescription drug that helps relieve patients with fevers, chills, and extreme pain that may result from an injury, surgery, or any other medical condition. This drug is a godsend for those individuals who are suffering from chronic aches and are unable to lead an everyday life due to constant pain.

Percocet falls under Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act. Being classified under Schedule II means that although Percocet has acceptable medical use, it has a high potential for misuse, dependence, and addiction. Due to the dangers of addiction, Percocet is only available to individuals through a valid prescription from a certified healthcare professional.

Unfortunately, many individuals believe that Percocet is an acceptable means of recreation. They abuse Percocet by using this drug for getting ‘high’ and for its euphoric effects rather than for its actual purpose. Percocet is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Due to its chemical composition, Percocet can have similar effects as heroin, which is an illegal narcotic drug.

As a result, several people abuse Percocet for its euphoric and hallucinatory effects. Therefore, Percocet is highly addictive. But one might wonder: ‘Why is Percocet addictive?’ The answer again lies in the combination of Percocet.

Oxycodone and acetaminophen can suppress brain neurotransmitters, manipulating the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. It is no secret that these hormones are associated with feel-good factors and pleasure. As the levels of these hormones fluctuate, it impacts the brain’s ability to produce these hormones naturally. With prolonged use, the brain starts depending on Percocet to produce these hormones. This results in Percocet dependency and addiction.

Is Percocet addictive? What are the addiction and withdrawal symptoms?

Now that we have understood the answer to the questions: ‘Is Percocet addictive?’ and ‘Why is Percocet addictive?’, it is time we dwell further on Percocet addiction and understand the symptoms of Percocet addiction and withdrawal.

Understandably, misuse and abuse of any drug can lead to substance abuse disorder and addiction. When an individual is addicted to an opioid like Percocet, they will be tempted to use this drug even when they are fully aware of its negative consequences. The following factors can influence Percocet addiction:

  • Family History: People who have a family history of drug or substance abuse can fall prey to Percocet abuse disorder and addiction in their lives.
  • Biological Factors: Some people’s brains cannot produce natural hormones that make them feel good and bring them happiness, such as oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Once such individuals are administered Percocet, they are tempted to misuse it further in their lives to feel normal.
  • Psychological Factors: Stress is a part of everyone’s life, but some individuals do not cope healthily. As a result, people may abuse opioids like Percocet to feel euphoric, happy, and high.
  • Social or Environmental Factors: Some people grow up in environments and social settings where abusing drugs and substances is common. Such individuals are more prone to substance abuse disorders in their lives.

Percocet addiction can hamper an individual’s personal life, professional life, and social status. However, if an individual is addicted to Percocet, they will typically showcase the following behavioral symptoms:

  • Continuing to misuse Percocet even when they are fully aware that this drug is causing them harm
  • Misusing Percocet and taking it without a valid prescription from a certified healthcare professional
  • Withdrawing from the company of friends and family to use and abuse Percocet in isolation

Apart from the above-mentioned behavioral symptoms, an individual who is addicted to Percocet will experience the following physical symptoms:

  • Fluctuation in body weight
  • Inability to speak properly
  • Poor motor coordination
  • Breathlessness
  • Failure to comprehend their thoughts
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Lethargy and fatigue

Additionally, an individual who is addicted to Percocet may undergo psychosocial symptoms like:

  • Extreme mood swings
  • Aggression and agitation
  • Anger on irrelevant things

The worst thing about Percocet addiction is that when an individual is addicted to Percocet, they are stuck in the vicious cycle of using and abusing Percocet. This means that if an individual tries to stop using Percocet arbitrarily, they will experience nasty withdrawal symptoms.

What is the treatment of Percocet addiction?

Percocet addiction is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. This addiction can ruin an individual’s quality of life. An individual who is addicted to Percocet can benefit from the following:

  • Group Therapy: This type of therapy is conducted in a group session. In group therapies, individuals feel a sense of belonging and are assured they are not alone.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This type of therapy is phenomenal in helping patients understand the underlying cause of their addictions.
  • Medications: A certified medical professional will prescribe appropriate medicines to the patient to ease their withdrawal symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Percocet addictive?

Almost every patient who is prescribed Percocet wonders: ‘Is Percocet addictive?’. The truth is that, yes, Percocet is highly addictive. This drug is an opioid that affects an individual’s mood and behavior.

2. Why is Percocet addictive?

Percocet is addictive because the chemical compounds oxycodone and acetaminophen can suppress the neurotransmitters of the brain and manipulate the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain. With prolonged usage, the brain will depend on Percocet to function normally.

3. Are Oxycodone and Percocet the same drug?

No, Percocet and Oxycodone are not the same drug. Although both are pain relievers, Percocet is the commercial name under which Oxycodone is sold. The chemical compound oxycodone is present in several medications that offer pain-relieving benefits to patients.


Percocet is an excellent drug that can relieve the symptoms of fever and chronic pain. But is Percocet addictive? The answer lies in the chemical composition of Percocet. This drug comprises oxycodone and acetaminophen, which are highly addictive. Percocet addiction can wreak havoc in the personal, professional, and social lives of an individual. However, once an individual is addicted to Percocet, they can overcome their addictions with the help of therapies and interventions.

What is Percocet? Drug Facts, Side Effects, Abuse, And More

how addictive is Percocet

The question: ‘How addictive is Percocet?’ crosses everyone’s mind when they are prescribed this drug. For the uninitiated, Percocet is a prescription drug that gained popularity in the 1970s. This drug is helpful as a painkiller for mild to moderate pain.

Percocet is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen, which falls under the category of opioids. But how addictive is Percocet? In this blog, we will discuss more about this drug, its side effects, and the consequences of Percocet abuse.

What is Percocet?

how addictive is Percocet

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Before understanding how addictive is Percocet, we must first understand more about this drug.

Percocet is a prescription medicine that helps reduce fever symptoms and moderate to severe pain. This drug falls under the category of opioids. This means that there is a high chance of individuals becoming addicted to this drug.

According to the United States National Library of Medicine, oxycodone, acetaminophen, and Percocet are efficient fever and pain relievers.

However, due to the presence of oxycodone, individuals who take Percocet arbitrarily or abuse Percocet can develop opioid addiction. Additionally, the acetaminophen chemical compound in Percocet can suppress the brain’s neurotransmitters. This helps in stopping the brain from interpreting the pain signals. As a result, an individual can feel relief from moderate to severe pain.

Since Percocet manipulates and suppresses the neurotransmitters of the brain, it is a highly addictive drug. Due to its addictive nature, Percocet is classified under Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act. Drugs that fall under Schedule II are those drugs that are helpful in the field of medicine but also pose a high risk of abuse, tolerance, dependence, and addiction.

Therefore, like other drugs that fall under Schedule II, Percocet also is only available by a valid prescription from a certified healthcare professional. In the next section of this blog, we will discuss how addictive Percocet is.

How addictive is Percocet?

Percocet is a Schedule II

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We have understood in the previous section that Percocet is a Schedule II classified drug and is highly addictive. But how addictive is Percocet?

The severity of the question ‘How addictive is Percocet?’ can be answered by the statistics of the United States opioid epidemic.

In reality, Percocet can induce such effects in an individual’s brain that are similar to heroin. Due to its chemical combination, Percocet can make a person feel ‘high,’ light-headed, and euphoric. There is no doubt that Percocet is an excellent painkiller. However, due to its pain-relieving capabilities and its euphoric effects, an individual might be tempted to abuse Percocet.

When an individual abuses Percocet, they can develop a tolerance to it. Tolerance is a phenomenon in which an individual requires high doses of Percocet to feel the same effect, as they will no longer feel the pain-relieving effects of a low dose of this drug. This kickstarts the vicious cycle of Percocet dependency and addiction.

An individual who is addicted to Percocet will show the following symptoms:

  • Obtaining fake or forged prescriptions to buy Percocet
  • Going to different doctors to obtain prescriptions for Percocet
  • Buying Percocet without a prescription at higher rates
  • Stealing Percocet from other patients
  • Stealing prescriptions to buy Percocet
  • Stealing money to buy Percocet

The worst part about Percocet addiction is that it opens gateways to other types of addictions and substance abuse disorders. This is because once an individual gets a taste of the euphoric effects of substances, they may be tempted to experiment with using other types of opioids to experience the same results.

How addictive is Percocet in terms of side effects and causes of abuse?

Now that we have found an answer to the question: ‘How addictive is Percocet?’, let us understand its side effects and causes of Percocet addiction.

Like any other type of opioid, Percocet also comes with a lot of side effects. People initially misuse Percocet due to its euphoric effects. Some individuals also feel calm and relaxed after abusing Percocet. As a result, individuals abuse Percocet in the hope of escaping the daily stress and negative emotions of their lives.

Additionally, there might be some people who unknowingly become addicted to Percocet as a result of self-medication. People who are looking for relief from chronic pain and fever use Percocet to feel relieved from these symptoms. However, this can lead to dependence on Percocet.

Percocet dependence is a phenomenon where an individual will not be able to function without this drug in the system. Percocet dependence often leads to Percocet addiction.

Lastly, some people deliberately abuse Percocet because they are aware of its euphoric effects. They want a quick solution to escape from anxiety, stress, and depression. As a result, they use this drug to feel heightened pleasure. This can also lead to Percocet addiction and can hamper the mental health of an individual as well.

Abusing Percocet comes with several side effects like:

  • Fever, chills, perspiration and runny nose
  • Soreness of muscles and muscle spasms
  • Aggression and agitation
  • Anxiety disorder and panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps
  • Lethargy
  • Increase in blood pressure and heart rate
  • Mood swings and cravings for higher doses of this drug

Adhering to the dosage prescribed by a doctor can easily avoid the unpleasant side effects of this drug. Percocet will not harm an individual if they are strict about following their doctor’s advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Percocet?

Percocet is a prescription drug that helps in reducing fever and severe pain in individuals. However, since this drug is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen, this drug is highly addictive.

2. How addictive is Percocet?

Percocet is classified under Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act of the United States. This means that Percocet is highly addictive and can produce similar effects as narcotics like heroin.

3. Why is Percocet addiction dangerous?

Percocet addiction is dangerous as it can lead to health complications. Percocet impacts an individual’s breath and can lead to choking. An individual can also fall into a coma due to a Percocet overdose.


If you were wondering ‘How addictive is Percocet?’ before clicking on this blog, we hope that now you have found an answer. Percocet addiction can be treated with the help of therapies, interventions, and medications. A certified medical professional can detect withdrawal symptoms early and prescribe medicines accordingly.

Moreso, inpatient rehabilitation facilities can also help in overcoming Percocet addiction. These facilities detox and track the vitals of the patients so that they can quit Percocet abuse in a safe environment.