What Is an Intensive Outpatient in New Jersey?

intensive outpatient new jersey

Intensive outpatient programs are often the next step after completing an inpatient residential program. At an intensive outpatient program like Relevance Recovery in Freehold, New Jersey, you will have the freedom to resume daily life while continuing to progress through the steps of addiction treatment. For some, depending on the severity of your addiction, it may be necessary to complete an inpatient addiction treatment program before “stepping down” to an intensive outpatient program. For others, this type of program may be the best first step towards sobriety. 

Defining Intensive Outpatient Treatment

An intensive outpatient program, or IOP, is an addiction treatment program where you will attend addiction treatment several days each week for several hours each day. Intensive outpatient programs generally meet on weekdays and provide programs consisting of group therapy, individual therapy, and sometimes other services such as employment assistance. Most intensive outpatient programs last ninety days (although some can last longer) and include mandatory drug testing. An intensive outpatient program is more time-intensive than a standard outpatient program. 

How Is IOP Different from Inpatient Treatment?

The most notable difference between an intensive outpatient program and an inpatient or residential addiction treatment program is that those who participate in an inpatient program live at the facility throughout their treatment. Also, residential treatment programs offer various services, treatment options, and amenities that intensive outpatient (and traditional outpatient) programs typically do not. For example, an inpatient program provides meals, housing, comprehensive medical care, nutrition services, and recreational opportunities. Many of these services are necessary due to the structure of the program. 

Inpatient programs provide medical and therapeutic care on a 24-hour per day basis. During a residential program, medical monitoring, mental health supervision, and nutritional support are available in a structured environment away from known triggers. Inpatient residential programs can be more expensive than outpatient programs and require a time commitment away from loved ones or work commitments. 

Intensive outpatient programs provide the ability to live at home while receiving addiction treatment services.  Intensive outpatient treatment programs are traditionally less expensive and provide flexibility around treatment session scheduling. The most notable benefit of intensive outpatient programs may also be the most significant challenge. Throughout the duration of treatment in an intensive outpatient program, you remain integrated into your home community. This means it is not unreasonable to assume you will be exposed to the same people, situations, or events that both led to and further propagated ongoing substance abuse. There is also a notable lack of access to on-site medical care and detox services commonly available in an inpatient setting. 

Another difference between intensive outpatient addiction treatment programs and inpatient residential programs is duration. An inpatient program can vary from as few as thirty days to as long as six months. How long you remain in treatment will depend on various factors, including the severity of your addiction, if you need detox, if this will be your first time in an inpatient addiction treatment program, and overall physical and mental health. Intensive outpatient programs generally last for at least ninety days; however, some can last longer depending on your specific treatment needs. During an inpatient program, you will have a treatment schedule consisting of several hours of daily therapy sessions between three and five days per week. Most treatment programs consist of around thirty hours of in-person treatment each week.  

Intensive outpatient programs are generally well suited for those who have just completed an inpatient program. An IOP may also be recommended if your home environment is stable and supportive, your addiction is less severe, and you do not struggle with a co-occurring mental health condition. 

Benefits of Going to an Intensive Outpatient in New Jersey

Intensive outpatient treatment programs focus on helping you maintain abstinence while helping you develop healthy coping skills and a strong “sober” support system. Intensive outpatient programs in New Jersey use multiple evidence-based therapy models to help you achieve and maintain long-lasting sobriety. Our Freehold, New Jersey intensive outpatient program will work with you to develop an addiction treatment program that meets your unique treatment goals and aftercare needs. If you believe an intensive outpatient program may be right for you, contact us at Relevance Recovery to learn more about our New Jersey Intensive Outpatient Program. 

Prescription Pill Addictions Explained

prescription pill addictions

When the topic of prescription pill addiction is raised, the first drugs that often come to mind are pain killers and some anti-anxiety medications. Although some of the most common, these are not the only prescription medications people abuse. Other drugs, including opioids, benzodiazepines, sedatives, and stimulant drugs, also add to the number of annual prescription drug addiction cases. 

In 2017, data showed more than 18 million people over the age of 12 had misused prescription medications in the last year. That equates to approximately 6% of the United States population. Of those, only a small percentage will seek or complete addiction treatment, further adding to the number of people struggling with pill addictions nationwide. Although current data is not available, it is likely safe to assume, based on historical information, these numbers have only continued to rise over the last few years.

Are Prescription Pills Addictive?

If misused, prescription drugs can be dangerous, even lethal, depending on the drug and the dose taken. It is for this reason that they are only available by prescription and after a comprehensive medical evaluation. Unfortunately, over the past decade, the volume of prescriptions written for opioids and other prescription drugs skyrocketed, resulting in a significant increase in “available” drugs outside of legal prescriptions. 

Prescription medications are designed to target specific conditions; however, they also impact the body and mind in other ways. Opioids are generally considered the most addictive prescription drugs. When taken (even correctly), many of these drugs have mind-altering effects similar to those of street drugs. The effects on your brain are achieved through impacts on the neurotransmitters in the brain. Instead of sending pain or displeasure messages, the drugs block those signals resulting in feelings of euphoria and happiness over pain and displeasure. 

They also cause the build-up of other chemicals in the brain, helping you feel energetic and “up.” When abused, these drugs lead to an increase in the chemicals that cause pleasure. It is easy to become addicted to the feelings these drugs provide, and without addiction treatment, it can be challenging to achieve the same feelings of pleasure and energy without the use of substances.

Commonly Abused Prescription Pills

Unfortunately, many who develop an addiction to prescription pills do so after being prescribed the medication for a legitimate reason. Also, many teens and young adults believe prescription drugs to be “safer” than other drugs because a medical professional prescribes them; therefore, they are more likely to look to those substances for use and misuse. Prescription pill abuse often occurs in four categories of drugs.


Opioids or prescription painkillers are prescribed for the treatment of severe or chronic pain conditions. They are also among the most over prescribed medication classes. Common opioids include OxyContin, Lortab, Morphine, and Percocet.


Ritalin, a commonly prescribed stimulant, is typically prescribed to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy; however, it is also frequently abused due to the energizing effects it produces. Other medications similar to Ritalin include Concerta and Adderall.

Sedatives and Tranquilizers

Sedatives and tranquilizers are quite similar and generally produce the same intoxicating effects. This category includes sleeping pills, classified as sedative-hypnotics, and benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines or “benzos” are a form of prescription sedative commonly prescribed to treat anxiety symptoms or to help with insomnia. The most frequently prescribed benzodiazepines are Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Klonopin.

Reach Out to Relevance Recovery Today! 

Relevance Recovery in Freehold, NJ, can help you defeat your prescription drug addiction. Our unique, evidence-based, comprehensive approach treats the whole person rather than just one specific issue. Through this treatment model, we can ensure treatment addresses your physical and your mental health. You can contact us anytime with any questions you may have about prescription drug addiction, substance abuse, and how to begin treatment in any of our addiction treatment programs. 

Benefits of Sober Living in New Jersey

sober living in New Jersey

Sober living homes are frequently mentioned and integrated as part of a comprehensive aftercare plan. As essential as sober living options and opportunities are to many, they are sometimes overlooked or disregarded due to misconceptions around how truly beneficial they can be. 


What Are Sober Living Homes? 

Sober living homes (sometimes called halfway houses) provide a vital bridge between addiction treatment and a successful, sober return to one’s family and community. Once completing treatment and returning home, you may find that you struggle with adjusting back to the routines of daily life. A sober living home offers an intermediary recovery option that allows you to work with others on the lessons you learned during treatment. The truth is, spending time at a sober living home between treatment and returning home could make the difference between relapse and continued sobriety, especially if you lack essential support structures at home.

Sober living homes in Monmouth County, NJ are an excellent means of alleviating any fears or concerns you may have about going from the more heavily monitored treatment and therapy environment and jumping right back into your daily life. If you are new to recovery, a sober living environment may be your only option for a safe, sober living scenario if “home” consists of too many powerful triggers. 

Sober living homes are different from addiction treatment programs in many respects. At a sober living home, you are free to come and go as you please, much like outpatient addiction treatment programs. This allows you to slowly ease back into everyday life and resume your daily tasks and responsibilities while still having support. Although sober living homes are less restrictive than inpatient treatment, there are still rules that you are expected to follow, including curfews and attendance at group meetings. Please note that addiction treatment doesn’t happen in a sober living home. 

How Does New Jersey Sober Living Help With Relapse Prevention?

There are countless benefits to staying in a sober living home in New Jersey. Some of the most prominent include the ability to attend 12 step programs (or similar group-oriented support programs), creating essential structure, accountability, and creating a sober fellowship. A primary part of remaining sober that many tend to forget is creating positive friendships with those who share the same goals. This reinforces your ongoing desire to abstain from drugs and alcohol and support others to do the same. 

Isolation is a significant problem for many who are new to recovery. When you return directly home after addiction treatment, you may find that you lack the essential support structures to maintain your sobriety. You may find that friends or family either still use or do not understand the support you need to maintain sobriety. Consequently, many people new to recovery often isolate themselves from others, situations, or environments that could be triggering. While this may sound logical, it often leads to relapse. The support systems developed at a sober living home help you avoid isolation and provide an environment to support your recovery further.

Sober living homes help you slowly integrate into daily life routines while instilling healthy habits essential to relapse prevention. Programs at sober living homes can help you make amends with friends and family, find employment, locate safe housing, and adjust his sober living in an environment without the restrictions and controls found in addiction treatment programs. 

Beat Addiction With the Help of Relevance Recovery’s Sober Living in New Jersey

As part of a carefully designed aftercare plan, the assistance you receive while staying in a sober living home will help you further identify triggers that may entice you to use once you return home. It can also help solidify healthy coping skills that you learned during treatment. The benefits of sober living homes are essential to many in recovery. The time you may spend at a sober living home in New Jersey varies but can often be for as long as you feel it necessary to ensure long-lasting sobriety and recovery. If you are in treatment, talk to your counselor and treatment team about ensuring sober living is part of your aftercare plan. If you are considering addiction treatment, contact Relevance Recovery, and speak to one of our caring admissions counselors today. Our unique and individual treatment programs can help you get back on the road to recovery and a substance-free life.

Sitting on a Three Legged Stool

Imagine trying to sit on a three-legged stool.  Eventually, if you are unlike me, you may be able to pull it off and balance for a little while.  However, with any slight movement you will fall. It is inevitable. Successful addiction treatment needs to ensure that fourth leg is a vital component of the program.

The treatment community has finally embraced the traditional three-legged approach of physical, mental, and emotional treatment, yet continues to lack the fourth leg, spirituality. The physical level of self involves what we do; the mental – what we think and believe; the emotional – what we feel; and the spiritual – who we truly are.   Without spirituality in recovery, treatment is incomplete and our we will wobble and fall with only the slightest movement.

here are some ideas that can create an opening for a supportive, recovery-based conversation about developing spiritual competencies:

  • A good place to start is just listening to what people have to say about spiritual issues. As simple as this may sound, it’s a step many of us haven’t yet taken since we have not been open to having this conversation.

  • We can ask how people understand the words “spirituality” and “religion,” and if they view them as distinct. Listen deeply to what they say.

  We can ask what gives their lives purpose and meaning. For example, the following questions were developed for use by physicians: “What do you hold on to during difficult times?” “What sustains you and keeps you going?” “What aspects of your spirituality or spiritual practices do you find most helpful to you personally?” “Is there anything I can do to help you access the resources that usually help you?”2

  If people express interest in gaining spiritual competencies, we can describe some practices that many others have found helpful, such as: prayer, meditation, contemplation, reading inspirational books, journal writing, spending time in nature, taking part in religious services, or volunteering services to others.

  We can show interest in and provide support for their spiritual findings and encourage them to stay with practices that support their recovery, and to let go of those that don’t.

Spirituality is different from religion. It has less to do with organized approaches and is more individualized. There are several national polls reliably indicate what our society says and feels about spirituality. They say that spirituality is an important facet in the lives of the vast majority of Americans.

Why would we assume that people with who suffer from addiction are any different? Anything that can support the resiliency of the people we serve should definitely be our business. We must move beyond our ambivalence about including spirituality in treatment programs if we intend to provide holistic, culturally competent, and recovery-oriented services.

Individuality in Addiction Treatment

As a child, most of us were given a choice of a variety of toys to play with.  Some just for play, others to help us develop certain skills.  They would help us develop our hand-eye coordination, our understanding of colors and numbers, and even a basic working understanding of shapes.  As we grew older, those early teachings were expanded upon in school and maybe even through family members.  Our foundations were laid and built upon with more information.  (Follow me here as I make this connection…)

One of those early teachings was about shapes.  Simply put, we learned that the square blocks, no matter how hard we tried to make them fit, would not fit in the round holes.  To delve a bit deeper, we also learned (although we didn’t realize at the time) that there were circles, and rectangles, and stars as well.  Other shapes, all different and unique.  (ok, ok, I will land the plane)

Fast forward to adulthood. Currently our country is faced with battling the worst drug epidemic the world has ever seen.  Too many lives are lost every day to the evils of addiction.  Lives are lost, families are destroyed. The “just say no” campaigns and the “war against drugs” have proven to be simply not enough.  Treatment for addiction, if we really think and look at it, has not really evolved all that much. Six or seven decades ago, two men started a group which would be later known and generally accepted as the standard for successfully treating alcoholism and drug addiction.  Twelve-step programs were born.  Then came the therapeutic communities, which the Eagles sang about in “Hotel California” (research it, it’s true).   Oversimplifying a bit, there were a few other theories that came out until a few years ago, we as a country thought we arrived at THE answer.  Fueled by many things, including the prevalence of addiction, the reduction in stigma, and even the financial needs of big pharma and commercial insurance, addiction was now a Disease.  This was HUGE.  We, as a society, felt as if we have made headway, and we did.

Addiction was finally getting the attention it needed.  No longer was society turning a blind eye.  Treatment programs wanted to help.  Many still held on to the successful tenets of 12 step, while others looked to develop new ways of thinking about addiction treatment only to really all wind up doing very similar things.

If you have read this far, stay with me, my wheels are down and I can see the runway…

A few years ago, we started hearing the some catchphrases in the addiction field.  Good treatment programs were going to be “holistic”.  That even sounded cooler.  But what did that mean, unfortunately for many, even those with the best of intentions, it meant simply nothing more that eating granola and meditating to a CD for an hour a week in “meditation group” and then back into a step-group or Big Book meeting.

While that may work for the round blocks, putting them in the round hole, what about the squares, the stars, the triangles.  Where do we put them?  What do we do?  Now more than ever, our society has realized the differences in the needs of our population and treatment must mirror this.  Now more than ever, good treatment programs need to provide the square holes, the stars, the triangles and even the circles too.  Yes, treatment for addiction needs to be all-encompassing.  What we have done up to this point, has not worked.  Let’s do it differently.

Let us embrace the idea of differences and true individualized treatment whereby what works for one may not work for another.  Some may do very well in 12-step while other may do better in a SMART recovery meeting.  Further to the point, others may do well with medication and psychotherapy.  The idea is simple, good treatment programs must offer it all.  Meet folks where they are at, find out what it is will best help them, and do it.  Get away from treating from a “one-size-fits-all approach” to something truly individualized gives us all the best chance to succeed in making a difference.

Thanks for flying, you may now exit the plane.