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How Meditation is Beneficial in Recovery

When you think of meditation, what comes to mind? For many people, the first thing that pops into their heads is an image of someone sitting in perfect silence with their eyes closed. 

While this is one common way to meditate, there are actually many different ways to do it. Read on to discuss types of holistic addiction treatments and how meditation is beneficial in recovery!

Relevance is a drug addiction and mental health rehab center in New Jersey. Contact us today to learn more about potential treatment options.

What is Holistic Addiction Treatment?

Holistic addiction treatment is a type of therapy that uses various methods to help individuals struggling with addiction. Typically, this can include meditation, yoga, breathwork, and creative activities, such as art or music therapy. 

Holistic treatments are designed to address the mental health, physical health, spiritual and emotional aspects of addiction.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that involves controlling one’s thoughts and feelings in order to reach a state of relaxation. 

It can involve breathing exercises, profound contemplation, or even just sitting in silence. Overall, the goal of meditation is to be entirely at peace and free from stress and anxiety.

How Does Meditation Work?

Meditation works by calming the mind and body, allowing a person to be present in the moment. It allows a person to gain control over their thoughts and feelings. 

This focus on being mindful helps reduce stress and anxiety and fosters healthier thinking.

Benefits of Meditation Addiction Recovery 

Now let’s take a closer look at how meditation is beneficial in recovery!

Reduce Anxiety and Stress

One of the most significant benefits of meditation in therapy is that it can help to reduce stress and anxiety

With the calming effects of meditation, it can be easier for a person to open up and talk about their feelings and thoughts. 

This can help facilitate better therapeutic conversations as well as more insightful healing.

Creates Acceptance 

Additionally, meditation can help to create a sense of acceptance for oneself. 

By being mindful and appreciating the present moment, it can be easier to accept oneself as they are. 

This can be a potent tool in healing from a complicated past or working through unresolved trauma.

Creates Self-awareness and Encourages Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Mindful meditation can help to create greater self-awareness and encourage healthier coping mechanisms, such as deep breathing and self-compassion. 

This can be incredibly useful for recovering from various addictions, including drugs or alcohol.

Creates Connection with Spirituality

Finally, meditation can help to create a connection with the spiritual side of life. 

Through meditation, it can be easier to tap into one’s inner peace and gain insight into purposeful living. 

This can encourage self-acceptance and an appreciation for life further.

What Are the Different Types of Meditation?

There are many different types of meditation, each offering unique benefits. 

These include mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, body and breath awareness meditation, and mantra meditation.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation focuses on being in the present moment without getting distracted by thoughts or feelings from the past or future. 

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Loving-kindness meditation is focused on cultivating feelings of compassion and kindness towards oneself and others. 

Body and Breath Awareness Meditation

Body and breath awareness meditation focuses on the body’s physical sensations while breathing deeply. 

Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation involves repeating a phrase or word to cultivate inner peace.

Which Meditation Works Best for Addiction Recovery?

The type of meditation that works best for drug and alcohol addiction recovery depends on the individual.

Everyone responds differently to different types of meditation, and it can be beneficial to explore other techniques to see which one resonates most with you.

However, mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation are both excellent options for those in recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. 

Mindfulness meditation can help to increase awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings, while loving-kindness meditation helps to foster compassion and self-acceptance.

What Should You Look for In a Meditation Recovery Center?

When looking for a meditation recovery center, it is crucial to consider its approach and specialty. 

Ensure that the program is evidence-based, utilizes best practices, and has experienced staff members. 

Also, look for programs that offer various services, such as yoga, mindfulness training, nutrition counseling, and relapse prevention.

How Can I Find A Meditation Provider Near Me?

Finding a substance abuse meditation provider near you is easy. The best way to start your search is by asking friends and family for recommendations or checking online reviews. 

Additionally, it can be helpful to contact local therapy centers as many have experienced meditation therapists on staff.

Does Insurance Cover Meditation for Recovery?

Often, meditation for recovery is covered by insurance. It is essential to check with your provider to see if they cover any specific services related to meditation. 

Furthermore, numerous therapy and wellness centers provide discounted rates or sliding scale fees for those in need of addiction recovery services.

Relevance Behavioral Health Offers Holistic Meditation Addiction Recovery Services

Relevance Behavioral Health offers evidence-based holistic meditation drug treatment services tailored to addiction recovery, helping individuals get back on their feet and lead healthier lives.

Our knowledgeable and experienced team of therapists is devoted to offering personalized care tailored to each person’s needs for those requiring drug or alcohol treatment. If you are interested in learning more about how meditation can help boost your therapy sessions and holistic addiction treatment in New Jersey, please contact us today!

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