Opioid Treatment Centers Explained

Opioid Treatment Centers Explained

Opioids (or narcotics) are medications prescribed by doctors to help reduce symptoms associated with chronic or persistent pain such as headaches or backaches. Some prescription opioids are also used by patients recovering from a surgical procedure or struggling with severe pain associated with cancer or chronic injury. Most of the opioid drugs people are familiar with are legal; however, a significant portion of the population struggles with addictions to illegally manufactured opioids as well. Opioid drugs, whether prescription or illicit, work by attaching themselves to the opioid receptors in the brain, on the spinal cord, and in other parts of the body. This connection blocks pain messages sent from the body through the nervous system to the spinal cord and the brain. When someone uses a prescription or illegal opioid, the pain that they struggle with becomes manageable. Prescription opioids are highly beneficial for pain management; however, the risk of addiction requiring intervention at an addiction treatment center is high. 

What Are Opioids? 


Opioids are a class of drugs that includes illegal substances (such as Heroin), synthetically produced opioids like fentanyl, methadone, and suboxone, and prescription pain medications such as oxycodone morphine, and hydrocodone, among others. All opioid drugs, whether prescription or otherwise, are chemically related. Each acts on the opioid nerve cells throughout the body and brain, producing feelings of euphoria, joy, and pain relief. Even prescribed use can lead to dependency and addiction. 

Suboxone and methadone are frequently used in an addiction treatment setting as part of medically assisted addiction detox and therapy. When used under supervision, methadone and suboxone can significantly help to decrease the intensity and severity of withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, they are also frequently misused, leading to severe withdrawal symptoms. 

How Do Opioids Work?

Opioids bind to opioid receptors, which are proteins that attach to nerve cells. These receptors are found in the brain and spinal cord, as well as in the gut and other body parts. When opioids bind to these receptors, they block pain messages that the body sends to the brain, which in turn sends pain messages back to the brain via the spinal cord. Although opioids are effective at relieving pain, they come with some risks and are highly addictive. Opioids are particularly addictive when used to treat chronic pain over an extended period.

What Are The Potential Side Effects?

Opioids may result in various side effects, including but not limited to:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Constipation
  • Nausea

Additionally, opioids can lead to more severe, potentially life-threatening side effects. An opioid overdose may manifest with symptoms such as:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Loss of consciousness

Abrupt cessation of opioid use can also give rise to withdrawal symptoms, including nervousness and insomnia. It is crucial to note that opioids have a significant potential for addiction. These substances influence the brain and body, creating a perception of the drug as necessary for survival. Over time, tolerance may develop, prompting individuals to seek higher doses for pain relief, ultimately increasing the risk of addiction. Disturbingly, over 2 million Americans engage in opioid abuse annually, and more than 90 Americans lose their lives each day due to opioid overdose.

Why It’s Important to Go to a Treatment Center That Understands Opioid Addiction

Regular opioid use, more often than not, leads to the development of tolerance to their effects. Tolerance inevitably leads to physical and psychological dependence. When you are dependent on a substance and stop using it, painful and unpleasant symptoms can develop. In the case of opioid addiction, these symptoms, also called withdrawal symptoms, can sometimes be dangerous and even fatal. These detox and withdrawal symptoms are key reasons why it’s essential to go to a treatment center that understands opioid addiction. 

When you stop using an opioid after developing a dependence on its effects, you will experience withdrawal. Some of the most common opioids that lead to withdrawal symptoms include prescriptions such as Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Codeine, and Morphine; illicit drugs like Heroin and medications used to help treat addiction, including methadone. Depending on the substance you use, withdrawal symptoms can begin in as little as six hours after your last dose. Common opioid withdrawal symptoms include sweating, gastric disturbances, anxiety, body aches, agitation, nausea, and vomiting. Other, more severe symptoms include delirium tremens (DTs), irregular respirations, irregular heartbeat, and seizures. 

The more severe symptoms related to opioid withdrawal make detoxing in a safe environment essential to your health and safety. It is not uncommon for someone addicted to opioids to attempt to detox on their own or “cold turkey.” Due to the unpredictable and often unpleasant nature of withdrawal symptoms, these unsupported attempts frequently lead to relapse as withdrawal symptoms eventually become too difficult and overwhelming to manage. In a medically supervised detox setting like Relevance, trained medical staff is available to guide you through the detox process and ensure your safety throughout while assisting with symptom management. Detox is often a difficult process, but it is the first essential step on the journey to sobriety. 

 If you are ready to start your journey toward overcoming addiction, reach out to the team at Relevance Recovery today to learn more about our opioid addiction treatment programs. 

Signs of Relapse to Look Out for in Your Child

Signs of relapse to look out for in your child

If your child has struggled with a substance use disorder for which they have completed treatment, maintaining sobriety often remains a challenge. Unfortunately, despite treatment and participation in ongoing therapy and support groups, the potential for relapse is always there. According to data provided by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and other similar agencies, as many as sixty percent of people who complete an addiction treatment program will experience at least one incidence of relapse on their journey to sobriety. Knowing and understanding the warning signs of relapse can help parents be better educated on what to look out for if they are concerned about relapse in their children. 

How to Tell if Your Child Has Relapsed

Addiction is considered a chronic disease, and like many other chronic illnesses, there is always a possibility of relapse no matter how long someone has been sober. Once relapse occurs, it can be challenging for your child (or anyone else) to get back on the road to recovery. Relapse is not a sudden event but a process. The process of relapse is generally broken down into three stages: emotional, psychological, and physical. 

Emotional relapse is generally the first stage of relapse. This stage often occurs before your child even considers using or drinking again. During this stage, you may notice increased negative emotions, including moodiness, anxiety, and anger. You may also see changes in behavior, such as a change in sleeping and eating habits. 

These are some of the earliest signs your child may be relapsing or could relapse in the future. It is vital to recognize the signs of emotional relapse as soon as possible as early intervention could potentially prevent actual relapse. The second stage of relapse is mental relapse. During this stage, someone in recovery is frequently torn. Part of them wants to remain in recovery, while another part wants to return to using or drinking. 

During the mental phase of relapse, your child will begin to think about using it again. They will also start to consider how to use it without anyone finding out. Once someone reaches this stage, it can be very difficult to stop relapse from happening. The final stage of relapse, physical relapse, involves actually using. Physical relapse occurs when someone who has been sober breaks their sobriety. Unfortunately, using just once can lead to intense and overwhelming cravings to use again. It is not uncommon for someone who struggles with addiction to believe they can use “just once” without it becoming a problem. Addiction never goes away entirely, and even though your child may think they can casually use, it is (almost always) not the case. 

What to Do if Your Child Relapses

The best way to overcome relapse is by taking quick action. It is essential for your child to recognize that relapse, while a setback, is not a sign of failure. Each incidence of relapse comes with the possibility of evolving into continued abuse which can result in severe physical and psychological health problems. Identifying and understanding why the relapse occurred can help identify gaps in your child’s relapse prevention plan. Most importantly, it is vital to seek comprehensive addiction treatment to help your child get back on track. During treatment, they will have the opportunity to gain further insight into their triggers and learn more about how to better manage triggering events, people, and situations to prevent another relapse in the future.

7 Warning Signs: How to Spot Relapse in Your Child and What to Do

Is your child on the path to a relapse? As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child struggle with substance abuse. It’s important to be vigilant and aware of potential warning signs to catch a relapse early and take action.

One of the key warning signs is a sudden change in behavior or mood. Keep an eye out for restlessness, irritability, or withdrawal from family and friends. Another indication could be a decline in school performance or involvement in extracurricular activities. Pay attention to any physical signs such as bloodshot eyes, unexplained weight loss or gain, or changes in sleeping patterns.

Don’t panic if you notice these signs, but take them seriously and seek help. With the right strategies and support, relapse can be prevented or intercepted at an early stage. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources available to assist you and your child. So, let’s explore the warning signs together and learn what actions to take to help your child stay on the path to recovery.

Warning sign #1: Sudden changes in behavior or mood

One of the key warning signs of relapse is a sudden change in behavior or mood. Keep an eye out for restlessness, irritability, or withdrawal from family and friends. Your child may become easily agitated or angry, displaying unusual emotional outbursts. They might also exhibit signs of depression or anxiety, which can be linked to their struggle with substance abuse.

It’s essential to approach these changes with empathy and open communication. Let your child know that you are there to support them and listen without judgment. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns, and consider seeking professional help if necessary.

Warning sign #2: Increased secrecy or lying

Another indication of potential relapse is an increase in secrecy or lying. Your child may become defensive when asked about their activities or whereabouts. They might start hiding their phone, deleting messages, or being unnecessarily secretive about their relationships and interactions.

If you notice this behavior, it’s important not to jump to conclusions or accuse them outright. Instead, approach the situation calmly and express your concerns. Let your child know that trust is a two-way street, and honesty is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. Encourage open dialogue and consider involving a professional counselor or therapist to facilitate productive conversations.

Warning sign #3: Loss of interest in activities or hobbies

A loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities or hobbies can be a sign that your child is struggling with relapse. Substance abuse often consumes an individual’s time and energy, leaving little room for other interests. If your child suddenly withdraws from sports, clubs, or hobbies they once loved, it could be a cause for concern.

Take the time to have a conversation with your child and explore the reasons behind their disinterest. It’s possible that they are feeling overwhelmed or facing challenges in maintaining a balance. Encourage them to seek healthier alternatives and provide support in finding new activities that align with their recovery goals.

Warning sign #4: Reconnecting with old friends or bad influences

One of the warning signs that your child may be heading towards relapse is reconnecting with old friends or bad influences from their past. Peer pressure can be a significant trigger for relapse, as individuals who have not fully embraced recovery may encourage your child to engage in substance abuse again.

If you notice your child spending time with old acquaintances who were involved in their substance abuse, it’s crucial to address the situation promptly. Engage in open communication and express your concerns about the negative impact these relationships can have on their recovery journey. Encourage them to surround themselves with positive influences and supportive individuals who will help them stay on track.

Warning sign #5: Neglecting responsibilities or slipping in school

Another warning sign to be aware of is when your child starts neglecting their responsibilities or shows a decline in school performance. Substance abuse can often lead to a lack of motivation, impaired cognitive function, and difficulty in focusing on tasks. If you notice a sudden drop in grades, missed assignments, or a lack of interest in school, it could be an indication of relapse.

Approach this situation with empathy and understanding. Talk to your child about their challenges and offer assistance in seeking academic support. It may be necessary to involve teachers or school counselors to create a plan that accommodates their recovery needs while still maintaining academic progress.

Warning sign #6: Changes in physical appearance or hygiene

Physical changes can also serve as warning signs of relapse. Keep an eye out for any drastic changes in your child’s appearance or hygiene. They may exhibit bloodshot eyes, unusual weight loss or gain, or neglect personal grooming habits. Such alterations may indicate that their physical health is being negatively impacted by substance usage.

Approach this situation with compassion and concern. Talk to your child about their well-being and encourage them to prioritize self-care. If necessary, seek medical assistance to address any potential health issues that may have arisen from substance abuse.

Warning sign #7: Desires or addictive habits returning

The return of addictive behaviors or cravings is a significant red flag that your child may be experiencing a relapse. They may demonstrate signs of obsessing over the substance, engaging in risky behavior, or exhibiting impulsive actions. These behaviors indicate a struggle to maintain sobriety and can be a cry for help.

If you are concerned your child may have relapsed, or you notice signs that indicate a relapse is possible, don’t wait another day to seek help. Reach out to the admissions team at Relevance Recovery to learn more about how our addiction treatment programs can help your child and your family. 

A Guide to Drug Identification: Xanax Pill That Is Blue

Picture of a xanax pill blue

Benzodiazepines, like prescription opioids or prescription painkillers, are prescribed by law and, when used correctly, can help people with certain conditions reduce the intensity of their symptoms. However, like opioids, benzodiazepines can be highly addictive and are, unfortunately, frequently misused. There is often widespread conversation regarding the impacts of opioid use and addiction throughout the nation. Let’s dive into the Xanax Blue Pill and its adversaries.

Despite producing significant effects as well, benzodiazepines often fall under the radar when it comes to prescribing scrutiny and the overall “war on drugs.” Although Xanax is considered a Schedule IV controlled substance in the United States and it is illegal to possess it without a prescription, incidences of illegal manufacture and sale continue to rise, leading to increasing struggles with dependency, addiction, and overdose deaths. 

What Is Xanax?

Xanax is the brand name for a commonly prescribed benzodiazepine called alprazolam. Xanax is frequently prescribed to help reduce the intensity and severity of symptoms related to panic disorders and anxiety. Xanax acts as a central nervous system depressant. This means it slows the activities of the brain and various neurological reactions throughout the body. Taking Xanax produces feelings of euphoria and relaxation similar to those of alcohol. 

Prescription Xanax comes in a variety of shapes and colors. Unfortunately, this makes it easier to illegally reproduce and difficult to identify “real” pills versus manufactured ones. Often, Xanax is distributed in different doses based on color. Brand name Xanax pills are recognized as white rectangular-shaped bars that weigh two milligrams.  Generic versions of Xanax are typically yellow, green, or blue. 

Is Xanax Addictive?

Due to its addictive nature, Xanax is widely regarded as one of the benzodiazepines most commonly prescribed in the United States. When taken as prescribed, Xanax has a rapid onset of action. In many cases, daily use of Xanax for a period of six weeks or more will result in dependency. Despite being considered a drug with a low potential for abuse (as a Schedule IV controlled substance), thousands of people seek treatment each year for Xanax addiction or dependency

xanax blue pill
xanax blue pill

What Does Blue Xanax Pill Look Like?

The B707 variant of Xanax bears a blue color, resembling standard Xanax tablets. Xanax bars come in various types, each distinguished by a unique identifier:

  • B704 pill: Encompasses 0.25 mg of alprazolam.
  • B705 pill: Comprises 0.5 mg of alprazolam.
  • B706 pill: Contains 1 mg of alprazolam.

Potential risks and dangers of Blue Pill Xanax

While Blue Pill Xanax can be beneficial for those who genuinely need it, there are potential risks and dangers associated with its use. It’s crucial to understand these risks to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

1. Addiction and dependence: Blue Pill Xanax has a high potential for addiction and dependence, especially when used for extended periods or in higher doses than prescribed. Abruptly stopping the medication can lead to withdrawal symptoms, making it essential to taper off under medical supervision.

2. Side effects: Like any medication, Blue Pill Xanax can cause side effects. Common side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, impaired coordination, and memory problems. It’s important to report any unusual or severe side effects to your healthcare provider.

3. Interactions with other substances: Blue Pill Xanax should not be combined with alcohol or other substances that depress the central nervous system. This combination can lead to severe sedation, respiratory depression, and even overdose. It’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider about any medications or substances you are taking to avoid potentially dangerous interactions.

4. Cognitive impairment: Blue Pill Xanax can impair cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making abilities. It is important to avoid activities that require alertness, such as driving or operating heavy machinery, until you know how the medication affects you.

5. Mental health impact: While Blue Pill Xanax can provide temporary relief from anxiety and panic, it does not address the underlying causes of these conditions. It’s important to seek comprehensive treatment that includes therapy and lifestyle changes to promote long-term mental well-being.

What to Do If You Find Out Your Loved One Is Abusing Xanax Pills That Are Blue?

First, it is important to note there are indeed legal and safe Xanax prescription pills that are blue. They are generally a generic version of Xanax. However, a far more dangerous and potent version of Xanax pills is that blue circulates outside of legal prescriptions. Blue footballs are a type of synthetic opioid-laced form of Xanax. These synthetic versions of the drug typically contain substantially higher doses of the active substance alprazole and are formulated with fentanyl. Fentanyl laced 

Xanax has been responsible for countless overdose deaths in recent years. 

While there are indeed blue Xanax pills that are, when taken appropriately, safe and beneficial, it is essential to watch out for counterfeit Xanax or a loved one who is taking Xanax without a prescription. If you find out your loved one is abusing Xanax pills that are blue, it is essential to reach out for professional help and detox services as soon as possible. Counterfeit Xanax pills or blue footballs result in thousands of incidences of medical emergencies and fatal overdoses each year. Unfortunately, even those who are taking Xanax as prescribed can end up struggling with a Xanax addiction. 

Treatment options for Blue Pill Xanax addiction

Treating Blue Pill Xanax addiction typically involves a combination of medical intervention, therapy, and support. The specific treatment plan may vary depending on the individual’s needs and the severity of the addiction. Some common treatment options may include:

1. Medical detoxification: Under medical supervision, individuals may undergo a supervised tapering off of Blue Pill Xanax to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risk of complications.

2. Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), individual counseling, and group therapy can help individuals address the underlying causes of addiction and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

3. Support groups: Participating in support groups, such as 12-step programs or non-12-step alternatives, can provide individuals with a sense of community and support during their recovery journey.

4. Lifestyle changes: Incorporating healthy habits, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques, can support overall well-being and aid in recovery.

It’s important to remember that overcoming addiction is a challenging process that requires patience, commitment, and support. With the right resources and guidance, individuals can regain control of their lives and achieve long-term recovery.

Get Help With a Xanax Addiction Today at Relevance Recovery

Addiction treatment programs like those are Relevance Recovery are proven to help those struggling with addiction. Specific therapeutic models, including behavioral therapies, alternative therapies, and peer support groups, reduce the psychological impacts of Xanax addiction. To manage the physical and emotional effects of Xanax addiction, it is safest to taper off Xanax in a safe and controlled setting. To learn more about Xanax addiction treatment programs, reach out to the admissions team at Relevance Recover today. 

Find Sober Living in Monmouth County, NJ Today

Sober Living in New Jersey

Sober living environments often serve as an excellent stepping-stone between addiction treatment and transitioning to your home environment after your treatment program ends. Regardless of their level of care (inpatient, outpatient, etc.), many treatment programs encourage participants new to sobriety to spend time in a sober living home. The period immediately following treatment is often challenging, and many struggle with adjusting to their newly sober lives. Sober living homes offer a safe setting between the highly supportive treatment environment and home. Time spent in sober living in Monmouth County, NJ, provides you the opportunity to practice and reinforce the coping skills you learned during rehab. Often, sober Living in New Jersey can make the difference between maintaining long-term sobriety and relapsing back to old patterns. 

Sober Living Homes Explained 

During rehab, clients are immersed in the activities of their recovery plan. Once outside of treatment, this changes, and in some cases, difficulties related to maintaining sobriety arise. In a sober living environment, residents are not confined within the home. For some, this newfound freedom is a blessing, yet it can increase the challenges of maintaining ongoing sobriety and avoiding relapse for others. The goal of a sober living home is to allow addicts new to recovery a safe space to ease back into “normal life” while slowly resuming day-to-day tasks and activities. Although sober living environments are far less restrictive than many treatment programs, there are still rules that must be followed, including curfews, mandatory attendance at group meetings, and in some cases, random (and required) drug and alcohol testing. Testing is used as means to ensure those living in a sober living home have not relapsed and or are not exposing others in the environment to substances and potential relapse triggers. 

What Do You Do When You Live in a Sober Living Home?

While living in a sober living home, residents can attend ongoing treatment and participate in support groups. In many cases, support groups take the form of traditional 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. In addition to peer support groups like AA and NA, residents staying in a sober living home often continue to participate in ongoing addiction treatment therapy either in a group or individual setting. Continued therapy helps reinforce coping skills learned in early treatment while providing a safe and supported environment to talk about fears and challenges related to sobriety. 

Another significant benefit to a sober living home is the opportunity to forge friendships with like-minded peers who will help reinforce the desire to remain sober. Unfortunately, when a former addict gets sober, it often changes their relationships with family and friends. Friends who do not share the same view on sobriety may increase exposure to triggering situations and relapse potential. Many addicts in recovery feel they need to distance themselves from family and friends to reduce trigger exposure leading to isolation and struggles with depression. Sober living homes provide a support system that can not only help residents avoid the isolation that comes with going directly from intensive addiction treatment back home but provides an environment of increased support during the early and often fragile stages of recovery. 

If you have recently completed addiction treatment or are participating in a treatment program at Relevance Recover in Freehold, NJ, talk to your treatment team about how sober living in Monmouth County, NJ, can help on your journey to long-term recovery. The support provided by treatment staff and peer groups can be of significant benefit during the often challenging early stages of sobriety. If you would like to learn more about our sober living community or our addiction treatment programs in New Jersey, contact the admissions team at Relevance Recovery today. 

How to Get off Fentanyl

How to get off Fentanyl

In recent years, the drug fentanyl has been a hot-button topic in the news, and not for a good reason. While fentanyl is used in medical settings as a pain reliever, misuse and abuse of fentanyl have become a leading cause of death among illicit drug users in recent years. Within the last year, many individuals of all ages have lost their lives to unintentional overdose by taking drugs “laced” with fentanyl. Many more, including well-known celebrities, have died by overdosing on fentanyl. It is a potent synthetic (artificial) opioid analgesic that functions similarly to morphine. Unfortunately, fentanyl is up to one hundred times more potent than morphine and, therefore, extremely dangerous when abused or misused. For many, fentanyl addiction is quick to develop and must be treated similarly to opioid addiction.

Understanding fentanyl addiction

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is used medically to treat severe pain, primarily in cancer patients. However, it is also produced illicitly and sold on the black market, where it is often mixed with other drugs such as heroin. Fentanyl is highly addictive and can cause significant physical and psychological harm.

Fentanyl addiction occurs when a person becomes dependent on the drug and is unable to stop using it, despite the negative consequences it may be causing in their life. Addiction can happen quickly, even after using the drug only a few times.

The dangers of fentanyl abuse

Fentanyl is a potent drug that is much stronger than other opioids, such as morphine or heroin. Even a small amount of fentanyl can be deadly, especially if it is mixed with other drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine. Fentanyl overdoses have become increasingly common in recent years, with thousands of deaths reported each year.

In addition to the risk of overdose, fentanyl abuse can also cause a range of other health problems, including respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Long-term abuse can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms if the drug is stopped.

Signs and symptoms of fentanyl addiction

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of fentanyl addiction is an essential first step in seeking help for yourself or someone you know. Some common signs of addiction include:

  • Taking more fentanyl than prescribed or using it more frequently than recommended
  • Difficulty controlling drug use
  • Spending a lot of time and money on obtaining and using fentanyl
  • Neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home
  • Withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop using fentanyl

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it’s essential to seek help from a medical professional or addiction specialist.

Detoxification process for fentanyl addiction

Detoxification from fentanyl addiction should always be done under the supervision of a medical professional. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and potentially life-threatening, so it’s crucial to have medical support during this process.

Detox can be done on an outpatient or inpatient basis, depending on the severity of the addiction. Inpatient detox is recommended for those with severe addiction, as it provides 24-hour medical supervision and support. Outpatient detox may be appropriate for those with milder addiction, but it may not provide the same level of support and monitoring.

How to Get Off Fentanyl

If you or a loved one struggles with a fentanyl addiction, it is crucial to seek addiction treatment immediately.  Fentanyl is a highly addictive substance. Regular use of fentanyl, either legally or otherwise, can quickly lead to dependence and tolerance. When someone is dependent on the effects of it, and they stop using, painful and unpleasant side effects often develop. The most common withdrawal side effects include anxiety, agitation, body aches, difficulty sleeping, sweating, gastric disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. Other, more severe symptoms can include delirium tremens (DTs), irregular respirations, irregular heartbeat, and seizures. 

The more severe symptoms related to opioid withdrawal make a medically assisted detox (MAT) program the best way to get off fentanyl. Detoxing from it in a safe and supported environment like Relevance Recovery is crucial to your health, safety, and overall treatment success. Many who struggle with opioid addiction and choose to withdraw “cold turkey” often fail, and relapse results as withdrawal symptoms become overwhelming and too difficult to manage. In a MAT setting, trained medical providers are available to support your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs through the detox process. 

Find a Treatment Center

Across the United States, there are thousands of addiction treatment centers providing comprehensive addiction treatment options. While all treatment programs strive to provide the highest possible level of care designed to help you achieve sobriety in a safe and supported environment, not all are equipped to provide equivalent treatment options. If your specific treatment needs include medically assisted detox, it is crucial to ensure the program you choose offers such services. When detoxing from this drug (or other opioids), a MAT program is essential to ensuring you are able to detox in a safe and supported environment. 

Treatment options

After detoxification, the next step in fentanyl addiction treatment is to address the underlying psychological and behavioral factors that contribute to addiction. This can be done through a variety of treatment options, including:

  • Behavioral therapy: This type of therapy focuses on changing behavior patterns and developing coping skills to manage cravings and triggers.
  • Medication-assisted treatment: Certain medications, such as buprenorphine or methadone, can be used to help manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.
  • Residential treatment: This type of treatment involves living in a treatment facility for a period of time while receiving intensive therapy and support.

Preventing relapse after fentanyl addiction treatment

Relapse is a common challenge in addiction recovery, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t mean failure. Relapse is a part of the recovery process for many individuals, and it’s essential to have a plan in place to prevent and manage it.

Some strategies for preventing relapse after fentanyl addiction treatment include:

  • Attending support groups and therapy regularly
  • Developing healthy coping mechanisms, such as exercise or meditation
  • Avoiding triggers, such as people or places associated with drug use
  • Having a strong support system of friends and family

Resources and helplines for individuals struggling with fentanyl addiction

If you or someone you know is struggling with fentanyl addiction, there are resources and helplines available to provide support and guidance. Some of these resources include:

  • National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP
  • SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1-800-662-4357
  • Narcotics Anonymous: https://www.na.org/
  • SMART Recovery: https://www.smartrecovery.org/
  • Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator: https://findtreatment.gov/

Participate in a MAT Program

If you or a loved one are struggling with a fentanyl addiction, participation in a MAT program is crucial to your treatment success. Deciding to enter rehab is a challenging but, in many cases, life-saving decision. If you are ready to begin your treatment journey but are unsure where to start, reach out to our Freehold, New Jersey admission team today. Not all treatment centers treat the same conditions. Therefore, it is critical to find one like Relevance Recovery which provides detox and treatment services specific to fentanyl (and other opioids) addiction. 

Our caring and compassionate treatment staff will work with you to create an individually designed treatment plan that considers your physical and psychological treatment needs and goals. Beginning with medically assisted detox and continuing through a thorough aftercare plan, the team at Relevance Recovery strives to ensure all aspects of your treatment occur in the safest and most supported environment available. If you are ready to get off fentanyl, reach out to the admissions team at Relevance Recovery today to learn more about how our MAT program can help you achieve your recovery goals.  

I Think I Have a Benzodiazepine Addiction-What Should I Do?

I think I have a Benzodiazepine addiction-what should I do?

Many are familiar with the difficulties experienced when someone is addicted to opioids (prescription painkillers), alcohol, or other drugs. Despite significant efforts to stem the impacts of the opioid crisis, the death toll continues to rise. However, another highly addictive class of drugs does not receive as much attention in the public eye. Like prescription opioids, benzodiazepines are legally prescribed and, when used properly, are beneficial in helping those who struggle with specific conditions mitigate and reduce the severity of their symptoms. However, also like opioids, benzodiazepines can be highly addictive and are, unfortunately, frequently misused. 

Benzodiazepines Explained

Benzodiazepines often referred to as Benzos, are a class of drugs commonly prescribed as part of a treatment program for anxiety and panic disorders as well as difficulties sleeping, muscle relaxation, seizures. In some cases, specific benzodiazepines are used as part of a medically assisted treatment plan for alcohol use disorder recovery. Drugs that fall into this class are prescription sedatives (tranquilizers) such as Ativan, Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium. Benzodiazepines have been prescribed to treat various conditions since the 1960s, and since that time, hundreds of different formulas have been produced. Today only fifteen are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration. 

How Benzos Are Addictive

When used as directed, benzodiazepines are generally highly effective. However, because the chemical properties of benzodiazepines work in the brain and body in similar ways to opioids, ongoing use or misuse of benzodiazepine drugs carries a high rate of addiction and potential for overdose. Benzodiazepines act on the central nervous system producing sensations of relaxation and sedation. Because of their sedative effects and helpful ability to reduce (and often entirely remove) feelings of panic and anxiety, the user quickly develops an addiction to happier feelings. This also results in addition to the substance itself quite quickly as the user believes they cannot “feel” the same emotions without the help of the drug.

In most cases, after three to four weeks of regular (even prescribed) use, a person will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the drug. To reduce the severity of withdrawal, most courses of treatment involving benzodiazepines are limited to no more than thirty-to-sixty-day increments. In instances of abuse and misuse, it is essential to seek comprehensive addiction treatment to ensure a safe and healthy detox from the effects and impacts of benzo use. 

What to Do if You Have a Benzodiazepine Addiction

The use of benzodiazepines, when used as directed, typically does not result in dangerous or life-threatening effects. However, the process of detoxing and withdrawing from benzodiazepines can be dangerous, especially when one attempts to “self-detox” or detox “cold turkey.” If you are ready to detox from benzodiazepines, it is essential to do so in a controlled environment, under medical supervision. In a medically supervised detox setting, addiction treatment professionals and medical providers can ensure you can detox safely from benzodiazepines. 

Depending on your needs, the team at Relevance Recovery will monitor your vitals continuously throughout the detox process and, in some cases, provide medications to help reduce the intensity and severity of your withdrawal symptoms.  Undergoing the detox process in a controlled setting is not only beneficial to your health and safety but to your ongoing treatment process.  Once the medically supervised detox is complete, you can transition directly to a therapeutic program designed to help you achieve and maintain ongoing sobriety.

Relevance Recovery Is Here to Help Set You Free From Addiction 

If you are concerned about your dependence on or addiction to benzodiazepines, it is essential to seek treatment as soon as possible. At Relevance Recovery, our highly trained team of treatment professionals will work with you to create a treatment plan uniquely designed to meet your treatment needs and goals. Let our experienced Freehold, New Jersey team help you take the first steps on your journey to freedom from benzo addiction

Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers Near Me: Relevance Behavioral Health

alcohol rehab centers near me

Chronic alcohol abuse leads to significant physical and psychological health impacts. Addiction is not a disease to be taken lightly as it does not discriminate on any basis. It can, and often does, affect anyone at any time. Choosing to seek addiction treatment will be one of the most difficult decisions someone who struggles with an alcohol addiction will make. Stigma aside, many fears and concerns arise from deciding to begin your sobriety journey. The withdrawal and detox process is not often easy, and symptoms related to alcohol withdrawal specifically can sometimes be severe and even fatal. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you go through the detox and withdrawal process in a supported environment at an addiction treatment center like Relevance Behavioral Health.

Alcohol Addiction

Signs That Indicate The Need for Alcohol Rehabilitation

Recognizing the signs of alcohol addiction is the first step towards seeking help and embarking on the path to recovery. While the symptoms may vary from person to person, some common indicators that suggest the need for alcohol rehabilitation include:

1. Increased tolerance: Needing more alcohol to achieve the desired effect or experiencing diminished effects with the same amount of alcohol.

2. Withdrawal symptoms: Experiencing physical and psychological symptoms, such as tremors, anxiety, sweating, and irritability, when attempting to quit or cut back on drinking.

3. Loss of control: Being unable to limit or stop drinking, despite efforts to do so.

4. Neglected responsibilities: Prioritizing alcohol over personal and professional obligations, leading to deteriorating relationships and job performance.

5. Drinking to cope: Using alcohol as a way to deal with stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions.

6. Isolation: Withdrawing from social activities and hobbies once enjoyed in favor of drinking alone or with other heavy drinkers.

7. Continued use despite negative consequences: Persisting with alcohol consumption despite experiencing negative physical, mental, or social consequences.

If you or someone you know exhibits these signs, it may be time to consider seeking help from a professional alcohol rehabilitation center.

The Importance of Seeking Professional Help for an Alcohol Addiction

Quitting alcohol suddenly (sometimes called quitting “cold turkey”) and without comprehensive detox, support can be dangerous. To ensure the best opportunity for success in treatment and recovery, it is essential to receive proper medical and mental health care while detoxing from alcohol addiction. Addiction is a disease unique to the individual, and therefore, no two people will experience withdrawal in the same way. Specific factors that may contribute to your particular symptoms and the severity of those symptoms include the duration of your addiction, the severity of your addiction, and if you had gotten sober before and experienced a relapse. 

While you are withdrawing from alcohol, your body and brain begin to adjust to the lack of alcohol in your system. As a result, body functions and systems that have been slowed due to the depressive actions of alcohol often become hyperactive or overactive. This can lead to potentially dangerous symptoms, including rapid heart rate, elevated body temperature, rapid breathing, sweating, etc. The most severe effects of alcohol withdrawal can include significant and potentially fatal symptoms such as delirium tremens (DT), shaking, headache, high blood pressure, seizures, hallucinations, nausea, and confusion. For these reasons, detoxing in an alcohol addiction treatment is essential to ensure a safe detox and a successful transition to therapy and recovery.

Factors to Consider When Searching for Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers

When searching for alcohol rehabilitation centers, it’s important to consider various factors to ensure you make an informed decision. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Accreditations and certifications: Look for centers that are accredited and certified by reputable organizations. This ensures that they meet specific standards of care and adhere to ethical practices.

2. Treatment approach: Different centers may have different treatment approaches, such as 12-step programs, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or holistic therapies. Consider what aligns best with your personal beliefs and preferences.

3. Success rates: Inquire about the center’s success rates and ask for evidence or testimonials from past patients. A high success rate indicates that the center has a track record of helping individuals achieve long-term sobriety.

4. Location: Consider whether you prefer a center close to home or if you’re open to traveling for treatment. Both options have their advantages, so choose what feels most comfortable for you.

5. Cost and insurance coverage: Understand the financial implications of treatment and whether your insurance plan covers rehabilitation services. It’s essential to be aware of any out-of-pocket expenses and explore available financing options if necessary.

By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and find the alcohol rehabilitation center that best suits your needs and circumstances.

Treatment Programs and Therapies Offered By the Top Rehabilitation Centers

The top alcohol rehabilitation centers offer a wide range of treatment programs and therapies to address the complex nature of alcohol addiction. Here are some common programs and therapies you can expect to find:

1. Detoxification: The first step in the recovery process is detoxification, where the body is cleansed of alcohol and other harmful substances. Medical supervision and support are crucial during this stage to manage withdrawal symptoms and ensure a safe detoxification process.

2. Individual therapy: One-on-one therapy sessions with a qualified therapist provide a safe space to explore the underlying issues contributing to addiction. Therapists utilize various modalities, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed therapy, to help individuals gain insight, develop coping strategies, and foster personal growth.

3. Group therapy: Group therapy sessions offer a supportive environment where individuals can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. It provides a sense of community, reduces feelings of isolation, and allows for shared learning and mutual support.

4. Family therapy: Alcohol addiction affects not only the individual but also their loved ones. Family therapy helps mend broken relationships, improve communication, and educate family members about addiction and recovery. It plays a crucial role in creating a supportive and understanding family unit.

5. Holistic therapies: Many rehabilitation centers incorporate holistic therapies to promote overall well-being. These may include yoga, meditation, art therapy, music therapy, and equine-assisted therapy. Holistic therapies address the mind, body, and spirit, providing individuals with additional tools for self-discovery and stress management.

6. Aftercare programs: Successful recovery extends beyond the initial treatment phase. Aftercare programs, such as ongoing therapy, support groups, and relapse prevention planning, help individuals maintain sobriety and navigate the challenges of everyday life. These programs provide continued support and guidance, reducing the risk of relapse.

These are just a few examples of the treatment programs and therapies offered by the top rehabilitation centers. Each center may have its own unique combination of services, ensuring that individuals receive comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs.

How to Find Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers Near Me

Across the United States, there are many treatment options available for someone looking to get clean from alcohol. Because of the challenges often experienced during detox, defeating alcoholism should be done with the support and guidance of medical professionals in a facility with a team trained to treat and manage alcohol abuse and severe withdrawal symptoms. In many cases, attempting to self-treat or “cold-turkey” withdrawing from alcohol may cause more harm than good. Participating in a medically assisted detox program will provide you with the greatest opportunity for attaining long-term sobriety. At Relevance Behavioral Health, our skilled and compassionate treatment team will support and guide you through the entire treatment process, beginning with detox and continuing through comprehensive aftercare planning. 

Why Choose Relevance Behavioral Health

At Relevance Behavioral Health, our addiction treatment staff understands the difficulties and challenges often experienced as you begin to detox from alcohol addiction. Our caring and compassionate staff will work with you to design a unique alcohol addiction treatment plan that addresses your physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. Using a combination of traditional and alternative treatment models, our addiction treatment plans are designed to provide the most holistic experience possible. In our Freehold, New Jersey intensive outpatient addiction rehab, we are ready to help you begin your sobriety journey. The first step towards a life free of alcohol is choosing to seek addiction treatment. The next step is to reach out to the admissions team at Relevance Behavioral Health to learn more about how our intensive outpatient rehab in Freehold, New Jersey, can help you. 

Spirituality and Addiction: How the Two are Related?

Spirituality and Addiction

Spirituality is a difficult concept to define. The idea of spiritualism or being spiritual often means and feels differently for everyone. The most common definition of spirituality involves a connection to a higher power or something greater than we know ourselves to be. For some, this is defined as God, The Spirit, Universe, energy, etc. How you define being spiritual will likely be different than someone else, which makes pinpointing a clear definition of what it means to be spiritual complicated at best. 

One thing is clear, however, and that is that addiction and spirituality are connected. There is a clear connection that is often visible between spirituality and addiction and recovery. When you are actively struggling with addiction, there is often a disconnect with what you deem spiritual. When you are working on your recovery, a form of spiritual practice is essential, and for many, a connection to spirit becomes a cornerstone of lasting sobriety. 

Is Being Spiritual the Same Thing as Being Religious?

Spirituality and religion are often spoken of in the same breath; however, they are not one and the same. Though all religions emphasize spiritualism as part of faith, it is possible to be spiritual without being religious or a member of organized religion. There are several ways in which religion and spirituality differ. First, while religion and religious practice are organized with “rules,” spirituality is not. Spiritualism is more of an individual practice centered on your sense of peace and purpose. Also, you don’t have to practice both. One can be spiritual but not necessarily practice or subscribe to a chosen faith. Conversely, practicing a set of religious beliefs does not automatically make you spiritual. 

Why Is Spirituality Incorporated into Addiction Recovery?

Depending on one individual belief system, treatment programs that incorporate a spiritual element may or may not be beneficial. A growing body of evidence indicates that spirituality can be a significant predictor of recovery and/or improvements in treatment outcomes. Also, focus groups have shown that incorporating voluntary spiritual discussion into treatment is desirable for many. The keyword is voluntary. Addiction affects everyone differently, and therefore, treatment must be designed to address each person’s unique needs. Where spiritual conversation and programming may help one person, they may not be beneficial or comfortable for another. 

Spirituality has been a component of addiction treatment for many years in some form. Alcoholics Anonymous, founded in the 1930s, is founded on the premise that addiction is a disease that affects the whole person (mind, body, and soul). Founder Bill W. believed people who struggled with addiction (as he himself once did) that those afflicted by substance were not only physically and psychologically sick but also “spiritually sick.” Consequently, seeking support from a Higher Power, whether God as defined in a religious context or a God of their own choosing, has been part of AA’s 12-steps and many similar programs for decades. 

All aspects of substance abuse treatment are highly personalized. Due to the very nature of addiction, they must be to ensure the highest possibility of success. Choosing to embrace spirituality and the path for incorporating spiritual options into addiction treatment is also unique to the person seeking help. Regardless of your religious beliefs (or lack thereof), there may be scientific evidence to indicate the ways acknowledging (spiritually) a higher power can support you on the path to recovery. Conversely, it may not, depending on your beliefs. These unique and individual differences related to spiritualism further underscore the necessity for individualized, target addiction recovery that focuses on the person, not the addiction. If you are ready to seek addiction treatment, reach out to Relevance Recovery today. Let our caring and compassionate treatment team work with you to create a treatment plan that meets your personalized needs and goals. 

The Best Way to Stay Sober From Drugs and Alcohol

Best Way to Stay Sober From Drugs and Alcohol

If you have decided to get sober, you have likely begun searching for the best addiction treatment center to help you realize your sobriety goals. While detox and comprehensive addiction treatment are the essential first step on your journey, it is important to know that the process doesn’t end after you successfully get sober. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by instances of relapse. As many as 60% of those who complete an addiction treatment program or get sober “cold turkey” will experience at least one instance of relapse during recovery. While these statistics indicate what traditionally occurs, they do not mean relapse is inevitable for everyone. 

How to Stay Sober From Drugs and Alcohol

Staying sober is a journey, not a destination. It is a process that requires ongoing effort and commitment. Although the process may seem overwhelming, attaining and maintaining lasting sobriety is an achievable goal. Below are a few things you can do to stay sober from drugs and alcohol.

Complete an Addiction Treatment Program 

Completing an addiction treatment program is one of the best ways to get and stay sober. Although many people try to quit drugs or alcohol independently (otherwise known as quitting “cold turkey”), and some succeed, quitting without support increases your chances for relapse. In some cases, trying to reduce or stop using your substance of choice will result in intense withdrawal symptoms. Similarly, the severity of your addiction contributes to difficult detox and withdrawal. At an addiction treatment program, you will have access to services such as medically assisted detox, comprehensive addiction therapy, and ongoing support while you begin your sobriety journey. The benefits and education provided during an addiction treatment program can provide the tools needed to stay sober. 

Join a 12-Step Support Group

12-step support groups as part of recovery and aftercare can be vital tools of ongoing support. Traditional 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or one of several other programs that have risen out of inspiration provided by AA provide you with an opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals who share or have shared similar struggles. At weekly meetings, other group members who may be at different stages of recovery can and will serve as mentors and supportive peers. 

Continue Individual Therapy

Therapy doesn’t not have to end upon the completion of an addiction treatment program. On the contrary, continuing individual therapy sessions with your mental health professional can help you continue to explore difficulties or bumps in the road you may experience during recovery. During ongoing therapy, you can continue to learn new coping mechanisms for triggers and develop a deeper understanding of how certain situations and environments further addictive behaviors. 

Benefits of Relevance Recovery’s Aftercare Program

The aftercare program at Relevance Recovery ensures you have access to an all-encompassing accountability program to help you stay on track during recovery. Participation in the aftercare program ensures you have access to a strong sober community and provides opportunities to participate in activities that can help you maintain a positive outlook on your recovery journey. On your own, recovery can be challenging. But, with a robust aftercare program, you are surrounded by a healthy support system to help you get through challenging times and difficult moments. Our aftercare program also offers monthly mixers, retreats, scholarship opportunities, training options, career development, and various other sober social activities. 

If you are ready to begin the journey to sobriety, don’t wait another day. Reach out to the team at Relevance Recovery today to learn more about how our addiction treatment program and comprehensive aftercare program can help you stay sober from drugs and alcohol. 

What Is Suboxone Used to Treat?

What Is Suboxone Used to Treat?

Depending on one’s unique addiction treatment needs and goals, medication-assisted treatment may help treat substance use disorders, prevent overdose and sustain ongoing recovery. Medication-assisted treatment uses medications such as suboxone in combination with counseling to provide a comprehensive, holistic treatment approach to addiction treatment. Research shows a combination of medication and therapy can enhance the likelihood of treatment success in some cases. The ultimate goal of medication-assisted therapy is to help those struggling with addiction (specifically opioid addiction) to attain full recovery. 

What Is Suboxone?

Suboxone is the brand name for a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid addiction. It has two ingredients: buprenorphine (an opioid) and the medication naloxone. When combined, these two ingredients help to reduce cravings for addictive opioids, including heroin, codeine, oxycodone, and fentanyl.

It may seem strange to use an opioid-containing medication to treat opioid addiction. Buprenorphine is an opioid that is more potent than morphine; however, its actions as an opioid agonist make it effective in addiction treatment. In the brain, it acts as a partial opioid agonist, which means it helps keep other opioids from affecting the brain by binding to the opioid receptors in the nervous system. This action helps provide a way for patients to wean themselves off opioids while reducing the effects of opioid withdrawal. While buprenorphine is unlikely to cause the intense sedation and euphoric effects seen with other opioid drugs, it helps to satisfy cravings and suppress withdrawal symptoms. 

Naloxone is a medication used in medical settings to reverse the symptoms of an opioid overdose. It also works as a total opioid agonist by blocking and reversing the effects of opioid drugs on the nervous system. Naloxone is included as an ingredient in suboxone to prevent people from overdosing on buprenorphine. It also helps to minimize the risk of relapse by preventing the addictive and euphoric sensations many experience when they use opioids. 

In the United States, suboxone is classified as a schedule III-controlled substance, which means it is a drug with medical value and benefit and a moderate risk for addiction. Because of this, only doctors who receive certification for the Department of Health and Human Services can prescribe suboxone to their patients. 

Is Suboxone Safe?

When appropriately used, suboxone is safe in most situations. As with any prescription medication, there are circumstances and conditions unique to the individual for which suboxone use would be contraindicated even in the addiction treatment setting. Long-term suboxone use can lead to physical and psychological dependence, so medical supervision is suggested. In addition to being safe, suboxone has been proven effective as a treatment for opioid addiction. 

A 2014 study found that suboxone was more effective than methadone in terms of reducing opioid drug use. However, there is some question regarding whether suboxone is equally as effective at keeping people in their treatment program. There are side effects and risks associated with suboxone use, and therefore their use should be discussed with your primary care provider, and any pre-existing medical conditions should be evaluated before beginning any course of medication. 

How Is Suboxone Used in Addiction Treatment?

As part of an evidence-based addiction treatment program, suboxone is used to reverse the effects of fast-acting opioids, including heroin and prescription painkillers. Suboxone can also be used during the initial treatment process and in the early stages of recovery to help manage withdrawal symptoms that accompany quitting opioids. When taken correctly, most people who take suboxone as part of a treatment program will not experience cravings or withdrawal. These are benefits to the drug that make it so useful as an element of the treatment process. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, medication-assisted therapy using suboxone may be helpful as a part of a comprehensive addiction treatment plan. It is essential to find a comprehensive treatment program like Relevance Recovery to ensure medication-assisted therapy is appropriately combined with therapy and ongoing support. Only as part of a holistic program will medication-assisted therapy provide the most substantial opportunities for treatment success. If you are ready to begin your journey towards freedom from opioids and would like to learn more about medication-assisted therapy with suboxone, contact Relevance Recovery today.